Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3532: The most dangerous place

To be honest, the five-day sage of Jiuyou is also stunned. This time he came to bring a holy artifact, full of confidence, even if he met a real little saint, he was able to compete with it.

But now he doesn't dare to shoot, because he finds that the breath of the other person seems more terrible than Xiaosheng,

Who is this

He shed cold sweats. Ranwen Novel ????????? `???

If he is truly a saint, he can have a devastating blow to the nine yous, so he would not dare to shoot.

Others were also calmed down. The breath of the other side was too terrible. Even Qian Qianzhong and Yuan Mo were close enemies.

Lin Xuan was relieved. It seemed that the atmosphere of Montenegro was still effective. At this time, he received a voice from the other party.

Boy, do n’t let it go. I just breathe. I ca n’t beat that guy when you fight. You have to find a way to absorb some flames and then we leave.

Lin Xuan nodded and moved quickly,

It's unlikely that Hei Tu will continue to train here, but he won't miss this opportunity.

Since you can't stop here, take the flames away.

This kind of flame is very dangerous. He has seen many people try to absorb it before, without success.

Therefore, Lin Xuan didn't dare to carelessly, he directly used the big tower,

The power of the Great Santa Tower, even if these flames are strong, should not be able to break free,

After he took out the Big Sacred Tower, he absorbed the surrounding star flames frantically.

That kid is absorbing the flames. Although those people in the distance did not dare to do it, they saw the scene clearly.

They didn't believe it at first, because so far, no one has been able to successfully collect it, and in their opinion the other party should not be able to do so.

But soon, they found that the pagoda in the other's hand absorbed the flame quickly, without any damage at all.

how is this possible? The flame was taken away by the opponent.

Damn it!

Lei Qianzhong's face also became extremely embarrassed, and the people at Suzaku Palace were extremely ugly. At this moment, everyone's heart is bleeding.

They can't wait to rush over and unload each other, but there is such a figure as a demon that no one dares to act rashly.

At this moment of great anxiety, a powerful breath came down from the sky, and a true little saint came.

Similarly, the elders of the Jiuyou clan, this little saint came, roared in all directions, and killed the past directly.

Not good. Lin Xuan's face changed. Montenegro also said that he was going to leave.

As he said, he roared, and the formation of a quiet arrangement burst out, and numerous fires and attacks overwhelmed and collided with each other.

Immediately after that, the violent energy became chaotic. The entire space was filled with a raging flow of energy, and the starry fire was completely excited, filling every space in the void.

No, rewind.

For a while, the crowd was panicking, and countless people were fleeing frantically.

Xiao Sheng still wants to take a shot, but there is a lot of flame mountains in front of Pan, and he can't find each other at all.

In the end, the monstrous fire was really terrible. Even if they were holding a holy weapon, they did not dare to stay in it, and they just retreated.

After exiting, Lei Qian roared heavily, then the horrible flames, they could not stay inside, so they should have escaped.

Quickly block the entire Golden Fire Plain, block the entire Alchemy Valley, no one is allowed to go out, they must be seized,

The Suzaku Palace, the Bahuang Temple, and even the Jiuyou clan are all full-fledged actions to quickly block the entire Alchemy Valley. They will never let the other party run.

The Alchemy Valley is also in a panic at this moment. They also heard the news from the underground, and were immediately surprised.

Unexpectedly, there is another world in their underground, and there is a terrible starry flame inside,

It ’s just that no one dares to enter without permission, because the starry flames are completely violent, and Xiaosheng dare not stay inside.

At the same time, they also found that the entire Alchemy Valley was blocked. What seemed to be searching?

All kinds of news are flying.

It is rumored that there is a mysterious strongman who even confronted Lei Qianzhong and Yuan Mo at the same time, attracting the attention of countless people.

But the mysterious person disappeared, and some people speculated that it had been burned to ashes by the flames below,

However, Lei Qianzhong always believed that they should be able to escape by the means of the other party. The other party was now hiding somewhere and was about to leave quietly.

They wo n’t let each other come,

In the underground world, the starry flames are still extremely violent, and no one could have imagined that there are these two figures in such a terrible place.

Naturally, Montenegro and Lin Xuan.

Before that, Montenegro had completely activated the flames below, and the turbulent flow and Xiaosheng were forced to leave.

However, Lin Xuan stayed, and he protected himself with Da Sheng, so he could stay here.

This is very safe for the time being, so Lin Xuan made Montenegro look at the Black Earth, and he was preparing to practice.

The fire energy of this place ~ ~ is really too strong. The five elements he practiced originally had the power of the law of fire, so why would he give up this good opportunity at this moment?

In this way, Lin Xuan began to cultivate underground.

Time flows.

On this day, Lin Xuan opened his eyes, and there was a huge roar in his body, and the terrible Holy Power filled the world.

Various avenues of law also rushed out and surrounded him,

Breakthrough. The saint is heavy late! Lin Xuan was ecstatic.

Montenegro also took a breath, this breakthrough speed is too fast, this is the realm of saints,

How many people can't cross a small realm for hundreds of years, or even one or two thousand years,

But now, in a short time, the other party has reached the end of a heavy day, which is really amazing.

This is absolutely rare.

Of course, he also knows that there are two reasons for this. Few people can fight successively like Lin Xuan.

You know, before the other side, but the two saints who have defended themselves against the three major heavens, this experience is absolutely rare.

Once again, the power of this starry fire is really too powerful, and the rules contained in it are estimated that Xiaosheng is very envious.

Therefore, the combination of the two can make Lin Xuan break through again.

Feeling his strength, Lin Xuan smiled with satisfaction

Now encountering Lei Qianzhong, he promised to fight the other side to find teeth.

How is the Black Earth? He turned his head,

Everything is progressing well, but it will take some time to become a true holy weapon.

Hearing that, Lin Xuan nodded, and continued to use the big tower to absorb the surrounding flames, and then put the black soil into the big tower, ready to leave,

Montenegro, entered his crescent pendant,

Lin Xuan, quickly flew out. (To be continued ...)

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