Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3557: Who? Kneeling!

[Book Title: Chapter 3557 of the Inverse Sword Madness Who? Kneeling! Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Creation, Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Divine Confucianism, Taoism, and Holy Songs On the road to heaven, Wu Zundao, the invincible drug zun, you dare to challenge our Yun family. Those people in the distance, roaring wildly,

However, they dare not take action.

The performance of the dark red Shenlong and the North Demon had really shocked them. They could only wait for the strong family to come.

It's a big tone, who doesn't take my Yun family into view! Just then, there was a cold drink outside Wangbei Building, just like a thunder.

Suddenly, the middle-aged deacon and others looked ecstatic. It was great. The family came.

They looked at Lin Xuan and showed a sloppy smile, boy, wait and see how you die?

On the lower floors, there was a sensation, and then many people came up the mouth of the stairs. These people were very strong, and they were all saints. The laws of their bodies surrounded between heaven and earth.

Yun Shao, you came here in person. Middle-aged people, before Yang Tai and Fujiyama, looked so high,

But now, when he saw the young man in front of him, he humbled, like a pug, walked over,

Because the person in front of him is the young master of their family and his master.

Yun Shao even came! Yang Tai took a deep breath, and Tengshan was numb with scalp. Fortunately, he had previously misidentified his hoe, otherwise he would not dare to imagine the end.

It is the young master of the Yun family. Those around are even talking,

Lin Xuan, too, turned their heads and looked at the masked women.

The next moment, they froze, Yun Shao or something, they did not know, but a person next to Yun Shao, they felt a familiar atmosphere.

The rule of the other side's cultivation is very similar to that of Tianlei City. Can it be that this is Tianlei City?

That's right, he is from Tianlei City. This is, an old man in the rear, Shen Sheng said.

He is a saint in the late Mie Tian, ​​the strongest in the whole team, so he can see the identity of the other at a glance.

On hearing that, the woman frowned and put on a few veils.

It seems that she wants to better hide her identity, for fear that the other party will recognize it.

This scene surprised Lin Xuan a bit. What's going on? Can this woman and the other person know each other and don't want to be recognized?

He felt that this masked woman was full of mysteries,

In front of him, there were few clouds, and his eyes were around. He saw the masked woman at a glance, and Gao Gong next to him also saw it, with a light in his eyes.

It was just that the veil on the other side blocked it, and his soul probed.

So he couldn't see at all, what does the other person look like?

However, the other pair of eyes and the graceful breath on his body made him excited.

He hasn't spoken yet. The middle-aged deacon next to him said congratulations, Yun Shao, that kid, those guys, dare to challenge our Yun family.

Also hit us. Yun Shao, you must punish them well.

Humph! Yun Shao turned his gaze, and Gao Gong next to him also glanced, and then he didn't care, even with a full disdain in his heart,

The three heavy-duty people, just ants, don't care at all.

In the eyes of Shao Yun, with the same disdain, can you even solve the three heavy-duty ants, really a waste.

The middle-aged man was startled, hurried, kneeling on the ground, little cloud, don't blame me, the three of them are too evil, it seems that they are not ordinary heavy saints,

Hmm, what's so unusual, let a double heavenly saint go up and arrest them over me.

I want them to die

At the back, a saint came up, his breath was strong,

What, do you want to fight? The Emperor will absolutely tear you to pieces! The dark red dragon jumped out, and the North Demon looked dignified,

Lin Xuan didn't care

He shook the tea cup in his hand and said lightly, oh, dare you do it with me?

As soon as this word came out, the people on the ninth floor were dumb. This kid is too good, right now, facing so few clouds, so calm?

Even dare to threaten?

Yun Shao laughed too. Which onion do you count and dare to threaten me?

Boy, which family are you from? Don't think that in your world, you can shine your power, but in this blue moon star, Lao Tzu is the king!

You have to kneel in front of me! Understood?

Let me kneel, I'm afraid you don't have this ability. Lin Xuan stood up. Suddenly, the people around Yun Shao looked cold, his body slaying his will, and locked him firmly.

But he didn't care and stepped out. He came directly to Yun Shao. The distance between the two was very close.

This is, Lin Xuan's voice sounded again, but the person who opposed me did not end well.

Either they are destroyed, or they are destroyed. Even if they are lucky, they have to retreat for hundreds of years before they dare to come out.

Are you sure you want to be my enemy?

Who is this kid, such a big tone!

That's right, none of Yun's family is so arrogant.

Yun Shao also sneered, come here, take me down, I want to see, why is he arrogant in front of me?

The sage of the double sky shot, a law palm, grabbed Lin Xuan,

However, I stopped at a distance of one meter from Lin Xuan and couldn't move forward at all.

This scene changed everyone's face,

The double-faced sage changed his face, roared loudly, and the power of the law fluttered on his body, exerting all his strength ~ ~, but he could not move forward by one centimeter.

This scene scared him.

No, this boy seems to be an incredible person.

Yun Shao's eyelids were jumping wildly. He asked again, who are you?

Although he was shocked, he was not afraid. The saint of the Double Sky brought a lot of people around him. Even if one beat, a group of people would definitely die.

My name is Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan? Yun Shao hesitated and never heard the name. But the next moment, he froze.

Because, he heard the other side was sending him a message. I also have a name, Lin Wudi,

what? Lin Invincible!

Yun Shao shuddered, a shock appeared in his eyes, and the other party was the rumored Lin Wuji.

This is impossible!

After shock, he shook his head and didn't believe it.

But the next moment, he saw the other person's golden eyes, and through those golden eyes, he saw a picture.

First, Lin Xuan led the Langya star to attack the 6 martial arts.

In that war, countless strong men of the 6 martial arts fell and were forced to close the mountain for five hundred years.

The sight of the corpse, blood and sea made Yun Shao knelt on the ground all at once, and the sweat wet the ground.

This kneeling covered the entire ninth floor.

What's the matter, Yun Shao even kneeled! And to a stranger!

This is really incredible.

The people of Yun's family were also stunned.

Even Gao Gong was stunned.

Less clouds, get up!

what happened to you?

Those saints around, roaring wildly.

Some of them even stared at Lin Xuan.

Damn boy, you dare to blame Yun Shao, let me die!

In an instant, the three saints in the double sky acted,

(To be continued ...) 2k novel reading network

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