Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3570: resentment!

[Book Title: Chapter 3570 of the Reverse Sword God's Body! Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Creation, Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Divine Confucianism, Taoism, and Holy Songs The people above Wuzun Road, the invincible medicine Zun Galaxy, listen to, give up resistance, let us go up.

We may give you a way of life.

Dare to resist, kill without amnesty, directly sink you completely, let you all die in the mist of death.

Damn, this is really a group of demons!

People on the island, scalp tingling,

And the elders of the Galaxy, the law enforcement team, rushed out crazy, they looked at the foggy ship around, roaring wildly,

Damn, you dare to do something to my galaxy! Do you know the forces behind our Galaxy?

Huh, how about that.

To be honest, we didn't want to do anything to you, it was too much trouble.

But, unfortunately, your Galaxy is unlucky and has carried one person we want.

Now obediently hand that person over, and there may be room for discussion.

Who do we want?

After everyone heard it, they were shocked,

Did the Devil Star come to catch, alone?

Who is that?

Who can make the Devil Star move like this?

Yu Shihua, did you come out obediently and catch it, or did you keep crouching in the galaxy and let these people be buried for you?

The cold voice came over, and it sounded in all directions. The people around them were shocked.

what? Yu Shihuan!

They took a sip of cool air. Before that, they didn't know who Yu Shizhe was, but at the last banquet, someone personally explained to them something about the Second Star Realm.

This rain Shi Yan, but a little princess of the rain clan,

The Yu clan, but a large family in the Second Astral Realm, can be said that Yu Shizhen's status and status far surpassed them.

Is this Tianjiao really on the Galaxy? With them?

But what do they not know?

Who is Yu Shizhen?

Really, here with us?

Is it the Devil Star, wrong? Various rumors abound.

Lin Xuan frowned after hearing, Yu Shizhen? Rain fairy?

He remembered the masked woman for a moment. Before, he felt that the status of the masked woman was unusual.

He could, at once, be sure that Rain Fairy should be Rain Master.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, and it seemed that the other person had been spotted. He had a necklace that followed the Fa-rectification.

Sure enough, the people on Yu Shizhe's face were ugly after hearing it.

Little sister, what shall we do? Everyone looked at Yu Shi, even the people above the Galaxy were at a loss.

Yu Shizhen's face was extremely ugly. She looked at the Galaxy, and Shen Sheng said, is it possible to break through?

She knew very well about Devil Stars. It was really a group of demons, so he must not fall into the hands of those people.

Otherwise, his end may be more difficult than death.

OK, we try to break through.

The elders of the Milky Way took a deep breath and manipulated the formation. On the Milky Way, the unparalleled light bloomed into a streamer, and he wanted to break through.

Devil Star, sneer, still want to break through? act recklessly!

The surrounding islands emit a terrible light, forming a pillar of skylight, which directly bombarded the Milky Way.

The Milky Way trembled violently, and the formation was directly shattered. Even the land on the island appeared numerous cracks.

On the island, everyone was in a state of perplexity, and they called the sanctuary one after another, full of fear.

The formation is broken!

Instantly felt the cold and cold breath coming from around, the breath of death and mist,

They were all scared together, scared to move, t

If this falls into the chaotic sea of ​​stars, it will definitely be killed by the fog of death.

No, the elders of the Milky Way are also extremely ugly, their eyes are full of shock.

In an instant, their formation was smashed by others. There was no way. The gap was too big. The other party came. At least five foggy ships.

And they only have one ship, how to fight?

Rain fairy, we did our best, you guys should run away! There is some chaos here,

Yu Shizhang took over these, there was the earth of war, the armor made, and then took a deep breath and we left.

They went out.

Then, at the same time, there were many figures on the foggy boat around them, all of them were shining with light. Connected to their formation.

At this moment, they came through the rift to the Milky Way.

Like gods, they looked down.

Everyone listened to me. Don't move or resist.

Otherwise, sink you completely and let you die in the fog of no death.

If you cooperate well, we may give you a way of life.

After hearing this, all the saints who originally wanted to resist were all silent, and they did not want to die.

So everyone stayed in place and didn't move.

At this time, from the Milky Way, several figures flew out, it was Yu Shiyan.

Humph! You finally came out!

The strong man on the demon star around looked at the front and laughed coldly, others turned around, wanting to see the legendary Yu Shihua, who is sacred?

Lin Xuan, they turned their heads and looked down. At the next moment, they closed their eyes.

Sure enough, ~ they guessed it right, it was a masked woman.

Masked women, they stood in the void, whispered coldly, the demon star, you dare to catch me, aren't you afraid of the revenge of my rain clan?

Besides, you and I have no grudges.

Resentment? Not really, but who makes your bloodline special?

Our devil's son fancy you, so obediently go back to us, and enjoy prosperity and wealth ever since.

Other people can survive.

If you dare to resist, I promise you will die terribly. Don't think about running away, you can't run away at all.

Damn it!

Yu Shizhen's face was gloomy, and sure enough, these people came at the power of her blood.

The guardians around are also dignified, younger, sister, we are going to break through.

They knew that they would never fall into the hands of these demons, otherwise they would be dark.

So the next moment, these people whispered and went straight into the sky.

Ran? how is this possible!

How could Yu Shi escape from them?

Those around were stunned, and without the protection of the formation, how could these people stop the fog of death?

But the next moment, they froze, because they found that Yu Shih, these people, did not die, but went directly into the mist of death and disappeared.

What exactly is going on?

These people were stunned, didn't they say that the mist of death was terrifying?


The Devil Star sneered, and the armor of the chaotic soil was no wonder he ran away,

But did you escape?

Chase me!

These people quickly rose into the air, they were wrapped in matrix formations, and quickly pursued. At the same time, two foggy ships left and began to hunt. (To be continued ...) 2k novel reading network

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