Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3579: Edge!

Tai Chi is a kind of Tao. In the world of Tai Chi, the power of the world is divided into two kinds. ? Ranwen Novel ???????? `

A power called Tai Yin, a power called the Sun.

Among them is the power of the overcast, including all the power of the cold and dark. For example, this fog of death can seize life and is extremely cold, which belongs to the power of the Taiyin.

The power of the sun represents all masculine powers, such as flames and thunder, which belong to the power of the sun.

After Lin Xuan practiced Tai Chi at this moment, he could naturally switch and use the power of Tai Yin.

So these fogs of death no longer threaten him,

Instead, for the greatest help!

I rely on, boy, did you really succeed? Montenegro was also greatly surprised. This way you don't have to be afraid of the fog of death.

You can shuttle in the fog of death. It is estimated that other saints will scare urine when they see this scene.

Lin Xuan nodded, theoretically, but I have just practiced Tai Chi, and I ca n’t stay in the fog of death for too long.

But it doesn't matter. With my cultivation, one day I will have no fear of the fog of death.

The next time, Lin Xuan practiced Tai Chi in this death world.

While tempering her own **** body, while absorbing the power of the fog of death, there is a Tai Chi Yin and Yang picture in the body, which keeps spinning.

When can the law of yin and yang be condensed, the power will be even more horrifying.

In this way, Lin Xuan became more and more proficient in the power of Tai Chi. At first, he could only approach for a short time, and died in the mist.

With the cultivation, the time he entered into the fog of death was also extended, and even in the end, he was able to call some of the fog of death as a means of attack.

This made him extremely excited.

On this day, Lin Xuan is still practicing, but the world of death is there, and a light descends quickly.

After the rays of light landed, three figures were transformed, and the three figures were extremely embarrassing.

The light was painted as a scroll, floating in the hands of the masked woman. Many cracks appeared on that scroll.

The decree was broken, and we could no longer fly, we had to stay here first,

See if there is a way to fix it. Said the masked woman.

These three people are not others.

Yu Shizhe had a lot of guards around at the beginning, now there are only 2 left. In addition to herself, there is a little maid Xiaoqing.

The other, middle-aged woman. All three were wounded and pale, apparently chased and killed here.

The arrival of the three naturally attracted Lin Xuan's attention. Lin Xuan felt the three through the fog of death.

He was surprised when he saw the three of them, but it was the three of them.

The three of them came here,

How did Lin Xuan forget about Yu Shizhang, it is because of the other party that he lives here?

It ’s just that the other party was not hunted down by the Devil Star? Being able to escape is really incredible.

At first, Demon Star sent two foggy ships to chase and kill each other. What a combat power.

It was really surprising that the other party had fled.

He originally wanted to go out, but Montenegro said, something is wrong, he told Lin Xuan something,

This caused Lin Xuan to hide temporarily, instead of going out to meet each other, but observing in the dark,

After landing in the world of death, the three men began to look around and found that there was nothing left except the black trees.

No one, no monster, a desolate death,

After all, there is not much fog of death here, but it is safe, so the three are also hurrying to recover.

Yu Shiyun, swallowed some natural resources, Bao began to study the law in his hand,

Her exquisite face, extremely pale, obviously used a lot of methods, and could not repair the law of her hands.

Xiao Qing was also anxious at the side. The middle-aged woman didn't say anything, but her hands were hidden inside the embroidery gown, holding the method and not knowing what she was doing.

After a few days, a meteor fell from the sky to the world of death and turned into a figure.

It was a man in a black robe with an evil smile in the corner of his mouth.

When he came, he unfolded his soul and enveloped the whole world.

Got you. He turned into a streamer, quickly stunned, broke through the void, and soon came to Yu Shizhang in front of them,

Bitch, you can't run.

Damn, you're here!

The three of them were like enemies, and their faces were extremely ugly.

This is impossible! Xiaoqing screams,

Yu Shizhe also looked bleak, how could you find us?

Could it be that you are on us?

This shouldn't be true,

They checked it carefully, and the tracking method was destroyed by them long ago. Before that, she was indeed chased and killed by two foggy ships.

Her guards, her protection, fell, and eventually she escaped with the decree of her hands.

Then she lost her direction completely and came here.

Originally, she thought that the most troublesome thing was that the law in her hand was broken. I am afraid that she can only wait for the passing fog boat.

However, I did not expect that the people of Alcatraz could find her ~ ~ Coincidentally, or is there any other reason?

Run, why don't you run away? It really took us so long to let us spend so long!

Damn poison hand, don't go too far, what do you want! Yu Shizhengjiao drank, with cold light in her eyes,

We are not afraid of you now, only you are here. Do you think you can hold us?

There are three of us here!

What do I think, Yu Shizhen, aren't you asking it knowingly?

Do n’t you know the blood of your rain family? You are a little princess of the Yu family. What effect does your bloodline have, can you still use me to say it?

If I guessed right, you have n’t been with other men yet, just give me your first time,

That effect will definitely change my strength dramatically.


Speaking of which, he growled in the sky, his eyes glowing with fiery light.

It was the order of the crazy devil's son to catch you, to catch you and give it to the devil.

But now, I changed my mind. There are only a few of us here. I won't send you back to the devil's son.

I will train you into my woman.

Thinking of this, the poisoned hand is extremely excited,

With the blood of the Yu family, the kind that can nourish everything, can definitely make his body, soul, and blood go up to the next level

There may even be a breakthrough in the realm. This is a rare opportunity.

So he will never let go of each other.

Huh, you're a dreamer, Yu Shiji hummed coldly, Xiaoqing also said, we will never let you succeed.

We will fight to protect our little one, sister.

is it? You think so, others don't. The poisoned hand sneered,

What do you mean? Xiao Qing was angry, but Yu Shizhe changed her face.

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