Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3615: question

[Title: God mad sword against the text of Chapter 3615 asked: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Creation, Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Divine Confucianism, Taoism, and Holy Songs The next moment in the road to heaven, Wu Zundao Invincible Medicine Zun, she was stunned and came to the other side of the valley.

Soon she saw a pedestrian in the valley,

Why are you here? Shen Jingqiu frowned and said, because these people are the other people of the Ling tribe, she knows,

However, she and these people have always had a bad relationship? So she came by surprise.

You know, although she is also a spirit, and she is an innate spirit, she is an outsider after all,

However, the physical blood is very similar to the spirit race, even stronger than most people of the spirit race.

That ’s why she was named a saint by the spirit people.

As a result, the original young women in the clan were very jealous.

On weekdays, there are not many small moves, but Shen Jingqiu is very smart, and she is very strong, and there are many elders of the Ling tribe to take care of them.

So there has been nothing.

Now that such a big thing happened, they naturally came to gloat.

If you're lucky, maybe you can ruin Shen Jingqiu's reputation and let her fall from the position of maiden.

Sister, do you know that you did something bad? Said a voluptuous woman.

She is called Spirit Lotus. It can be said that the person who is most opposed to Shen Jingqiu in private.

Because she felt that if Shen Jingqiu didn't come, she would be the maiden, so now she thinks Shen Jingqiu has taken her place.

What trouble do I do? Shen Jingqiu was also curious, did this woman take the wrong medicine today? On weekdays, the other party dare not provoke her, how dare you come today.

My good sister, this news is too slow for you, right? Don't you know what happened in the past two days?

Ling Lotus is also stunned. She thinks that Shen Jingqiu has compiled countless reasons. I do n’t know where to get the other party at all.

Thinking of this, she even sneered. How did you die this time?

She laughed, did you know that it was spread outside, you are with a man, what husband do you call?

Tell me how much this is a stigma to our reputation.

Yeah, you do n’t know how exaggerated it is to wear outside. What ’s wrong with that person is only double sky, which is a waste.

He also said that the person came from the First Astral Realm. Can you hear what it means that such a person can be a genius?

As a saint, you all represent our spirit race, so think twice before you speak.

Most of the women who came were spiritual women. Of course, there were also a few men, all of whom were brothers or brothers of these people. They came to cheer.

At the moment they are also waiting, Shen Jingqiu gives an answer,

The valley is full of people, and many people have their eyes glowing. They use a variety of pupil techniques, array methods and weapons to watch.

What's going on, is there really a man hidden inside?

However, the people of the Ling tribe are here, and the truth should soon be revealed.

You are talking about this matter, Shen Jingqiu breathed a sigh of relief, what did she think was going on? Isn't it just these rumors?

On the same day, she and Lin Xuan didn't hide anything, and they also met Yu Siyu and others near Jiu Zhongtian.

Based on the relationship between the two parties, how could the people in the Yu family not make an essay, so it is unnecessary to think that all the news was released by the people of the Yu people.

For Lin Xuan.

I know all of what you said. Are there any other things for the older sisters? If you do n’t ask yourself to leave, I will still cultivate.

In the next two days, you must participate in the assessment of the Holy City.

Shen Jingqiu, without any mood swings, made everyone uproar,

However, those people in the spirit lotus have itchy teeth in their hearts. What the **** are they pretending to be? This is what happened. I see how you can be a saint.

The next moment, however, they stayed for a while. They found that Shen Jingqiu turned around, left, and walked towards the valley without paying any attention to their appearance.

Damn, they were ignored.

Damn, if it weren't for the ancestors covering you, you could have today. These people are crazy.

The men around them also sneered and came out.

Madam, what is this attitude, do we care so little about the reputation of the spiritual race?

Do n’t forget how we treat you as a spiritual race,

Shouldn't you, as a maiden, give something?

Yeah, or do you really hide a man in this valley?

If it does, let him out. I'll see what he did to confuse the maid.

Yes, that man has committed a capital crime, and we will smash him to death.

Don't be afraid, sir, you will not be threatened with us.

Shut up! Shen Jingqiu was angry. These people took a bite of waste and thought of themselves. These people could not even compare Lin Xuan's hair in her eyes.

On the opposite side, those people in Linglian were startled. They hadn't seen Shen Jingqi getting angry,

I did not expect that the other party was now a man, scolding them.

Suddenly, their faces fell,

On the other side, Shen Jingqiu said coldly ~ ~ You also know that I am the sage of the spiritual tribe, so be honest with me

As a maiden, I can represent the entire spiritual race, and I can also represent the spiritual race, and punish you!

So do n’t go too far, I do n’t want to do anything to you, but it ’s really urgent, do n’t blame me.

Shen Jingqiu knows that she is a foreigner, so even if she is a saint, she has never angered anyone on weekdays.

Her goal is very simple, that is, to practice, follow Lin Xuan's steps, and set off towards the peak of martial arts together.

But now these people are insulting Lin Xuan. She can't stand it. Even if her ancestors blame them, she still needs to teach them well today.

On the opposite side, the people of Ling Lotus were equally stunned. They couldn't think of it, and Shen Jingqiu became angry.

And it seems that it seems ready to fight

For a moment, they were also stunned in their hearts. They had never seen the maiden like this.

Qiuer, why are you so slow before you pick the petals? I've cooked this spirit wine, I'll wait for you to drink it,

Suddenly there was a sound in the valley,

As soon as this voice came out, the spirit lotus was shocked, and the people in the surrounding valleys were completely stunned.


There were still people in the valley, and it was a man's voice.

Digging a sky, a man is really hidden in this valley.

The news exploded, and their brains were blank.

To be honest, they thought it was just a legend, they were ready to come and suppress Shen Jingqiu.

But I didn't expect them to see it with their own eyes!

Shen Jingqiu was really with other men.

Who, is it rumored, is it a waste?

They looked carefully into the valley, and soon they saw a man coming over the valley. 2k novel reading network

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