Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3626: Battle of the rules!

Do you really have to compare the rules?

Everyone feels crazy, they ca n’t think of Lin Xuan really going to fight, will this kid be too inflated?

Hey yes, if he used pupil technique to deal with Wang Xiaofeng, then he would definitely win, but now the rule of light competition, he really does not have much chance of winning.

Sure enough, Wang Xiaofeng raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. It seems that you still don't know the height and height of the sky. Do you think your pupils are strong?

Today I tell you, who is the king in the realm of laws?

Speaking of this, she put a terrible breath on her body again, water blue frost, quickly diffused, and the whole world became a frozen world.

Everyone hiccups, even if these people are saints, they can't carry it, Wang Xiaofeng's ice rule.

I do n’t know what that kid is doing.

Everyone backed out of the sanctuary to defend, and at the same time they were puzzled.

They have seen Lin Xuan ’s pupils, and they have seen each other ’s body before, but they have not seen Lin Xuan ’s rules.

So now they are very curious, what is the law of Lin Xuan,

In the face of such a terrible ice rule, Lin Xuan's expression was extremely calm. To be honest, this rule can be blocked by his **** body.

But he said, this time it is no better than anything else, it is better than the law.

So, with a wave of your hand, the boundless rule flew out, beating between heaven and earth.

Flame shards fluttered and bloomed, blocking the ice in front. Everyone took a breath, which was the law of fire.

This kid is a saint of fire.

No wonder he dares to take on the battle. Ice and fire are two opposite rules, whichever is more powerful.

Do you think you can restrain me? Wang Xiaofeng snorted, and his rules were brighter.

Even, there are blue lines all over her, like a dream, making the power of the law soar.

It's bad, it's the power of blood, this Wang Xiaofeng is really angry.

As soon as he came up, he exerted the power of bleeding. He wanted to take revenge on Shuitiancheng.

Yes, Wang Xiaofeng is the pride of the Bingli family, and the blood veins naturally contain the breath of ice, so the power of blood veins and the law of ice can make the power of this ice double

The saints around you were shaking, as if to be frozen, and even their souls became numb.


The terrible law of ice, combined with the power of the blood, turned into a storm, sweeping forward,

For a moment, those flames were completely frozen into ice and fell to the ground.

When I saw this scene, Wang Xiaofengjiao sang. This time, how do I see you fight?

When I was finished, the boy couldn't stop it.

Hey, how could his flame power stop this ice rule,

Has the power of Han Hanbing increased?

I watched, I was exposed to countless frosts around me, Lin Xuan was also surprised.

Is a bit interesting,

He smiled a little, his palm waved, and the flame suddenly throbbed again,

This time, it was not a simple flame, but a five-color light, and the Five Elements Law came out completely.

As soon as the Five Elements Rule came out, with the power of being in harmony with each other, a five-form return was formed, surrounding Lin Xuan.

The ice around me can no longer move forward.

What's the matter, Frozen stopped?

What did the kid do?

The five-colored light is not his magic weapon?

Hey, isn't that the equivalent of a foul?

Everyone talked a lot, but a saint exclaimed that it was not a five-element magic weapon, it was a five-element law.

What this boy realized was actually the Five Elements Rule.

What, he realized the five elements. All those around were stunned,

They couldn't think of Lin Xuan's understanding of this mixed law.

You know, this is really incredible. Under a group of situations, it is normal to understand many rules.

Like Wang Xiaofeng, who only comprehends the rules of ice, but once it ’s cultivated,

Other general saints will understand several kinds of rules, but these kinds of rules exist separately.

And like Lin Xuan, the Five Elements Rule is a hybrid rule, because the Five Elements can be combined into one.

In addition, there are laws of yin and yang, and so on.

I have a complementary effect. It is definitely more terrible than the other single-row rules.

But it ’s much more difficult to cultivate.

Few people can make it.

They didn't expect that now, the other party actually practiced this kind of mixing rule.

This is really incredible. The boy first had superb pupil technique, and there was even a 5-shape rule.

到底 How did he do it?

Is it possible that he is not a young man, but an old monster who has lived for five or six thousand years?

Wang Xiaofeng was also shocked. Is the Five Elements Rule?

Her face turned extremely ugly. If the other party is the law of fire, then she has 100% certainty to win.

But the Five Elements Rule is not necessarily.

Taking a sigh of relief, Wang Xiaofeng made some decision. What about the five-form rule? I will defeat you this time, and I will take revenge.

Hold her, a white jade-like face with a touch of coldness, the next moment, the ice in her body broke out again.

Xuan Xingming ice field.

These rules of ice formed a small world, directly covering Lin Xuan.

And, a cold voice came out, this is my world in my field, I can control everything at will,

冰 I'll freeze you today,

As her voice fell, the icy ice swept through.

Is this Wang Xiaofeng's sanctuary? It seems to be really desperate.

The people outside were shocked, and Lin Xuan in the sanctuary had a serious look. Has he taken out of the sanctuary, then fight with you all out,

Buzz buzz!

He stretched out his palm, and the Five Elements Law quickly circled in his hand, forming a handle, a sword of laws.

A terrible breath, permeated from above the sword of the law,

Bad, Wang Xiaofeng, instantly changed his face,

This breath ~ ~ is too much threat to her, so she roared and pushed her hands,

A storm of storms, with rules, like dreams, rushed over like an ice phoenix,

This blow is really terrible, so that the saints around them are almost fainted.

They can't stop it at all, I am afraid that this kind of frozen power will be frozen to death instantly.

Even the extraordinary stone in the distance is shocked. This Wang Xiaofeng is more powerful than he imagined.

It seems that this period of time should have improved strength.

I do n’t know that kid, how can I fight?

This is also the idea of ​​others. They all want to see if Lin Xuan will be frozen, or do they want to prepare for the Jedi to fight back?

Suddenly, their souls trembled, a sound of a sword rang, and then a five-color light burst, and the mysterious cold ice area immediately shook violently.


Between heaven and earth, Wan Lei roared, and then a terrible light burst.

Everyone couldn't open their eyes,

Damn, what happened?

They couldn't look at the light at all, they could only retreat quickly and roar again and again.

The next moment, listening only to a loud noise, the sky's rays disappeared, and they suddenly looked up and looked forward.


They were stunned,

The black ice field in front of the urn was split in half, and the huge fissures carried terrible power.

Dancing in the sky.

Make these people numb,

什么 What did the kid just do? Even split the sanctuary!

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