Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3663: 1 move, eliminated!

[Book Title: Chapter 3663 of the Inverse Sword God's Text] One Move, Eliminate! (5 more) Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Creation, Perfect World, Infinite True Immortals, Divine Confucianism, Taoism, and Holy Songs What is the invincible medicine of Wu Zun Road? Yu Qianye was shaken back, those around him were stunned,

how can that be?

Xuanbei supernatural power against Tianbei supernatural power, even won, this is incredible.

Will this forest be invincible, with the ability to turn decay into magic!

Damn, what the **** is this rainy night? The ghost frowned.

Emperor Ling sneered, don't worry, it's just the first move, maybe Yu Qianye caress, then he takes it seriously, and the kid will die.

Yu Qianye stopped, his face was gloomy and terrible, and a handsome face became emaciated,

Damn, how dare you hurt me! I want to kill you!

Attention, he did.

He thought the other party was weak, but he didn't expect that the other party was a little tricky.

Boy, you can train the metaphor to such an extent that you can do it, but your upper limit is here.

My sky stele is definitely not comparable to you! Next move, I will be able to kill you.

Next move? Still want to kill me? It's ridiculous! I can defeat you with this trick, obediently eliminated, become a registered disciple,

Lin Xuan's mouth disdain,

From the beginning to the end, he did not take Yu Qianye as his opponent,

Others heard that their scalp was numb, and this one defeated the other. Is this not the end?

It is indeed endless. The sword of one hundred battles can transform 15 kinds of monsters. Only when the monsters disappear, this trick is not finished.

Someone who has practiced the same swordsmanship, a quick explanation.

Everyone else understood after hearing that the ice bear in front was still there, indicating that this move was not over yet.

Could it be that the forest is invincible, and really want to use this trick to defeat an eight big Tianjiao?

Do you still want to beat me? You dream! Yu Qianye was really mad, and his hands moved, as if a sacred sword, stabbed over,

With a finger breaking the sky, it was once again exhibited, surrounded by terrible laws and the power of heaven and earth.

Shred! Shred! Shred!

Lin Xuan waved the Sword of Law, screaming three times in a row, the icefield giant bear in front of him suddenly ran away,

The figure has doubled, just like a giant mountain. The ice breath above is even more terrible.

Between the waves of the bear's paw, the sky was falling apart.

Space after space was grinning and spreading out, he growled, his eyes flushed, and Yu Qianye was killed,

Yu Qianye's breaking sky pointed directly at the head of the icefield giant bear, smashing his head.

However, this is not a real monster, but a sword-like fantasy. Although the head is gone, it can still attack.

His bear's paw slammed Yu Qianye's body fiercely, and he vomited blood constantly.

Damn it, stop me! Yu Qianye gritted his teeth and roared, but now, in Tongquetai, some of his magical powers and physiques cannot be cast,

You can only resist by breaking a finger.

However, before the third finger broke, his body was torn apart, and the holy blood flowed wildly. He screamed and flew out.


The miserable voice sounded, making the scalp numb, and everyone was there.

There is silence between heaven and earth,

What did they see? Yu Qianye lost! Really lost!

Lost under a sword,

Lin Wudi is too strong!

One sword, use the supernatural power of the Xuanbei to defeat the supernatural power of the Tianbei, this is simply an act against the sky!

At this moment, the Eight Great Heavens are so arrogant that they are cool.

Will they be able to resist if they encounter this sword?

What is going on in this forest invincible?

Some people who understand the sword of the battle are full of fear, what's going on? How powerful is their sword technique?

You know, they might even be one-tenth as powerful!

But Lin Wudi, why is it possible to exert such a powerful power, is it a talent gap?

Thinking of this, they looked desperate.

The four warriors in Wushuang City were equally surprised, their eyes were blooming with strange light,

It is worthy of Lin Wudi, and it is worthy of the evil spirit who created the first record!

I am afraid that it is such a person who can cast the sword of a hundred battles so powerful.

One person stepped out, and Shen Sheng said that in this battle, Lin Wuji won, Yu Qianye lost, and was eliminated.

Do not! **** it! I am not defeated!

I still have a stop!

Do not! You can't do this to me! Yu Qianye screamed madly,

He has been eliminated. Is he a named disciple? What a joke!

He is one of the eight heavenly pride, this time he is confident to win the championship!

But now, it failed.

When he went out, how could he face other people?

He also wanted to struggle, but was swung by the people in Wushuang City to form a matrix, and sent Yu Qianye directly to teleport.

Those who fail are not eligible here.

Outside of Tongquetai, Yu Qianye's figure emerged, and his broken body healed instantly.

Xiuwei's repression was gone, and he completely recovered to the Siweitian saint's practice.

With a roar, the world is in turmoil, and I don't want to be reconciled!

He is really unwilling!

However, what can be done here? It's not his turn to go wild ~ ~ If he doesn't follow the rules, I am afraid that the people in Wushuang City will kill him instantly,

Damn, that kid will definitely be eliminated, not only did he offend me, but also the emperor's tomb!

With the means and thoughts of the Emperor's Tomb, he will definitely drop the other party and be eliminated. Yu Qianye calmed down, and he had to watch the boy be eliminated with his own eyes.

In this way, he can resolve his hatred.

Inside Tongquetai, everyone was still in great shock.

I can't think of one of the eight great Tianjiao, just such a move, was eliminated by others,

Lin Xuan retracted the Sword of Law and loosened his shoulder. I said, he is not my opponent. I have spared him twice.

But this kid is killing himself, I don't blame me,

Everyone's mouth twitched. Who could have thought before that you were telling the truth and thought you were pretending,

Unexpectedly, you are really so amazing,

For a moment, everyone looked at Lin Xuan with strange eyes,

Shi Bianfan, Purple Tiancheng and others, the same mouth twitched,

To be honest, they also planned to challenge Lin Wudi before, but now it seems, forget it.

If it does n’t work well, it may be eliminated directly, and that face will be lost at home.

Yu Qianye, this idiot, has no strength and cannot understand fully, which does not mean that the magical power of Tianbei is not great.

At this time, the Emperor's Mausoleum opened his mouth, and he was also enlightened by the Tianbei Supernatural Power. Naturally, he must maintain the power of the Tianbei Supernatural Power.

Yes, that's right, Yu Qianye didn't realize the essence of Tianbei magical power.

Oh, so, do you realize the essence of Tianbei? Better fight me!

Let me see, to what extent do you realize? Lin Xuan stared at the Emperor's Tomb.

This person also provokes him twice or twice. If he has a chance, he doesn't mind sending the other party out in advance. 2k novel reading network

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