Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3688: Thors!

After he was injured, grab him and he unloaded eight pieces.

I will definitely make him worse than death.

These people are covering their wounds, their faces are 狰狞,

Yuan Linxuan also felt a hairy bone, is there a killer?

No wonder Qiuer will have injuries on his body. These killers are so weird that he didn't even pay attention before.

Alas, it is not so easy to kill him,

He didn't even look back, still hunting down those saints in front of him,

Hey this kid idiot, kill him quickly.

The people in front of me kept back, and they were very excited,

I met an idiot and didn't hide when he saw the killer.

A bang, a killing sword, chopped on Lin Xuan, and made a whistle,

However, it is scary that Feijian was directly bombarded,

Countless flames splashed and the void shattered. Lin Xuan's body left only a white trace without piercing at all.

How is it possible, what kind of body is the kid?

The saints around you were stunned, and the killer in the void seemed to hold back, a pause,

When Lin Linxuan took the opportunity, he turned around with a kick, like a sky knife, with a click, kicked the killer's body and kicked him off.

A miserable hum came, blood sprayed, and the killer screamed, but decisively, turned into a streamer and hid in the void again

Everyone is crazy, this person is really terrible!

Such a terrible killer ca n’t even hurt the other side, but he was seriously injured by a trick from the other side.

The moment they resigned,

At this time, the metamorphosis sprang up, and another killer turned to Shen Jingqiu.

Shen Jingqiu is still excited at the moment, without defense, he was hit with a sword in the back, and almost fell into a pool of blood.

Zhe Linxuan was furious when she saw this.

He stepped in front of Shen Jingqiu, hugged Shen Jingqiu, stopped the wound, and his voice was relentlessly cold,

Golden eyes all around, you guys, go to **** for me.

抬 He raised his hand and struck out the sky umbrella, blooming in the air, and blocked one area.

At the same time, the corpse poison inside turned out,

Bad, run away.

A squeal of screams sounded, and these people furiously counterattacked, but soon they screamed, such a terrible poison that they couldn't stop.

Even, the two killers were trapped. They were crazy to break through and use their powerful stature.

天 But the Tian Luo Umbrella must be a sacred weapon, not so easy to break through, as long as they breathed a trace of poisonous gas, they will certainly die.

Sure enough, the two killers also gradually stopped attacking.

In front of me, the green poisonous gas permeated, and various miserable sounds begged,

However, Lin Xuan ignored it.

He looked down at Shen Jingqiu and asked, was the injury serious?

I'm fine, it's just some skin trauma that doesn't hurt the foundation. Shen Jingqiu shook her head, sat cross-legged, swallowed elixir, and began to heal.

After a long while, she recovered and stood up,

She asked, what happened to those people?

He Linxuan said, should all be dead.

Once he held his hand, Tian Luo umbrella was put away, and the remaining toxins were also put into Tian Luo umbrella.

The scene in front of me came out, and 7 corpses fell to the ground, leaving only bones.

There are also some weapons and storage rings, remnants,

And the flesh and blood of those people is long gone, and their souls have been poisoned.

I'm terrible! Shen Jingqiu is also surprised. These are powerful saints, but they can't die anymore.

毒 What kind of poison is this?

Zhe Linxuan took back all the weapons and storage of those people.

Throw the storage or ring to Shen Jingqiu, hold it, these are compensations for you,

Then I'm welcome, she took it,

As for which weapons, Lin Xuan looked at them, and they were of no use, and he stole them randomly.

Brother Lin, where shall we go next?

Shen Jingqiu, hugged Xiaobai and asked,

On the other side, Lin Xuan also summoned the evil spirit rat. This guy is very familiar with this place. Let ’s collect the Dongling Stone

几 How many pieces have you collected?

Asked Lin Xuan.

$ 5.

Me seven yuan, we will finish collecting soon.

Next, the two went together and began to collect Dongling Stone.

After one month, both men collected Qi La Dong Ling Shi,

I'm so good, Lin Xuan smiled,

He also raised a smile, let's go, we can go back to Dongling Mountain.

You said, will we be the first to arrive?

I am very sure of that.


Dongling Mountain is also very famous in the Dongling Realm.

The two flew for five days, and finally saw the mountains in front, the highest one is Dongling Mountain,

我 I've completed your task, can you let me go? Earth evil monster, asked carefully,

Lin Linxuan was in a good mood, he said, yes.

If I have a chance in the future, I can come here, then we cooperate again,

He removed the seal from the evil spirit rat, and waved goodbye,

The evil spirit rat stunned to the ground and disappeared,

Let ’s go. Dongling Mountain is right in front of us.

Although he said that it was right in front of him, there was a distance of more than 200,000 miles.

When they reached about 100,000 miles, they were stopped again.

There is a group of people in front of me, a total of nine people, with an extremely violent atmosphere on their bodies,

They lined up like Tianhe, blocking the way.

何 Who are you and why are you blocking the way? Lin Xuan Shensheng asked,

A couple?

A man sneer across from you, boy, you are going to Dongling Mountain. It seems that you are the appraisal person, obediently hand over the Dongling stone on your body, and then get out, we can spare you a life.

Robbed ~ ~ Lin Xuan frowned.

Shen Jingqiu whispered to remind that Brother Lin was careful, their breath was very unusual,

Indeed, the breath on these people is violent,

Did you hear what I said, one came out, tall and tall,

Boy, I advise you not to make mistakes, do you know who we are? We are from Thunder City,

Trouble us, do you think you can mix in the second world? Obediently kneeling on the ground, handing things over.

Thunder City? Lin Xuan Yiyi,

Like the Wushuang City, the Thunder God City is also a holy city, and Lin Xuan is no stranger to this Thunder City.

Before he was in the first astral world, he had a conflict with Thunder City. At that time, Lei Qianzhong was killed by him.

I did not expect to meet the people of Thunder City now, and met in such a scene.

This Thunder City is really bad? Do something sneaky.

I ’m just you, I ’m sorry to be called a disciple of the Holy City, I do n’t think you have passed the assessment yet

Lin Linxuan sneered.

I do n’t know if you live or die, what do you know, we have passed the assessment long ago, we are here to test!

A young man who took the lead also stood up, his voice was cold,

Boy Zi, originally I just wanted you to kneel down and surrender Dongling Stone, but now I change my mind, not only do you have to surrender Dongling Stone, your woman has to stay with me

And, I will teach you mouth full of teeth, knock them down one by one,

I took him down,

The young man gave an order, and suddenly, the people next to him came out.

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