Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3801: I haven't worked hard

This scene is really terrifying, as if it were extinct. Ranwen novel ????????? `

The people around them shivered, what a fighting force this was, and the other side fell when they shot!

Damn, you attacked me! Thor's master roared wildly,

Lin Xuan laughed after hearing it, sneaking on you? You guys are here to kill me. Let ’s do it without saying a word.

Now it's my sneak attack on you? Do you think that those around you are idiots?

The two Thor's people were speechless,

Shame, too shameful.

Their two masters came strong, and as a result they could not stop the other two moves, and they were seriously injured.

How does this make them human?

The two quickly recovered from their injuries, their faces were extremely cold, and they stared at each other's hands with a horror of panic.

You're here to kill me, let's die. Lin Xuan didn't make any nonsense and shot again.

His speed was also extremely fast, and he came to the two in an instant.

The Wushuang Sword in his hand exhaled a dreadful sword, and terrible power rushed in,

Like the golden rivers of the same way, shine for 9 days,

Even inside Jianguang, the sound of Long Yin was issued.

Damn, these two strong men who became thunder gods also changed their faces. They could not think that the other party was so decisive.

In a hurry, they are also the seal, a terrible Thunder Unicorn rushed up, and rushed towards the golden sword light to resist this attack.

There was a loud bang, the sky was rolling, the terrible laws were rarely in all directions, and those around them kept retreating.


The sword swept across, the star turned, and pulled the Thunder Unicorn to the side. Then, Lin Xuan fisted out like a Thunder Sun.

Break it open.

The two screamed, their bodies were torn apart again.

Lin Xuan stepped on their broken corpses and captured their souls.

A few swords, completely annihilated!

He does n’t even need to use pupil technique. The dragon dragon soul can cut everything, nothing can be cut, let alone the soul.

The two masters disappeared, and the dead can't die anymore.

The people around were completely stunned, were the two five-day geniuses killed like this?

This method can be regarded as a godsend,

After Lin Xuan finished killing, he took the storage of the two and took it off directly. Suddenly he frowned, turned his head and looked into the distance, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

With a wave of the sleeve robe, the five-shaped rule covered up, and all the blood and corpses were taken away.

The next moment, the fissure in the void was restored, and the pit on the ground disappeared,

All this is restored, as if no fighting had happened before.

Those around were stunned, what did Lin Wudi do? But soon they understood.

Because there are silhouettes falling in the sky again, this time is a powerful monster. Once they land, they will make the whole land roll and tremble.

One can imagine how terrible this power is.

Coming from three million monster cities, the strength is very strong.

They are all masters in the early days of Wuzhongtian. Such people are also extremely rare among geniuses and very scary.

However, the onlookers around him looked very weird, because Lin Xuan was easily beheaded by two strong men in the early days of the Fifth Heaven.

It seems that with Lin Xuan's strength, it is not a problem to compete against the strong in the middle of Wuzhongtian.

Now they finally know why Lin Xuan took away the blood and the corpse before, in order to confuse these people behind,

It's over. They looked at the people of Wan Yaocheng with sympathy, and it is estimated that the three strong men of Wan Yaocheng will end very miserably.

The people in Wan Yao City don't know yet. When they come down, they have a smile on their faces. Lin Wudi, it really is you. You really aren't dead. It's really good.

Yeah, it ’s a pity that a genius like you is dead. After these three people came down with a hypocritical smile

I don't know how much they care about Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan sneered in his heart after hearing it, and he did not feel at ease. Of course, he didn't show it on his face.

Thank you three for your concern. I don't know what happened when they came here.

I heard that Brother Lin is also participating in Destiny. One of them waswolf and asked with a smile,

Although he has long been transformed into a human body, he still has a wolf head. Although he smiles, the smile is so infiltrating.

Yes, I came to join the Destiny Star, Lin Xuan nodded, these three people, what medicine in the gourd, he has to see what the other party can do.

Brother Lin didn't know. This destiny star, although it has a great chance, is extremely dangerous, and if it is not careful, it may fall into it.

Another monster came out, this is a fox. Distorted into a human shape, with white hair and three tails behind, gently swiping.

Three-tailed Sky Fox? Many people are shocked. This is a very terrible world beast. It grows extremely terrifying.

The last one is also very terrible. It is a rhinoceros, who has cultivated to become a sperm. He is very large, like a demon king, exuding a monstrous murderous spirit.

He also spoke coldly, so when we came this time, we kindly reminded Brother Lin.

Do not enter Destiny easily, otherwise it will likely fall.

Oh, really? But my thing ~ ~ I do n’t bother the three, so Lin Xuan said lightly,

What kind of kindness can these people have,

The three Sky Foxes said, but we came to save you, why don't you know what to do?

That is, don't even bother us to remind you kindly? Or do you feel that you are strong enough to fear those dangers.

Although the three men persuaded, their words were sharp and uncomfortable.

Those people in the distance had scalp tingling, and sure enough, the three men were not at ease.

If I insist on going, Lin Xuan looks at the three.

The three-tailed fox smiled, and a green light appeared in his eyes, looking at Lin Xuan, we naturally will not stop.

We will only let Brother Lin know how dangerous it is,

It ’s better, we ’ll do some exercises in advance, and the three of us will discuss with Brother Lin.

Pupil surgery on him? Lin Xuan is still not afraid, he said, okay, let's discuss it.

The three-tailed fox smiled, and the rhino sage and the arctic wolf sage looked at each other, and then a smile was raised at the corner of their mouths.

In their opinion, they want to learn from each other, and the other party should refuse. Now that the other party agreed so easily, it should be that the three-tailed Sky Fox ’s pupil technique has played a role in confusing the other party.

In this way, they can justify their hands,

Don't torture the other party at that time!

They knew there that Lin Xuan was not affected at all, he just wanted to solve these three people,

The people who looked around also looked weird. Who the **** did they kill?

It is estimated that these people in Wanwan City are facing a great disaster?

They looked at the three with a sympathetic look,

The rhino sage and the arctic wolf demon sage are nothing, but the three Sky Foxes are suspicious by nature. He looked at the eyes of those around him and frowned slightly.

Why is there a bad hunch in my heart?

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