Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3836: 36 days!

When the sixteen elders heard this, the cold sweat flowed down. He thumped and knelt on the ground. Princess, I ’m definitely not a traitor.

is it? Take it to interrogate, search soul,

I think I should know, who is traitor?

Come, take the sixteen old ones and take them down. ? ranwe? n ????????? `

The strong guys around him shot in an instant. Sixteen were old and wanted to resist, but they were pressed to the ground in an instant.

The laws of his whole body were blocked and could not exert any force at all.

Princess, spare your life. Sixteen Zhang exclaimed, Gao Yue snorted, took it, and tortured him severely.

He had long suspected that there was a problem with them. There must have been a spy who had been inserted by the great prince.

Gao Yue turned his head and looked away, which was nothing to do with our pulse.

His eldest prince wants to make a shot, let him do it. I'll take a look. When can he be proud?

Listen, starting today, no one in our vein is allowed to be invincible with Lin.

Offenders, kill without amnesty.

Yes, princess.

we know.

Those of the New Moon Lord bowed their heads,

In fact, Gao Yue doesn't need to say that they dare not provoke Lin Xuan.

Too powerful.

At this moment, there are more than a dozen five-day strong men who have killed the Quartet and fallen in their hands, and they are still continuing.

Those in the holy city are crazy!

Their hearts are all bleeding, although they are holy cities, inherited for thousands of years, and have a strong heritage.

However, I can't afford it!

Moreover, if you die in Destiny, you can still bear it, after all, it is inherently dangerous to win against the sky,

But now, Destiny Star hasn't been turned on yet, so many days before they fell.

How can they bear it.

They went crazy to fight back, and some even wanted to take a strong shot and kill Lin Xuan.

But this time, Wushuang City came with several elders and some core disciples of the second generation. They were extremely powerful.

There was even one person, the third disciple in the second generation, called Chasing the Soul, with terrifying strength.

Under his leadership, other holy city powerhouses could not take care of their shots at all and could only protect themselves.

Seeing Lin Xuan, he is going to kill the Quartet and sweep everything.

However, at this time, something changed.

The ground below was originally broken and sunken, but in the **** sea of ​​the corpse mountain, there were suddenly a few black beams of light that burst out.

Through the world,

One after another, a total of 72, sheltered the world and shocked everyone,

The incomparable breath made them even more horrified.

Damn, what's going on?

Have these people in Wushuang City laid out a shocking array?

The people in Wushuang City were also stunned. Was it arranged by their friends?

Many people have forgotten the dark red dragon.

The Dark Red Dragon said, Wow, it's not me, it won't be a guy from Montenegro, right?

This pen is too big, right?

After the words are finished, the sky sinks, one after another, the starlight sprinkles down, a total of 36 to the starlight, covering one side of the sky.

Thirty-six days, seventy-two ground evil! What is this for! Many little saints were frightened.

They backed frantically.

This formation is so amazing that it contains the mysteries of heaven and earth. I don't know who set it up. Is it to kill them?

They are close to the enemy.

Lin Xuan also choked! So powerful formation,

It seems that those holy cities must die,

He is going to chase by saints,

However, as soon as he flew into the sky, a starlight fell and shrouded him,

Immediately after that, 36 starlights formed a chain and bound him,

what happened? Is it for Lin Wudi?

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

who is it? Not the city of Thors, nor the city of Wan Yao,

Who is that?

The few strong men in Wushuang City changed their faces even more. They shot crazy.

But at this moment, 36 days, 72 earth evils, together, directly enveloped Lin Xuan,

Then, it was torn for 9 days and disappeared.

What happened to Lin Wudi?

At this moment, the sky was shaking, no one knew, who was the hand,

Lin Xuan was suppressed by this force.

He also felt that when things were bad,

The Great Dragon Soul of the body moved and shocked several times, but it didn't break away.

It is conceivable that the horrors of formations,

Who is it and who is going to catch him?

Thunder City, Wan Yao City, Jinwu, or Crescent?

He thought it was impossible to come and go.

Because these people, if there is such a terrible means, it was carried out from the beginning, why wait for him to kill so many powerful Tianjiao?

Who is that?

Can there be hidden enemies? For a moment he thought of the world,

However, he didn't feel right. Even if he wanted to kill him in the world, he should have killed him on the spot.

When he was thinking, he felt that the surrounding formations made a rumbling sound, and it seemed to have changed.

Can anyone show up? He was secretly alert.

Although now bound, but Lin Xuan, Yiran is not afraid.

He has the Dragon Soul of the Dragon and some cards in his body. He has to see who dares to do something to him.

Around, the black beam of light disappeared, and the starry sky was gradually gathered, forming 36 chains and 72 runes, attached to him, sealing his power,

However, Lin Xuan has been able to see the surrounding scene clearly,

The next moment, UU read a book he was stunned,

here is?

He was so shocked,

Black mountains, black trees, everything with a monstrous magic,

This is the Demon Coverage!

Why is he here? Is it possible that the people in the Temple of Heaven saved him?

Soon, he saw a lot of people walking around, all of them in the Temple of Heaven.

He saw, the Witch and Capricorn, he just wanted to say hello, but the Witch looked cold,

take away.

As soon as she waved her hand, these people in the Temple of Heaven, pressing Lin Xuan, flew towards the distance.

Lin Xuan's heart sank in an instant.

What's going on, it seems that it wasn't the people in the Tian Mo Temple who saved him, but the people in the Tian Mo Temple who sealed him!

He hasn't offended the magic hall this day.

Moreover, the other party was very friendly to him before, how could he catch him suddenly?

Damn, is the other person plotting something on him?

After much deliberation, Lin Xuan's hands can only cause the Demon Hall's heartbeat, and there is only the spear of destruction.

Or did he say that his killing of the demon has fallen, and this day the Temple of Devil and the demon family have a relationship?

do not know,

Soon, he was crushed by everyone and came forward.

There is a floating temple in front of it, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

Heaven Demon Hall!

This time, Lin Xuan was shocked again. What was the other party trying to do?

Kailuan protection, people, have been brought. Witch, kneeling forward on one knee, said congratulatingly,

The gate of the Temple of Heaven was opened. Four old figures who were too old to come out came out, these four people are like zombies, making people scalp,

The four living fossils, and the unusual horror, are the terrible powerhouses in the Temple of Heaven.

Lin Xuan's heart sank. Although he had a hole card, can he succeed in facing such a powerful person?

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