Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3862: Goal, Prince 7!

of course

This is not simple. If Lin Xuan was weak, he would have been killed by the Jinwu tribe, the flying fire python, and even the terrible fire crow.

If you want to have a chance, you must have strong strength.

If I'm lucky, I'm on this destiny, maybe I can break through continuously. Lin Xuan felt this was an opportunity.

An opportunity to make him rise quickly.

Okay, it's time to kill your prince Jinwu. Lin Xuan stood up,

The Jinwu soul was urinating, he could clearly feel the strength of the opponent, much stronger than before.

Lin Xuan's Black Earth, shuttled quickly, flying to the position said by the other party,

A huge lake.

It was full of flames, and there were people practicing cross-kneeling there. They all had Jinwu Phantoms, their teeth dancing claws, and they were extremely horrible.

Suddenly, the four opened their eyes, stared through the sky, and looked into the distance.

Soon they stood up, and three streams of light fell in the sky, turning into three Jinwu men.

The one who took the lead was Jin Kongjue. When he arrived, he asked, what about the seventh prince?

The prince left, and it seemed that he had been informed of a golden palace and was preparing to find out.

After leaving, Jin Kong frowned. He wanted to give the Prince a piece of good news. We found a bronze door.

Really? Great, you can go to the bronze door when the prince comes back and look for the baby.

These strong Jinwu people are very happy,

Golden Sky nodded absolutely, ready to wait in this lake of fire for a while.

They didn't know that there was a black spirit boat that rushed towards this side, and the goal was exactly them.

A day later, Lin Xuan stood up and looked away.


He drove the Black Earth, turned into a stream of light, and instantly came to the lake of flames, while his voice came out,

Where is the seventh Prince Jinwu? Let him kneel to death!

The seven Jinwu strong men waiting for cultivation below opened their eyes suddenly, their eyes penetrated the void like Changhong.

who is it? Dare to insult their prince!

Provoking them Jinwu tribe, find dead?

Death to me, a strong man opened his mouth and spewed a flame, flying up like the sun,

The black soil was shrouded in an instant, and the terrible light exploded, reflecting half the sky.

They smiled awkwardly, unknowingly killing ants,

A few people sat down with their knees crossed, but soon they stopped because they found that the sea of ​​fire was spreading and the black spirit boat was nothing.

This is a powerful sacred weapon, these people are shocked, some frown.

Lonely, I went up and killed the people inside. He is a guard of the Prince, how can he allow others to be so provocative.

He came to the top, a golden long knife appeared in his hand, and it fell off in the air.

With a short click, the void was split into two halves, and the Black Earth was also severely impacted, making a cricket-like sound.


However, at this time, a large golden hand protruded from the black soil and collided with the terrible knife light.

Ripped the sword of the sky, and patted the Jinwu strong.


The Jinwu tribe's body is torn apart.

Blood sprayed, screams sounded,

The six people below were originally sneer, dare to provoke them to die, but now their smiles are rigid on their faces,

how is this possible? Someone patted their bodies with one palm,

Who is this person? Too powerful to be a chief disciple?


Six people stood up instantly. Extremely violent light erupted in the eyes, especially Jin Kongju stepped out, the flame phantom of his body, Pentium.

Who are you, dare to oppose our Jinwu tribe.

Are you Jinwu tribe strong? I was right, how can you help me. A figure came out of the black spirit boat,

Jin Kong's pupils shrank, Lin invincible? you wanna die!

Is he Lin Invincible? The remaining five people's eyes became red instantly.

Kill him together,

Yes, there is no need to tell them any rules,

Five people rose into the air.

Boy, let me die. Five of them showed great magical powers and madly killed Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan sneered, knowing that you are despicable and shameless, so I have prepared a gift for you.


With a wave of his hand, he took out the big tower, opened the flames inside, and poured down.

Fight us with flames

Jinwu strong sneered, they were born from fire. And it is rumored that they practiced the fire of the sun and the flames, how could they possibly have them?

This Lin Wuji is also not very good. He has no mind at all, and the five people have disdain in their hearts.

Soon they were scared, right.

The power of this flame was too violent, and two people were injured instantly.

The arm was burned and turned into ashes,

The other three were also scorched, and the pain almost made them faint.

Damn, rewind, this flame has problems.

The five roared wildly, retreated quickly, and there was no more arrogance before,

Lin Xuan Lengheng, wasn't he great before? Aren't you dismissive? Why are you running now?

He cut his fingers like a knife,, and slashed the head of a strong Jinwu tribe directly.

At the same time, another punch broke the body of another Jinwu strong man.

The two screamed in the air, and in an instant, the five were badly hit.

Damn it.

Jin Kong did n’t take any action below, originally he thought that the five of them would not take the opponent easily,

Where to find it, the opponent's means are stronger than he expected.

Despicable boy, you dare to fight me.

The golden sky was absolutely screaming.

Why don't you dare, I'm here to kill Prince 7 this time, others? Let him get out.

The seventh prince is not here, and I can kill you without the prince killing you,

Jin Kong is really too angry, this kid is too arrogant, dare to kill their prince,

He must kill each other today.

Not here, Lin Xuan frowned. Was the information wrong, or did Prince Seven leave?

There should be no mistakes in wanting to come to the intelligence, otherwise there will be no Jin Kongjue here, and there should be something to want to come to that prince, and Qingqing left.

I'm lucky enough to escape.

Yeah, let your seventh prince live for two more days, and I won you first today.

Lin Xuan looked to Jin Kongjue

The golden sky rose into the sky, ignorant ants, do you think you can fight me?

Last time at Crescent Lake, I did n’t do anything to you because I was afraid to slay the Demon Army, otherwise you thought you would be able to leave alive,

Today on Destiny, without the Demon Army, what do you think you fight with me?

Boom ~

Jin Kong absolutely shot, one palm bloomed with flames of light, with the golden black phantom, let the void tremble, and patted forward.

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