Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3929: You challenge me?

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However, the peacock man is extremely proud, with a shirt on his body, terrifying horror, shaking,

Endless rules, fast forward.

The space in front of me has been torn apart,

What the hell, did he get this jersey? Those around him were shocked!

战 This jersey is made of at least ten saints' skins. It has infinite power and unparalleled defense.

I get him and can stop all attacks.

It seemed to him that it was really possible for them to enter, and these people's eyes were red.

After changing his body shape, the peacock man rushed in, driving his super strong shirt.

After a while, another person rushed in,

This man is burly and full of breath, with a bead on his head,

The bead was as big as a grinding disc, blooming with a terrifying atmosphere, and even transformed into a phantom cast by gold, covering him.

He also killed and pulled in strongly,

Oh Cangtian, who is that person,

He should be a family of golden lions,

圣 Is it a sacred artifact above his head?

These people are scared,

No, it is Nedan, but it is estimated that it is an ancient demon. The Nedan left after death is not worse than the top holy weapon.

The breath ahead is even more terrifying,

Will the two men fight inside?

These people are watching from a distance,

It ’s very possible, but I do n’t know who wins and who loses,

个人 These two individuals are both very powerful, and the hole cards in their hands are even more horrible.

I guess it ’s evenly matched,

It didn't take long before the roaring sound suddenly appeared in front of them, as if the sky was falling apart, two figures rushed out,

They were hurt on their faces, ashamed.

I hate it,

The peacock man snarled and left the void, leaving.

那些 The people around me were stunned,

What happened? Couldn't anyone get the baby?

And, it seems that both were injured,

Oh God, can't you stop wearing a super armor and horrible Nedan?

The golden lion glanced at the distant man and shook his head, saying, don't go, there is no treasure in it.

He is a corpse, a rotting corpse, with a terrifying death breath,

Damn, who said there is a baby here? In the end, the golden lion growled, too.

之后 After they both entered, they almost died inside,

If it ’s not the hole card in your hand, it ’s horrible, I ’m afraid they wo n’t come out.

After listening, the same scalp numb, a dead body?

Whose body they do n’t know,

But when I think about it, I definitely can't provoke it anymore.

Hurry up,

They fled here and went to other places,

The mystery of gossip is as if there are eight worlds inside.

So, they shuttle quickly through space.

Another piece of space, those around, are shooting frantically,

They found that there is a yin and yang in this space, and it turned out to form an ancient building, which is very mysterious.

Everyone was excited and killed. They found that there was a trace of someone living there.

He who can leave a relic here must be an incredible saint,

的 Everything they have used contains the heaven and earth road,

Hurry up and grab it. If you can get a long time to wear it, you can definitely improve the law.

These people are crazy, they shoot quickly, they snatch,

Any table, chair, tea cup or bowl were robbed. Some even killed a blood stream for a table.

Lin Linxuan also came. He went straight to the third floor.

I was on the top floor, and he found it was a bedroom, and the pillow was good.

Yuan Linxuan reached out with one hand to grab, but at this moment she drank softly and put down the baby.

Immediately afterwards, the endless fiery red sword light rushed over and turned into a towering sea of ​​fire, blocking Lin Xuan's palm.

who? Lin Xuan was surprised. Still others can block his attack.

He turned his head and looked.

I saw a beautiful woman. Rushing aggressively.

You are Lin Wudi? roll. I don't kill you, this woman's extremely high cold, it seems that she can kill each other as soon as she takes a shot.

It's you. Lin Xuan was also surprised that the other party should be the phoenix of Wan Jiange.

That mirror is good, you take it, maybe it will be useful to you,

This pillow is mys!

枕头 The pillow also has a strong yin and yang atmosphere, I do n’t know what baby is carved from,

But think about how wonderful it would be if you could practice in the future,

Therefore, Lin Xuan will have it freely,

Everything here is mine, including this pillow, Huofeng said coldly,

After Lin Linxuan heard it, she sneered. With such a big appetite, you are not afraid to kill yourself.

He really laughed,

Before he thought that Jin Peng was arrogant enough, he didn't expect this fire phoenix to be even more arrogant, really when it was his own place?

Lin Linxuan didn't bother at all, but he reached for the yin and yang pillows,

For a moment, he held it in his hand.

you dare!

Feng Huofeng was angry, and the other party dared to disobey her will.

Hit him with a sword,

The terrible sword light circled in 9 days, turned into a flame phoenix, rushed over,

It seems that he wants to kill Lin Xuan thoroughly.


Linxuan backhand is a palm. It was photographed on the sword light of the uncle, which caused a great earthquake

The entire Yinyang ancient building was shaking violently.

Jian Jianqi, not broken. It was shaken out by the tremor, but the light above was dim a lot,

Gao Linxuan took back the palm of his hand, a surprise, a good attack, it seems that the other side understands that in addition to the law of fire, there is also the law of swords,

Sword, originally attacked by the Lord,

The law of the sword is even more powerful. Everyone in the Wanjian Pavilion is a horrible swordsman. Its power is far beyond the same level.

Now it seems that it is true.

Useless, you are not my opponent at all, I am better than you,

And now, I can fight beyond the level, what do you fight with me? Huofeng walked over strongly.

The flame of the sword on his body, beating.

Swordmaster? Lin Xuan closed the yin and yang pillows completely, turned around, and smiled.

I'm fine, then we can compare swordsmanship.

He is also a swordsman. Although there is no law of condensing swords, Lin Xuan's swordsmanship is not weak at all.

Other rules are enough to make up for it. In addition to the Dragon Soul of the Dragon, his attack power is even stronger than the rule of the sword.

How can you compare to me with your sword? In the eyes of Huofeng ~ ~ with a strong disdain,

If the opponent casts the law of death, or the law of the violent sun,

The other party can fight him,

But compared to swordsmanship, the opponent is estimated to be worse than her, 108,000 kilometers.

Zhe Lin is invincible, you are too inflated, do you really think you are omnipotent?

Than swordsmanship, I let you one hand.

Lin Linxuan also laughed, for a long time no one dared to challenge me in swordsmanship,

You want to challenge me?

Well, if I show my superb powers beyond swordsmanship, I will lose.

Gao Linxuan pulled out the Wushuang Sword, and a horrible sword intention emerged from his body.

(End of this chapter)

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