Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3956: ancient!

Great, Murong fell into the city and gave a sigh of relief. Is the space magical? This way is really much safer. Ran Wen Fiction ???????????? `

Li Hongxiu next to her was also surprised. She was also a translator and said, you kid, it ’s really surprising.

Every time it can cause shocking waves,

Lin Xuan smiled, and sent a message to the North Demon, let them take the toad, and the dark red dragon evacuated.

When the Dark Red Dragon and Toad were taken away, they were still very unhappy. I rely, what happened, do you want to retreat,

No, Uncle Ben hasn't scolded enough yet,

The toad clamored, but was slapped on the head with a slap, and the toad was dragged away.

Then they met with Zhishui Tiancheng and others, quietly left here, and came to a place far away,

Toad is dissatisfied, whoa, who hit Uncle Ben and said, what's going on, why suddenly evacuated.

Zhishui Tiancheng they even surrounded them, how about,

The North Demon didn't say anything, but a figure appeared in front of them out of thin air,

Naturally because I came out,

It's you!

The dark red Shenlong was shocked, and the toad was the old man who jumped. I trust, hell.

Zishui Tiancheng, Shi Weifan and others also screamed, brother,

It is really hard for them to imagine that Lin Xuan would suddenly appear,

What's going on, how did you come out,

What happened to me?

Dark Dragon was surprised, others were even more shocked,

Lin Xuan said, naturally came out with a big swing, he shook the transparent animal skin in his hand, and then covered it.

Everyone found that the candidate had completely disappeared,

Supernatural powers, Toad screams, you have mastered this superpowers,

Didn't you say that you have the law of yin and yang.

The Dark Red Dragon is also excited, boy, what is going on,

Lin Xuan said the previous things,

When they listened, they were shocked. It turned out that it was really too dangerous to have so many things happen in the Yin Yang Temple.

That is, Lin Xuan, being able to come back alive, and being replaced by people like Lei Zhen, may not be able to come out alive,

In particular, when they heard that Lin Xuan was hunted down by the space of the Void Beast, they were all very angry.

Fortunately, the final result is that the Nether Beast was injured, Jiutou Lin lost his life, and Lin Xuan got a Nether Beast Skin.

With this thing, it is equivalent to the law of space. Many people envy,

Lin Xuan said that it is not so exaggerated. It can only hide the trace and not perform the magic of space.

Indeed, how terrible the space magic is, in addition to being able to hide traces and space teleportation, there are various wonderful uses.

These Lin Xuan had met in the ancient family,

That is still the realm of the king, if it is the law of space, it will be even more terrible.

Everyone nodded. At this time, Li Hongxiu also said, indeed, if it is a virtual palace beast, it is OK, a piece of animal skin can only save lives.

Let me tell you, there is someone who knows how to use the law of space, which is very scary.

Everyone was stunned. In addition to the Void Beast, there are still people who use the law of space. Is it incredible?

As soon as this word came out, everyone was stunned. Even Lin Xuan was surprised. There were still people who knew the law of space.

How terrible is this person?

To be careful, these people are very interested.

Li Hongshou shrugged, I do n’t know, I only know a strong man on the pilgrimage list, it seems like surname Gu

Called the ancient style.

antiquity! Lin Xuan took a sigh of coolness, and he would not have been an ancient person.

Supernatural powers are very scarce. Only a few people can master them. In addition to the blood supernatural powers of the Void Beast, the rest are only the ancient family of the Great Family

Moreover, this person even surnamed Gu,


His eyes flickered. He had never heard of this person before in the real world.

However, the emperor family is very mysterious, not necessarily only in the real world, the heavens and the world, there may be other places,

In short, he speculated that it is very likely that the ancient style is the people of the ancient family.

If this is the case, it is really an intractable opponent.

Bei Yao also said, I do n’t know, what about the ancient three links?

Yeah, they also remembered the ancient three links, which is also a genius of the ancient family.

Lin Xuan thought of a lot in an instant.

Li Hongxiu said on the side, forget it, now, these things do not need you to think about, and want to deal with those people, let ’s break through Xiaosheng first and then talk!

Brother Xuan, what are you going to do next? Murong asked.

I am going to visit the hall of beings. I think it's time to consolidate the law of swords,

Then I will go with you, Murong said,

She has already strengthened her blood in the Hall of People, and she is thinking of going to other halls.

OK, Lin Xuan nodded,

Toad said, Uncle Ben also went, and Li Hongxian patted it with a slap, go to your sister, don't be a light bulb.

Damn, it hurts Uncle Ben, and toad tears shed,

Then he said, who said that he wanted to be with this kid, the hall of all beings is a good place, uncle Ben alone can't do it,

The North Demon also said that we can all go to the hall of sentient beings, but everyone should not be together, but scattered.

In this way, even if there is danger, we can support the fastest time.

OK, everyone nodded ~ ~ just follow this method,

As for Zishui Tiancheng and others, Lin Xuan ordered something to make these people careful.

Later, he and Murong Qingcheng converted to each other, put on the animal skin of the void, and disappeared into the space.

Everyone at the Yinyang Temple was gnashing their teeth and waiting, but they did not know that Lin Xuan had already left the Yinyang Temple.

Now that I've come to the temples,

If these people know it, it might be vomiting,

In the temples, there are more laws. Lin Xuan carefully sensed and flew in the direction of the Kendo Law.

During this period, he also met some people, all of them are powerful swordsmen, and some of them are directly sword masters.

The rule of the sword is terrible,

However, the laws of everyone's swords are different, some are swift, others are devastating,

But without exception, they are extremely powerful.

Lin Xuan and Murong Qingcheng quickly shuttled in the void.

Those around me didn't know they were here.

I do n’t know, who is the 5 halls of the Golden Palace who have stayed here. Amazing?

Lin Xuan was equally surprised by this,

I do n’t know, but I want to come.

Perhaps it is the Great Saint, or it may be the existence above the Great Saint.

For this secret, they should not be able to figure it out,

The two did not entangle themselves, and the two converted to each other along the way, saying love words, while hurrying,

On this day, a roar suddenly came from the front, the world was shaking, and the terrible breath permeated from a distance.

what happened? Lin Xuan and Murong Qingcheng stopped.

They look to the distance,

Murong fell into the city, with colorful lights in his eyes, and Lin Xuan's eyes had a golden light flashing,


Both of them were surprised.

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