Inverse Sword God

Chapter 3982: Avenue pressed!

He is not like this, the truth must not be like this.

Must be the suppression of the avenue chain!

Yes, yes, Man Wu has twenty road chains, which is why he lost.

Without the shackles of chains, how could the boy have played Wu Wu Wu?

Wu Manwu fell into a pool of blood, his brain was blank,

The punch that made him feel desperate,

He seems to be hitting him by his son, Nether,

At that moment, he felt a sense of pilgrimage.

You are not your opponent, get out, Lin Xuan said coldly,

He took the two heavenly golden lotuses on the other side, plus the two who died before, a total of four.

At this moment, he has eight golden lotuses in his body.

The chilling voice made Man Wu completely restore his mind,

He roars upward, broken body, fast combination,

I haven't lost yet, I still have a stop!

He was very martial and roared coldly.

Useless, fight again, you will die.

Let the right fist take his own shot, you and I haven't paid attention to it yet.

It was abominable, and Wu Wu shot his fists again, but Lin Xuan snorted, and his killing intention appeared in his eyes.

He instantly followed the rules, condensed a sword light, and cut off the opponent.

This blow is even more sloppy than before.

Everyone's scalp is numb, and the brutal confidence is broken.

He lost again, and even more thoroughly.

The sword qi this time is even more terrifying than the fist before.

You want to die, I fulfill you. Lin Xuan growled coldly,

Wu Manwu, come back, don't be ashamed to be there, Youquan can't help it anymore,

Wu Manwu reluctantly walked back.

Boy, if you do n’t have a road chain, you can never beat me,

Waiting for Destiny, I want you to look good,

He said, he rose up into the air and wanted to leave the ninth area.

When Lin Linxuan heard this, it was out of slaying intentions. I hated people threatening me,

So you die!

The words of crickets fell, the terrible sword air covered the sky, and the martial arts shrouded,

Not far away, those people growled wildly,

Right fist is also angry, you dare,

He wanted to take a shot, but it was too late,

Wu Jianqi chopped the brutal Wu's body into eight pieces, fell to the ground, his eyes widened.

Hit him, he was killed by a second


At this moment, a barren palm was shot over the air,

Lin Linxuan shook her figure, ducked, and then snorted. Can't help it, do you want to shoot?

Come on, I fulfill you,

The shot you made just now is naturally the right punch.

The right fist failed to hit, and did not shoot again, but the sound was cold.

Ants, you don't deserve me.

Although the other party killed his three generals in an instant, he still did not pay attention to the other party.

His target is only those on the pilgrimage list.

Unworthy? Lin Xuan laughed after listening,

I don't think you dare,

He snorted coldly. Since he didn't dare to do anything to me, he would be more honest in front of me.

Don't think how great you are. In front of me, you have to be a dragon.

The words of Lin Xuanxuan are extremely domineering,

Those around him were terrified, and Youquan was cold, but in the end he didn't take any action.

Boy, what are you going to do next? The Dark Red Dragon asked,

Yuan Linxuan looked, looking far into the distance, is the destiny stone right? By that time, we can detect destiny,

But in these days, I have something to do.

What's wrong? Toad is also confused,

Lin Linxuan laughed, naturally collecting the flowers of heaven.

I want to see where my limits are,

Speaking of here, the light of Eun burst in his eyes,

Last time, his brother eventually condensed six heavenly golden lotuses. He now has eight flowers, which theoretically has surpassed Fu Hongye

But Lin Xuan doesn't think it's that simple. I definitely need to consume the golden lotus in the future.

So now he wants to collect as much as possible.

Do you still want to collect the flowers of heaven? Toad is surprised, Li Hongshou is also frowning,

But there are not many people who have Golden Lotus in Heaven. There are few who can provide it to you. Maybe you want to get it right. Do you want to shoot in other areas?

After listening, the other people also took a sigh of coolness. Lin Wudi, are you going to cross the border?

Yes, I have this plan,

For ordinary saints, Lin Xuan really didn't look at him. His goal must be at least the chief disciple. That kind of existence,

So he is preparing for a cross-border war,

Glancing at his eyes, he turned to the eight areas next to him and forgot to pass by.

圣 The saints in the eighth area, like the enemy, what this guy wants to do,

He even has nine heads on his face,

Zhe Linxuan did not take action on the nine-headed unicorn, but looked away, as cold as the wind,

家伙 This guy dared to provoke him with his eyes before. If he wanted to have a chance, the other party would surely assassinate him. It would be better to remove this scourge now.

My face was so cold as the wind became extremely cold, **** boy, what do you want to do, dare to shoot at me?

He is really angry,

Hey each other, are you looking down on him?

I dared to cross him to kill him.

Dare you come over and try, I promise you will die here, cold as the wind, roar,

翻 The ground around him turned open, and a lot of white bones appeared, forming a piece of white bones,

Unusual terror,

Lin Linxuan was sneering, it was you,

He strode forward, and soon, he crossed the area to the top of the eighth zone,

I had ten more on him, the road chain.

I felt the suppression of the road chain, Lin Xuan was also surprised, his strength and laws were suppressed.

I was really amazing, Lin Xuan was surprised, but the light burst in his eyes and his body was shining.

I was suppressed by the avenue, so what? These ten avenue chains couldn't help him.

you wanna die,

Seeing the other party really came, cold and windy, also angry,

He waved his hand, the bones around him killed,

To be honest, he thinks that his strength is not inferior to the other side, not to mention, now the other side is suppressed ~ ~ boy, do you think that before you killed those followers, is it great?

But those followers are suppressed by the road,

Now you are also suppressed by the avenue to see how I cut you.

The bones of this place are extraordinary. All who come here and die are saints.

这些 At this moment, the power of these bones is really terrifying,

He made the saints around him numb,

They went back crazy, and people from other regions also came and went.

Zhelin is invincible and powerful, but can you really live against it after crossing the border,

Avenue is suppressed, not a joke.


The flames on Lin Linxuan's body beat, and the laws of the sun condensed to form the sword of the great sun.

Take a sword and cut forward.

轰轰 轰轰!

十几 A dozen white bones in front of it, instantly broken, bones scattered all over the place,

Is it so powerful,

The people in the eighth area were stunned, but the other party was suppressed, and it was so horrible.

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