Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4002: Way to the future!

Let's go, Shoulang,

Tailor Xihua and Heishan teamed up to take away Su Cheng and Murong Qingcheng, etc., and disappeared.

Others are unexpected,

I didn't expect that such a thing would happen. Could it be that this forest is invincible, isn't it a true **** of fortune?

Damn, no, you have to do it, you can't let him survive.

Originally, they thought that the bronze messenger shot, the other side was dead, and the other side would not have no future.

现在 But now, it doesn't look like this at all,

The people of Xuantiandao League rescued each other, which shows that there must be hidden feelings.

But what they do n’t know,

More importantly, the other side has united, reflecting the heavens,

This, however, transcends the existence of the Great Saint!

So they absolutely do not allow such people to exist, they must be killed,

For a moment, many holy cities began to plan.

With the fate of Destiny, they are about to start a crazy hunt,

另外 On the other side, Tailor Hua and Montenegro joined hands, took Lin Xuan, and left the bronze messenger.

However, they did not come out of Destiny, but came to a safe place on the edge,

Heishan formed a separate space by covering the crowd with the jade in his hand.

He said that it would not be controlled by Destiny.

Toad looked at Ruyu with red eyes, but did not dare to say anything,

They all took a breath,

Lin Xuan said, holding his fist, thank you for your shot.

Shenglang, the future is boundless,

It's our duty to protect young Tianjiao like you. If you are the other top Tianjiao subject to this persecution, we will surely also take action, said the tailor.

Senior, what's going on?

Montenegro, do you know? Tell me quickly

Lin Linxuan was too confused,

What happened today is completely beyond his expectations,

He seals his black lotus again, and it is called Pei Anhua,

He struck the heavens above the Great Holy One,

He soon became a renunciation,

But Montenegro said that he is a fairy abandoned, is there any difference between the two sides?

He was even more surprised that Tiandao League, who claims to be a **** of the sky, is protecting him at this moment.

岂 Isn't this the opposite of the manifestation of Destiny Stone?

Murong Qingcheng They were equally puzzled, so they looked at Montenegro and the Tailor of Flowers eagerly.

Heishan said, boy, is there something, now, you know too early,

When you have strength in the future, when you step into that realm, you will naturally know,

Shit shit, old guy,

Everyone was so anxious that they didn't expect the other person to say nothing.

Lin Linxuan also sighed. He didn't expect the other party and even gave him some reservations.

Alas, Montenegro said again, rest assured, this road is not accessible, there is another way,

You just need to walk down with peace of mind.

The flower tailor next to you, said, I can say a word.

确实 You are not the one who is abandoned by the sky, but the one who is abandoned by the heavens.

Although we are called Heaven Alliance in the outside world, our real name is actually Shinto Alliance.

We and them are not in the same sky.

Everyone was stunned. The information in this sentence was too wide.

They're all covered. What do they mean?

Yuan Linxuan's eyes flickered,

He feels most things, he doesn't know now,

Like the black lotus, and the bronze messenger, who is it?

But he understood, the forces behind the bronze messenger, and the flower tailor, the forces behind are two forces.

Both forces can represent heaven,

But there are subdivisions.

Outside, for other saints, they do n’t know at all,

I think both are a force and both represent heaven.

So, what happened before.

If this is the case, then Lin Xuan is not afraid,

He sneered, what about the people who gave up!

Since he is not recognized by the bronze messenger, the strength of this side, then take another path,

Heishan also said that this road is not accessible and there are other ways.

I want a piece of destiny, just want to break his future life and death? Too simple,

In Lin Linxuan's eyes, a terrible light burst out.

You child, you are not decadent, scared. This is very comforting. Montenegro nodded with satisfaction when she saw Lin Xuan's expression.

I have nothing to fear, you said that it wasn't all heaven, how can they help me!

You young man, you do n’t have to be afraid of them,

We help you stop those people. Wife, this can still be done.

Thank you, senior, Lin Xuan, holding a fist,

Taking the status of a bronze messenger, it is even more terrible than the holy city. In case those people want to strike, it is estimated that he is very dangerous.

I now have the guarantee of the Shinto Alliance. If you want to come to those mysterious forces, you should not touch him.

But there is another question, Lin Xuan is very confused, why should he target him?

Lin Linxuan did not understand, especially the black lotus, why seal him?

You know, he is not the only one with the unique talent?

For this, even Montenegro is confused, and he ca n’t understand it.

The flower tailor next to her uncle was surprised, she looked at Lin Xuan again,

Maybe that's possible,

She did not elaborate, but ordered again.

Your future path may be very dangerous, but if you can break out, it will not be impossible for you to reflect the heavens in the future.

Everyone took a breath and reflected the heavens!

That really is the supreme existence above the Great Saint. Can Lin Xuan really take that step?

Lin Linxuan also took a deep breath, his eyes were excited,

Thank you seniors,

Next they wait here,

The destiny stone is turned on, and the time from leaving Destiny is very tight,

So they wait patiently,

另外 On the other side, the atmosphere of the bronze messenger was extremely embarrassing,

The extremely powerful bronze messenger was so scared that all those around him were shocked.

Most of the important people have been tested, destiny, and others dare not come forward,

At this time, I'm going to annoy the Bronze Messenger, let alone test the fate of the destiny, it is estimated that I have no life.

小 This kid is so weird, what happened to him is too evil,

Yes ~ ~ Yes, get rid of him,

Everyone thinks that Lin Xuan has no future and will die.

The other person was gone by the Heaven Alliance, which shows that the other party still has hope,

And if the other party can continue to live, then can it reach the reflection of God!

When they thought of this possibility, they were terrified,

Absolutely cannot, let such people exist,

These people all decided to immediately go back to kill each other after returning.

That's it, waited 3 more days,

After 3 days, the seal of Destiny was lifted,

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, finally leaving?

They have been with Destiny for several years, during which they have received countless treasures, but they have also lost countless companions.

离开 Leaving them at this moment is really like a dream,

Hurry up, these people are rising up into the air.

Hurry up, be in front of Lin Wudi,

He informs the Holy Land and joins hands to kill him.

This is the best opportunity. Don't let the other party fly.

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