Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4027: Submit to me!

Two little saints, looking pale, to be honest, they are really unwilling to explode,

They want to struggle and get out of trouble, but soon they are controlled,

The bodies of the two men suddenly split, and the universe was starry and bright all day,

As if the sun was cracking,

At this moment, the people on Shuangyu Star were stunned and looked up,

Damn, what happened above?

Someone is fighting!

They dare not go there,

恐怖 That terrifying breath made everyone creepy,

The power of two little saints' self-explosion can really destroy everything,

Lin Linxuan was swallowed up instantly.

该 Damn right now? Yu Shi pinched the corner of her mouth and raised a cold smile, and she finally avenged her!


In front of me, among the energy of terror, a figure was quickly killed and killed Yu Shi.

雨 施 妾 screamed, terrifying the soul,

发现 She found out that the other party was not dead at all, and she seemed unharmed.

how can that be!

She was really shocked,

She retreated quickly, but how could she be Lin Xuan's opponent.

Xuan Linxuan came to her in an instant and grabbed her neck with one hand.

Let Yu Shi 妾 be unable to breathe at all,

I just want to get revenge on your strength, is this possible?

The terrible killing intention bloomed in Lin Linxuan's eyes.

雨 施 妾 is also all cold, but at this time, a scimitar appeared in her hand.

Strangle it!

雨 施 妾 revealed a cold smile,

This is his lore, and his affection is endless. Even Xiaosheng cannot compete, let alone the other party.

刀光 凛冽

Lin Xuan snorted and raised his hand to block.

But soon, he stopped.

Because I found that this sword cut off his body, as if an illusion,

What's going on, isn't it a physical attack?

Suddenly he had a headache and felt a shock in his soul.

This is a soul attack, this sword is a sword of soul.

Lin Linxuan covered her head and struggled.

He grabbed Yu Shi 妾 's hand on his neck and closed it back.

Eyes is red.

雨 施 妾 big breath, but she smiled,

Huh, how's it going? Can I compete against my hole cards?

Don't worry, I won't kill you, but from now on, you will be my slave.

In this life, you can only rest under my feet.

I will torture you forever!

雨丝 妾 finally laughed proudly, her hatred can finally be reported,

She wants to torture her enemies all her life.

Lin Linxuan was indeed hit by the soul, and this soul attack seemed to want to affect him and make him fall in love with the woman in front of him.

You are subject to each other forever and ever.

how can that be!

Lin Linxuan snorted, destroy me.

When he hit his heavenly pupil, he opened it quickly, and the golden vortex kept chopping off this power.

The big dragon sword soul, even roared, rushed in and teamed up with Tianji Shentong to smash the power of affection.

The next moment, Lin Xuan's eyes suddenly bloomed with golden light.

I have spent my whole life being a slave. It's good. I accepted your proposal.

I also decided not to kill you and let you be my slave for my whole life.

how is this possible! You have not been affected!

雨 施 妾 scared back three steps, her face pale. At this moment, she was finally frightened,

Because her biggest reliance is on love.

After leaving Shuangyuxing, she had an adventure and met a big man in the Acacia School.

进入 He entered the Acacia School and obtained the current cultivation strength, which was given by the big man.

Including the affectionate sword in her hand, also the treasure of that big man, was given to her,

In order to train her,

With this affection and knives, He Sihuan, Yu Si 妾 did not go bad, and even conquered many small saints.

In her opinion, it is easy to kill Lin Xuan.

However, the facts unexpectedly exceeded her expectation, and the other party even got rid of the control of affection.

how did you do it? impossible!

到底 What kind of cards does the opponent have?

The next moment, when he saw Lin Xuan's golden eyes, his body trembled, showing a touch of panic,

Your pupil is so terrible,

Let me tell you what real control is. Lin Xuan put the magical pupil of the heavens to the extreme.

She Yu Shi Yan resisted strongly, but she couldn't stop it,

The weirdness and horror of Wu Tianji prodigy completely exceeded her expectations,

The next moment, she felt deep in her soul and planted a prohibition,

禁止 This prohibition will not cause trauma to her soul, but it can affect her soul and make her surrender to the other party forever.

She was struggling fiercely, and even wanted to use her affection to resist,

But it ’s too late,

If at first she knew how powerful Tianji Shentong was, she might be able to compete if she was alert.

But now, everything is late,

She was banned by her soul and became a slave girl of Lin Xuan.

林 For Lin Xuan, it is not difficult to plant such a bond.

Especially his celestial **** pupil, has the exclusive pupil magic skill,

He is one of them at this moment. After this kind of soul restraint is planted, it is very effective.

Does n’t affect each other ’s gifted thinking and behavior,

He is only about him. Any order he says must be surrendered,

This is the power of this soul restraint,

what did you do to me? Yu Shiyan screamed wildly,

There was a sneer in the corner of Zhe Linxuan's mouth, naturally, according to your agreement, let you become my slave girl

He said, he performed pupillary surgery and now submits to me.

Do not! I will not surrender to you!

雨 施 妾 also screamed wildly, but her body knelt down involuntarily,

Even her voice came out involuntarily,

Meet the master.

Damn, how could it look like this!

After worship, Yu Shi 妾 screamed in horror, but she was still kneeling there, full of horror,

发现 She found that although she could perceive everything clearly, she had to surrender to her orders,

This is really terrible, it seems even more terrifying than affection,

The effect is not bad, try again,

Stand up ~ ~ Drag your clothes off,

Hearing this voice, Yu Shih screamed!

Do not!

However, she stood up involuntarily, and even began to unfasten her hands quickly,

Soon, her robe slipped,

Damn it! Yu Shihua closed his eyes.

I opened my eyes and looked at me. Lin Xuan ordered again,

雨 施 妾 's eyes were separated by a force,

This is the change after her body got the order,

However, her mood was shaking violently,

Do not!

She shed two tears, and now she feels more uncomfortable than dead,

Isn't it possible for her to be tortured in such a lifetime?

Now she is very regretful. When she was extinct before, she escaped successfully.

If she hides, she can spend her life safely,

But she wanted revenge, and even thought she would succeed.

If God gave her another chance, she would n’t dare to take revenge if she was killed.

But now, everything is late,

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