Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4070: Fright at the bottom of the lake!

This power, this is the late period of Little Saint!

Countless people screamed,

Are there any strong men in the late period of the Holy Saint coming?

Lin Xuan also frowned. Murong was driving the Phoenix and escaped the attack instantly.

Where they originally stood, the void shattered, forming a black hole,

let's go,

They flew towards Jingyue Lake, and the next moment they entered Jingyue Lake,

Want to leave? In the black vortex in the sky, a ghost robe man came out,

I really was a late strong man.

He saw this scene and also rushed to Jingyue Lake.

Did you go in? Those who were around saw this scene and were shocked, they could only watch it by the lake, but did not dare enter.

After all, they suffered a lot here,

After Xun entered, Lin Xuan felt a strange energy that poured into them,

底 The bottom of the lake has a very dangerous formation, killing,

However, they are not afraid. They have maps in their hands, which can easily break the ancient formation method.

这个 At this moment, Lin Xuan frowned and turned his head. He noticed that after they landed, someone came in.

And the powerful killing sentiment from that person locked the three of them,

I **** it, it was the ghostly person, Li Hongxiu frowned, and his backhand was a flowing cloud, photographed.


The golem claws protruded, and tore her sleeves in an instant,

I was too strong, Li Hong sleeve, his face became pale,

三个 The three of them are in the early days of Little Saint, and the other is in the late stage of Little Saint.

The more this kind of leapfrog battles become, the more difficult it is. Those who can fight leapfrogs like Lin Xuan, are extremely top geniuses.

即便 But even so, it is very reluctant to play the late stage of the Holy Saint,

Of course, Lin Xuan is confident to stop,

Hey, now, he does n’t need to do it by himself.

He can fight against each other by peerless killing in the mirror moon lake

Boy, you can't get away. At the rear, the ghost sneer sneered, his body flickered, and he immediately came in front of the three, blocking the way.

Boy, look at the ghost girl's face, I won't kill you, give you a chance to live, give me the practice of your deities,

Hey, I can put the three of you on a holy road,

You, a ghostly saint, want to cultivate such a solitary body? Aren't you afraid of death, Lin Xuan sneered.

I do n’t need you to control it. I have a way to digest it. How about it, this condition is already very favorable for you.

三 Three of you can live,

Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude,

In this world of Qingshan, even if you are dead, it is estimated that you can't find it on my head, and I can design it as an accident.

Are you threatening me? Li Hongxiu's face was cold. As the daughter of the King of Saints, the other party dared to threaten her.

He threatens you, what is it, in this special space, this ghost saint is not afraid,

Lin Linxuan laughed at this time. Do you really think that you can eat us by yourself?

Huh, although you are strong enough to be able to slay people in the middle of Xiaosheng, you can't be right with Xiaosheng late.

Since you don't know life or death, don't blame me for being rude.

The ghost sighed coldly, his palms were printed,

Three ghost claws appeared behind him, covering the sky. The power on it was really too strong.

People in the middle of Xiao Xiaosheng were desperate when they met.

If you want to die, I will fulfill you. The three Lin Xuan backed away, and at the same time they hit out in different directions.

记载 It is recorded on the map that there is a formation method below, called Jingyue big formation, which is very scary.

At this moment, they can take advantage of the power of the Jingyue Formation.

Sure enough, the innumerable waters below formed a terrible killing intention, painted as a half-moon light, chopped forward,

what happened?

There are three ghost hands that are cut off instantly, and the ghost saint feels shrouded in a peerless killing,

How is it possible that Lin Wudi is so powerful that he can already threaten him?

Wrong, it's not the kid's strength, the ghosts and gods' eyes swept around, **** it, there is something extraordinary in the water!

Is it a formation?

I hate it.

He cares,

As soon as his body shape shook, he wanted to leave, and at the same time he hit a few ghost claws, trying to take Lin Xuan away with them.

After all, even if the other party is dead, he will take his body back.

However, below, the killing intention of Jingyue's array became more and more horrible, causing his ghost hand to completely collapse,

I **** it, I can only leave now,

He flew up,

Walking on the bottom of the lake, he became very slow, as if struggling in a quagmire,

Behind me, Lin Xuan laughed, so don't go back.

how is this possible? Ghost Saint is shocked, are you not affected?

As a late little saint, he can't bear it anymore, but these three people laughed and were not affected.

Hey, wait, where do these three people stand? The ghost's will immediately found the problem,

Three people did not stand together, but stood in different directions.

He rushed towards that place,

I was very clever, but it was useless. Lin Xuan sneered, and the three changed their bodies. Then they sent strength and plunged into the water.

Suddenly a burst of horrible breath erupted, and a ray of light enveloped the ghost saint,

The ghost screamed, his body was broken, and he had to say that his strength was very strong.

I only had one arm cut off.



The ghost screamed, his heart was hairy,

He smashed his broken arm, and with this power, he rose into the sky,

Quick defense.

The three Lin Xuanxuan also kept back, their arms exploded, their strength was really terrible.

Sure enough, the current was moving rapidly, forming a terrifying atmosphere,

With this power, the ghost saint escaped from the heaven, left the lake, and came to the void,

Damn it!

Zhe Lin is invincible, I will not let you go!

what happened? Is the late strong man injured?

Those people by the lake are shocked ~ ~ It's incredible,

Was Lin Wudi doing it?

No, this is too bad!

The crowd was terrified, and the scene embarrassed them.

No, it ’s done by the formation at the bottom of the lake.

Alas, Lin Wudi has not come up yet, has he been killed?

They talked a lot. It was really a big deal for Lin Wudi to die in it.

I waited for a long time and they didn't see Lin Xuan coming up,

Some people said that Lin Wuji must die, no one can stay underwater for so long,

Great, such a big devil is finally dead, many people take a breath,

However, that ghost holy Lengheng, the kid can use me to attack me, indicating that he should break it, the following method,

I want him to die in the formation, it is unlikely.


Zhe Lin is invincible and has solved the following formation method?

Is his tactical accomplishment so scary?

These people are frightened.


The trio of Lin Xuanxuan could indeed crack this kind of formation. According to the map, they quickly flew towards the bottom of the lake.

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