Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4079: An unprecedented crisis!

Haha, great, Lin Wuji is dead. ranwen ?????? `?

Outside the palace, the people in the great wasteland laughed proudly,

Aoyama Yue and others were so nervous,

Prince Lin!

Inside the palace, Li Hongxiu and Murong were extremely nervous. Is this kid really okay?

They are now wondering if it is too early to challenge the pilgrimage, at least they have to wait until the middle of the holy shrine?

In the formation, Lin Xuan's face was cold.

He was thinking about how to solve each other,

The law of death is not afraid of the other, the law of the sun can suppress it, but only to a certain extent,

The opponent's number advantage is too great.

Imagination, can multiple magical powers fight? He can, of course, even he can imitate thousands of figures to attack.

But what about that,

This is his power, divided into tens of millions, different from the power summoned by the other party.

Deal with others, but not with people on the pilgrimage list.

So far, there are only two ways left,

First, under the cooperation of these three people, kill Youquan,

However, this is obviously unlikely.

The last way is to make these three people disappear,

Since it is summoned, it is impossible to squat here for a long time,

The call of the other party must be conditional,

Even, there is some connection,

As long as he makes these three disappear, he is confident that he can defeat Youquan.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan took a deep breath, an extremely terrible light burst into his eyes,

The golden pupil fills the entire space,

Seeing this scene, Youquan is also hidden behind three barren figures.

Boy, do you want to use pupil surgery, I have been preventing it,

I will not hit your soul.

Lin Xuan Lengheng, he did not attack, but was looking for.

Where did these people teleport from?

Soon he discovered

These people have characteristics, although they are all incomplete, but the common point is that they all have barren chains,

Lin Xuan can search along the barren chain,

Sure enough, the barren chain was hidden in the void, but Lin Xuan found it.

What if I cut off these desolate chains?

Lin Xuan's eyes erupted,

On top of the death sword and the sword of the sun, a layer of dragon shadow was instantly covered,

That power became even more terrible,

And being able to cut everything,

Lin Xuan attacked, he rotated the Taiji chart, covered it, and quickly killed him.

Useless kid, die.

Youquan killed with three figures, the battle was very fierce,

Lin Xuan was injured in an instant, and his body cracked.

The taiji picture is dim, the blood stains the sky,

But he didn't care, but was crazy, the chain hidden in the void attacked,


The sound of shock sounded, and three desolate people suddenly made a wild roar, and they also had a terrible desolate breath in their eyes,

Damn, Youquan is stunned, how dare you!

He killed him, causing Lin Xuan to retreat, unable to continue attacking,

However, Lin Xuan showed a sneer,

Find the flaw of the other party,

This method poses a deadly threat to the other party. Otherwise, You Quan would not be so irritable.

Your supernatural power has a considerable loophole,

Lin Xuan laughed, and then see how I broke!

Youquan's incomparable ice lotus, loophole?

He acknowledged that every attack has its loopholes,

But how about that, there are some flaws that you can't know, some that you can't do,

For example, the Great Desolation summons, those chains are indeed a fatal crisis, but these chains, except for those three people,

Those other places are hidden in the void, who can see?

Moreover, it is not simple to hide, even if you disrupt time and space, it is difficult to hurt these chains.

Unless you are a powerful saint, or king of saints, destroy these three people directly with terror,

So this flaw is basically not a flaw,

But where did he want to be, the other party not only saw his hidden chains, but also could hurt the three chains,

What exactly is going on?

Why does the opponent ’s sword air cross the void? What about the desolate chain?

damn it,

This is something he has never experienced in his life,

Not to mention him, it is estimated that no one else in Dahuangfu has experienced it.


This time, Youquan took the lead and three barren figures assisted,

Before he was hiding behind the three, but now it seems that he has to take the initiative to attack,

He won't let this kid shoot again,

Lin Xuan snorted, an extremely terrible light suddenly burst into his eyes,

Hitomi, so spring and autumn,

Although Youquan is extremely prepared, this is not an ordinary pupil technique, it is a heavenly **** pupil.

So for a moment, he was also hit by the soul,

Although in only two seconds, he was able to escape,

But these two seconds are enough for Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan growled, madly pouring out strength, circulating on top of the death sword and the sword of the big sun,

Then, he gave out an endless dragon-shaped sword,


Zhentian's voice sounded ~ ~ Finally, he cut off the chains.


Two seconds later, Youquan just got rid of the impact of the soul,

But the next moment, his face was all green,

Damn it.

He felt that his control of these three barren figures was gradually disappearing,

How come you cut off the desolate chain!

The three of them fell off with the chains on their bodies. They roared wildly, a strange light appeared in their eyes, and they stared at Youquan.

Two steps back under Youquan, angrily screamed, palms printed.

The call is over,


In the void, a whirlpool of terror appeared, covering the three,

The bodies of the three, as if flying out of smoke, disappeared into the whirlpool.

Without the chains, you can't control them, right, Lin Xuan said coldly,


On the other side of Youquan, he kept sulking. He was really mad.

Can the other party really destroy the summoning? It is really incredible.

how did you do it? Youquan didn't believe it. He guessed that this way, the Lord could not do it.

The Holy Lord can beat him, but the Holy Lord used strong power to suppress and directly kill these three people.

Impossible to break his chain and chains,

It ’s not even possible to find his chains,

After all, this is not his magical power. It is a great wasteland. How many thousands of years of magical power has been passed down.

There is absolutely no such flaw!

I do n’t care how I do it, you just need to know that you lost this battle

Lin Xuanjian pointed forward.

Huh, you just broke my barren call, why did I lose?

You were seriously injured in the previous battle!

I still have a lot of magical rules. If you do n’t use them, what will you fight with me?

Youquan also stood up and growled strongly.

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