Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4142: Destroy Sword Mound


The formation method in is very dangerous, but there is a broken formation line given by Lu Qingfeng, so although these people move slowly,

But all came in without fear,

After I came in, they also showed the shocking expression like the others before.

眼睛 Each one's eyes turned red, and some people even started to search the Quartet.

The result is a matrix,

Do n’t mess around, it ’s very dangerous, there is the wrath of the Holy Lord,

The other people's faces also changed wildly, staring at each other with lingering fear,

We started to look up, these people were careful, they searched,

At the same time, a double-headed leopard flew towards the distance, but he came to a place without people,

The light bloomed in his eyes, forming two vortexes, engulfing his body,

At the same time, a handsome sixteen-seven-year-old boy came out of the whirlpool.

I finally came in. This handsome boy is naturally the sacred king.

Hitting his hand, the vortex appeared again,

Ling Linghu blows snow, Fu Hongye and others come out from it.

Is this the realm of the realm?

They looked around and looked curiously.

Be careful and ask about where is Lin Xuan? The Warriors King ordered

These people in Wushuang City started to act quickly.

In fact, before these people came in, Lin Xuan had already reached the top of the mountain.

The information on the top of the mountain is even more terrifying,

Xuan Linxuan did not dare to carelessly, and cast the dragon dragon soul to the extreme.

At the same time, the Dark Red Divine Dragon contaminates blood on the Dragon Soul of the Dragon, and the Dragon Soul of the Dragon sends out the sound of the dragon, as if resurrected

The dragon's shadow on Laoshan also growled low,

Then a door appeared in front,

Lin Linxuan and others rejoiced, and they walked in carefully.


The next moment they went in, the door disappeared, as if opened out of space stiffly,

They came into a space again, and when they entered, they felt that the sky was coming.

He seems to be a ray of light, and surrounds them,

Murong Qingcheng and others took a breath,

的 The avenue here is so rich, I feel my rules are boiling,

Lin Linxuan, too, was shocked.

It really is a good place,

If you make good use of it, you can save hundreds of thousands of years of penance,

Thought of this, they rejoiced and walked forward,

They found a lot of elixir bottles.

However, after opening it, they found that the elixir inside was empty, and let them sigh,

I do n’t know how many thousands of years have existed here. I am afraid that even if the panacea is put, it will not be tens of thousands of years.

I walked further forward, and rows and rows of bookshelves appeared, one after another on top of the jade,

Murong fell into the city, once Yushou returned, took out one, explored the soul of the road, and then showed a touch of surprise,

He is a supernatural power, and it is a top-level great supernatural power. Any one who takes it out can make those outsiders jealous.

Zhe Linxuan also took a look and revealed a smile.

Indeed, it says that the record is very extraordinary,

For example, what he has in his hands is a method of training, called King Kong Qiankun. After training, his physique is far beyond the same level.

Alas, Lin Xuan just looked and let go.

Because it may be jealous to change to other people,

This thing is indeed a good thing, but he already has the Jiuyang deity,

This is one of the rare gods in the cosmic sky, so he doesn't need it at present in terms of training.

Although he did not practice, he made a copy of these decisions. He and she could not use them, but they could be exchanged for something.

何 How powerful his soul was, he instantly poured into these jade bamboo slips for reproduction,

He soon had thousands of top supernatural powers in his hands.

It's going to be outside, it can absolutely make countless people crazy.

Even those holy cities are probably going crazy.

Lin Linxuan felt that if he was strong enough, he could even use these magical powers to create a martial art.


Suddenly, Lin Xuan stunned, waved his hand, grabbed a jade Jane, and watched it carefully,

The moment he narrowed his eyes,

What's the matter, boy, have you found something good? The dark red holy dragon jumped over,

Is indeed a good thing, Lin Xuan gave Yujian to the Dark Red Dragon,

After watching the Dark Red Dragon, he was surprised.

Destroy the sword mound.

上面 This is a method of manufacturing a weapon, not a holy weapon, but it is more powerful than a holy weapon.

Because this is a kind of restraint,

The so-called immobilizer is very powerful, but it has a disadvantage that it is used very shortly.

It ’s usually three to five times and it will be destroyed.

Things that belong to the category of consumption,

Without a strong background, it is impossible to make such a restraint at all.

Puppets are usually top-level forces or excavated from some ancient ruins.

This destruction of the sword mound is a kind of imprisonment, and it means that it can be used once.

The number of uses is very short, but its power is very strong

I can hear the name and know that this is a destructive weapon that, once cast, will directly detonate, forming energy that destroys the world.

The people under the saint cannot survive, even threaten the saint,

This is just one. If you refine more and detonate together, it is estimated that the deity can't stop it.

Lin Xuan felt a little excited before thinking of the extermination of the world caused by the phantom of the dragon and tiger.

Dark Red Dragon is also drooling, I didn't expect to have such a good thing here.

Qi Murong also came over, explored it, and was surprised.

Soon she frowned. Although this thing is powerful, it is not easy to make it.

The materials are quite hard to find.

Indeed, the precious materials and machines needed for this thing ~ ~ and the breath of destruction is needed.

I also have to build a sword mound, I am afraid few people can practice it.

However, Lin Xuan still copied a copy and made a deep note of it,

This thing is good. If you have a chance, you will definitely not miss it.

I walked in again, and the light gradually brightened, because there was a huge **** crystal in front of me, which sealed some elixir,

Yuan Linxuan they were stunned after watching it,

Seal with the **** crystal, then it will not wither and die,

But this is a good thing tens of thousands of years ago. If elixir is refined, it will be very beneficial to their cultivation and improvement.

Zhe Linxuan carefully cut and collected all the elixir.

Is almost enough for 2,000 plants,

I was really surprised.

I am afraid that in a short period of time, the elixir need not worry, and Murong Qingcheng also showed every smile.

No wonder those who have the sky also want to come here thousands of miles, indeed, enough to make any force crazy.

So they won't say it out,

They continued to walk in. There was endless darkness ahead. Not knowing how long they had walked. They stopped.

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