Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4210: Enchantment!

I'm so good, Jian Chi, you are here too, Meng Qing is relieved.

When Lin Xuan was there, she felt relieved a lot.

The other three young Tianjiao frowned slightly,

What the **** is this guy doing?

However, at this moment, the situation is in crisis, and together with the order of the elder, they have not said anything.

I just gritted my teeth and flew fast.

Soon they crossed countless mountains and came to a huge mountain,

山 This mountain is like a dragon plate lying there, called Canglong Mountain, where the Canglong Horn is located.

Open the seal,

There are nine powerful dragons near Longshan Mountain, waiting.

After they saw Meng Qing and others coming, they quickly sealed their palms and tore off the seal in one corner.

Subsequently, Meng Qing, Lin Xuan and others quickly walked in.

After walking in, Lin Xuan felt a strong breath of dragons in the mountain.

Lin Linxuan felt the repression,

Others are pale,

I'm terrible, what level of power is this, the breath left behind?

Simultaneously. They also have a touch of excitement,

The Canglong Dragon Horn is in it. If they can get it, it will be the Supreme Creation.

Soon they came inside and found that there was a bright glow around it,

There is an enchantment in front of him, with a dragon horn in it.

The dragon's horn is the size of a palm, but it is very mysterious, and the dragon pattern on it is not. Lin Xuan was surprised with the breath.

Yuan Linxuan's body contained a big dragon sword soul and roared. It seemed to be very happy.

At the same time, many people came out of Canglong Mountain,

The original pterosaur and stegosaurus triumphed, and they directly suppressed the Canglong family and hit the vicinity of Canglong Mountain.

The elders of the Canglong tribe screamed angrily, how about it, did you go in?

The nine people said, just went in,

The elder of Canglong was relieved. Everyone listened, they must not be allowed to move forward.

Protect Canglong Mountain, and at the same time send a message to the people inside, let them hurry up,

Elder Grandma knew that this time the other party was prepared, they could not support for too long,

It's useless. Don't insist, you are not our opponents at all,

An old figure came down, and the dark golden wings behind him covered the sky,

The heavens and earth were darkened.

Here comes the elder of the Pterodactyls,

The elder of the Canglong tribe, typed out without saying a word, Canglong Seal,

对方 The other side is in the wind for nine days,

Two, the top saint shot, terrible laws, swept in all directions,

Others were also in World War I, and the situation was extremely fierce,

Inside the Canglong Mountain, Lin Xuan and others heard the voice and the sound of fighting outside.

Are those people here already? If they break the seal, then they have no chance.

Damn, we ca n’t wait any longer, a young man came out,

He is also a day. In order to reach the half-step sage, Jiaoxiu cut his palm at this moment, and his own dragon blood fell on the enchantment.

I also said, ancestor, please recognize me.

He was full of anticipation, the others also held their breath,

However, the Canglong horns in the enchantment remained motionless without any reaction.

I hate it, how can this be?

The first young man's face became so pale that he was unwilling.

But this is the second person, but he came up, he said, let me,

Then he also cut his palm and pressed it on the enchantment. This man's cultivation reached the state of sacredness, just like Mengqing.

I can say that both strength and talent are stronger than the first person.

However, the second person also failed.

虽然 Although he caused the vibration of Canglong Horn, the seal was not lifted.

In other words, he has not been recognized,

Damn, how could it be, I am your offspring, I have the purest blood, and the body of the dragon, why do n’t you recognize me,

The second man growled wildly. Obviously, he couldn't accept the result.

Enchantment, there must be something wrong with this enchantment, I want to break it,

He immediately cast the body of Canglong, and then printed on the palm of his hand, and patted it hard toward the front.

I could not do anything, Mengqing exclaimed, but it was too late.

The Canglong mark of that person banged on the enchantment, causing a shock,

The enchantment encircled countless rays of light, the avenues were intertwined, and the man was directly sent to Zhenfei.

The young man's vomiting blood was severely injured.


At the same time, Canglong Mountain happened, shaking.

Countless formations shake, as if they will be extinguished and broken at any time,

what happened?

People outside Canglong Mountain saw this scene. They all changed their face, Zhanglong exclaimed, what happened?

People of the Pterodactyl and Stegosaurus are also surprised. Can they be recognized?

They were very worried, but after waiting for a while, they found that no terrible breath came out,

They all laugh, it seems that there has been no success,

Huh, the Canglong tribe don't work hard, your people can't undo the seal of Canglong horn at all, let us come!

Huh, if our Canglong family is impossible, then your other Dragon Balls have no chance,

Going back now, we can still not blame the previous step, then don't blame our Canglong family for turning their faces completely,

The elders of the Canglong family coldly drink,

The elders of the Pterodactyls are Lengheng. Are you still qualified to negotiate with us?

Old friend, are you still out?

Falling with his voice,

The heaven and earth were broken, and another terrible figure appeared. The terrible sword air runs through the world.

It ’s not good, it ’s the elders of the stegosaurus.

The face of the Canglong people has become extremely ugly, which is also a top saint.

Before they met, they were able to compete, but now they have another one. I am afraid that their elders could n’t resist.

Sure enough, the elders of the Canglong tribe turned extremely ugly ~ ~ he gritted his teeth and asked, is the person inside still okay?

第三 The third person in it has already completed, tried, but still failed,

虽然 Although he was unwilling, he did not dare to get angry. After all, the second person was still seriously injured and was almost killed.

I'm disrespectful to my boss, that's very dangerous. There are only two people left.

他们 They ignored Lin Xuan directly, how could the other party not be their Canglong tribe to be recognized?

and so. They put their hopes on Meng Qing.

At this time, Canglong Mountain shook violently, and there was a sound of broken formation.

I ’m not good, they called in,

These geniuses have become extremely ugly,

Wu Mengqing, quickly, they reminded,

Wu Mengqing also cut his palm and headed for the previous plan.

The Canglong dragon horns spun up, and the dragon pattern on it kept flickering and shining.

There was a terrible breath of Dragon Road, and it seemed that Canglong Horn was about to wake up.

Seeing this, Tianjiao of the three Dragon Balls widened his eyes,

Is it possible that Meng Qing can be recognized?

They were so shocked and envious.

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