Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4233: Shocked the audience!

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To everyone, Lin Xuan is dead.

In fact, Lin Xuan has indeed fallen into an extremely dangerous realm.

Well, he is not panic. At this moment, he is accumulating strength.

In the face, there are thousands of figures. He fights and retreats.

But in his eyes, a golden light was flashing.

He is performing pupillary surgery, but is quietly performing.

Moreover, the power is not strong. He has to subtly affect the soul of the other party, and cannot let the other party discover.

The other party now has the wind, and his mind must be very inflated,

He wants to use this to make the other party arrogant to the extreme,

He wants to make the other person completely insane,

Sure enough, when I saw Lin Xuan's retreat, Si Kong cracked, and his mouth raised a squinting smile.

Let's go to death, thousands of silhouettes fluttered over, directly covering Lin Xuan,

The entire ring platform was also completely covered, as if these voices turned into locusts, lying on Lin Xuan's body, and began to absorb Lin Xuan's power frantically to strengthen these figures.

Lin Xuan couldn't move. He felt the loss of power, but he smiled.

Great, it finally worked. These people rushed all in desperation,

The next moment's light flickered, and the great dragon sword soul roared countless swords to form a world of kendo,

Directly covering these people completely,

Puff puff!

In a split second, those voices were shocked and their bodies cracked.

But the sound of crickets sounded, useless, you can't kill me,

This will make me more and more,

Lin Xuan didn't say anything, he spurred the attack on Soul of the Soul with all his strength, and fell wildly.

Gradually, Time and Space changed his face. What the **** was going on? He found that his figure had fallen into a pool of blood.

Before rebuilding a new body, he was cut off again,

And the sigh of breath of these swords makes those wounds unable to heal.

He found that his figure was gradually decreasing.

Damn, the opponent still has such a stingy sword spirit, he wants to retreat,

However, he found that the entire world of Kendo had shrouded everything, and he had no way back.

What makes him even more shocked is that all his bodies have actually come to the sword into the world, none of them are reserved,

How could I not believe it,

Even if he was mad again, he would be careful to leave an individual out in case something happened,

But he didn't stay now, which was really a surprise.

Damn, what's going on,

When he saw Lin Xuan's eyes have a strange light, he knew it was bad,

You performed pupillary surgery on me.

Yes, it seems that you are not too stupid, I did my pupil surgery,

So you ca n’t escape at all,

Damn, I'll fight with you. Time and space roar. Since he has no retreat, then he can only fight with water.

Numerous terrible laws appeared in him, and the remaining figures killed together.

Lin Xuan was cold hum, everything was over, the endless sword energy broke out, and it was over soon,

All the people were wiped out, and the blood was wiped out by him, not even a drop shed.

The terrible fissured beast was completely killed by him at this moment

Those who watched the battle outside were stunned when they saw this scene.

They only saw countless figures rushing to Lin Xuan, and then Lin Xuan emerged with sword energy, completely covering the entire platform

Next, they couldn't see anything. What happened?

How is it

The people of Wan Yao City sneered, how dare you question the strength of Gukongshou?

I really do not know how to live or die,

Indeed, they are not worried at all, unless the old monsters can kill the fierce beasts,

No one in the younger generation can really do it.

But when the sky's sword energy disappeared, those people around him were stunned,

What happened, they found that there was only one person in Yantai, that was Lin Xuan

Where did he go when time broke?

Didn't he hide it, as soon as the exclamation sounded,

The people in Wan Yao City are also stunned. They growl, boy, Sikonghun, where have you been,

Hearing this, Lin Xuan laughed. He has been sent to **** by me.

What, this is not possible, everyone is lame,

The people of Wan Yao City are even more exclaimed,

The Flying King also opened his eyes, his eyes were rarely in all directions, and a huge soul was pressed down.

It looks like he's searching, but it didn't take long for him to look ugly.

What's going on, he really can't sense the breath of time and space,

Is it possible that he was really killed by him,

The three referee elders descended in the same volley, and began to explore the surroundings. Then they said that time and space hunting, life and death are unknown, this station, Jian Chi won.

Life and death are unknown, and everyone takes a cool breath, but it is a cracked beast.

Can split out countless individuals, how could he disappear?

Now that he is not there, there is only one possibility, that is the other party was killed,

There wasn't even a drop of blood to kill, and he stayed.

Thinking of this possibility, everyone's scalp became numb,

What kind of method did this sword idiot use, and it was so powerful?

Great, Murong is all over the city, Shen Jingqiu are all relieved,

Wan Jian also raised his eyebrows, the other side ’s sword energy ~ ~ It ’s weird,

As a kendo master, he felt a threat,

The people in Wan Yao City are completely insane, I will fight with you!

Many people rushed out,

Lin Xuan sneered, okay, I sent you to hell,

These people's bodies stopped in the air, and they did not dare to fight each other.

For a while, it was neither advance nor retreat.

A bunch of waste, without the courage to fight with me,


Lin Xuan growled loudly and stunned.

Come back. The Flying King shouted coldly, all the people in Wan Yao City are back,

They did n’t do anything next, because this time really scared them,

Originally, even the flying **** king thought that the cracked beast attacked and was absolutely foolproof.

But now that the Rift Beast has been killed, do we have to send a stronger hole card?

They were not sure, so for the next time, Wan Yaocheng seemed to be asleep, no one spoke, no one talked, and no one went to war.

One person, one sword, pressed deeply into the head, I am afraid this is really the first time in history!

The surrounding holy cities are also dignified, and until now they did not know who this person was.

However, the other party ’s method was really too scary, and Wan Yaocheng was even scared.

And in the other holy cities, many people have died in each other ’s hands,

However, everyone found that the other party did not take action on all the holy cities, but on a specific number of holy cities.

Could it be that this man has enmity with the holy cities.

For a moment, they thought of a possibility,

That Wushuang City is hostile to these holy cities, is there only Wushuang City?

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