Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4263: Jedi fights back!

The scene in front of me really shocked these people,

Soon, they found that in addition to the killing of Sanjusan, there was a figure.

A figure also fell into the ruins.

Lin Wudi,

Countless people exclaimed, could it be that Lin Wudi killed Huang Shisan?

Those around are crazy!

Some of the holy city ’s strong faces were bleak, and this matter they have come from the Holy King ’s voice,

Their goal was to catch Lin Xuan, so when they saw this scene at the moment, they said nothing and started directly.

A big palm spreads over, as if the ancient Devil's Mountain came over and grabbed Lin Xuan,

The powerful force makes the whole world tremble,

This is a later stage of the deity of Huang Quandian. He shot and was shocked to heaven.

Who was stunned by the blood and screamed, and Hongye roared, how dare you!

Linghu Blowing Snow was even a sword on display, blocking this big Huang Quan's hand,

Several holy cities around, all shot, Lin Xuan can be said to be extremely dangerous.

Brother Xuan, go quickly, exclaimed Murong,

At the same time, she let the Lord of the Kunlun Pavilion also make a shot.

However, Lin Xuan couldn't escape at all.

not good. You Ruo's eyes were black and white, and he looked forward and frowned,

He has almost no power in him!

Quickly take him away, Liu Yuan also set off,

The other people also wanted to save Lin Xuan, but the strong men in other holy cities were sneering. They would never allow these people to do anything

For a moment, the heavens and the earth were completely blocked,

Want to save him? Next life, today is his death.

A sneer came over.

The late powers of the saint, holding the sword, walked forward.


Those who watched the battle outside also shook their heads and sighed. This time, Lin Xuan will surely die.

Lin Xuan looked at this scene, his face was extremely pale, he swallowed a panacea, and restored some strength in his body.

However, this power could not support him to escape at all.

And he has no plans to escape,

Do n’t these people want to kill him? Well, stay with you to the end.

The palm of his hand stretched out, and a difficult seal was made. Lin Xuan's voice sounded.

Zhujun, please dream.

At this most critical moment, he opened Dream Leaf again,

Bright rays of light flew out of the leaves, covering the world,

At the next moment, everyone felt that the sky was turning, the sky turned upside down,

When they returned to God, they found that the surrounding scene had already changed.

what happened? What happened, some people exclaimed, didn't understand at all.

Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile, where he was no longer weak, but stood in the void,

Welcome to my world, where I am the master.

You just want to dominate us?

You don't even have a little power, dominate it.

A monster in the early days of Wan Yaocheng sneered.

He shot ruthlessly, punched it, and suddenly broke in the void. It seemed that he wanted to fly Lin Xuan directly.

However, Lin Xuan did move his finger, and a thunder broke in the sky, smashing the opponent directly.

The mist of blood was scaring everyone,

what happened? Has his strength recovered?

Damn, how could this be.

Those in the early days of the Holy Lord all backed up, as they were close to the enemy, after all, Lin Xuan in the heyday state, there was no difference between killing the early Holy Lord and cutting vegetables.

Do n’t worry, he ca n’t afford anything here.

People in the later period of the saint sneer, sneer, even if the other party recovers, so what?

One of the old men cut it out with one stroke. The terrible sword light swept the Quartet,

Those around were shocked, but Lin Xuan's figure disappeared instantly.

Appeared in another direction,

Useless, you can't hurt me at all, I'm the master here.

what happened?

The old man sank down,

Soon someone exclaimed, **** it's not the real world,

This is the soul world.

Damn it, unblock me,

Someone printed on the palm of their hand and wanted to escape from illusion, but found it impossible.

Those who watched the battle outside were also stunned. They found that all the strong men in the holy city stood there without action.

As if transformed into a statue,

Damn, what's going on, some elders of the holy city roar, hurry up,

However, some of the holy kings frowned. Could they have succeeded in magic?

No, Lin Wuji has already been injured like this, and he can still perform such a powerful illusion.

Damn, did he use the King ’s weapon?

The extremely radiant light erupted in the eyes of the flying **** king,

Being able to control so many people in the later period of the Holy Lord in an instant is definitely a Holy King-level power.

However, some people frown. It should not be. If this power is exerted, he will be suppressed immediately.

Even sent it out, disqualified,

But not now

For a moment, these holy kings did n’t understand, in fact

The dream leaf was indeed given to Lin Xuan by the sage king, but well, this thing is based on the soul of Lin Xuan.

Therefore, the judgment of strength is also based on Lin Xuan's soul.

Lin Xuan is the master, he is not the holy king, so this space will not use fantasy leaves as the power of the holy king.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and raised a smile? He said the brother hurriedly, I can't support it for too long,

Indeed, although Dream Leaf is magical, it cannot control so many powerful people for a long time, not to mention the existence of several deities in the late period.

Lin Xuan felt that he could imprison these people for five seconds.

I know, Linghu blows snow, they take a deep breath,

Among them, Kunlun, Canghai Pavilion, Hehuan Hall, those powerful men, also exploded in the eyes.

This is an opportunity for them,

The strong men like Huang Quandian are roaring, break out quickly, don't let them besiege,

Since this is the illusion set by the opponent, then they will break,

All kinds of breaths erupted in an instant, and the souls of these people hit Happangfang.

Lin Xuan is cold

Imprison everything

The entire fantasy world respects him, so with his command, he is directly imprisoned around him,

Those in the holy city, feel unable to move,

Not good, and these people like Linghu blowing snow are angry and drink quickly,

They burst out in the strongest force and madly dispatched.


A sword light fell, and the deity of Huang Quandian was split in half in the later period.

Those around me saw this scene crazy,

Heaven, is it really so scary?

Run away.

They are struggling more violently, and the void around them is also shaking quickly, obviously it cannot support them,

Lin Xuan's face was cold and cold, only five seconds,

He was not sure which step he could take.

Five seconds is very short, but it is enough for these masters.


In the later stages of the deity of Wan Yaocheng, he was directly torn apart.

The deity of the Great Desert House was later suppressed by the Kunlun Mountains.

In the later period, the throne of thunder **** was completely obscured by the water of the sea,

And like those in the middle and early stages of the saint, they suffered even more.

As soon as it was hit, it was directly detonated,

Five seconds passed quickly ~ ~ All of this time was hit hard,

Five seconds later, those who were still alive in the late period of the saint roared,

The whole fantasy world clicked, broken like a mirror,

The next moment, they felt able to move and returned to the real world.

Hurry up,

Their idea is not revenge, but escape.

Because they really received serious injuries before.

There are more than a dozen saints in the late period, the strong are killed, the eternal heart and soul are destroyed,

Their bodies also fell into the ruins,

For other repairs, half of them fell!

Those who were alive were also severely damaged, their souls and bodies merged, and their blood spewed up.

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