Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4284: 6 reincarnation!

But Wang Yuewang is not worried, because they also have someone to answer,

That is the closed moon shy flower palace.

When I saw this scene, those of the Jiuli Dynasty,

He also sank and did not continue to do anything.

Seeing that people are almost there, the King of Spirits in Taigu Grottoes said, let's go,

Speaking of him rising up, those around him followed,

The crowd entered the temple again, flying,

Before long, they stopped again,

The temple opened, and the King of Words walked out first, and others also came out after him.

This time, they felt more creepy,

This is Lin Xuan's surprise.

There are 100,000 mountains ahead, and there is indeed a valley in that mountain,

Abnormal mystery, there are no monsters, not even a plant,

It's weird.

The Holy Spirit, come down,

Then strode forward, it looks like it should be heading towards the valley,

However, the other party didn't dare to fly, but only knew that there was something in front of him in awe

Everyone else held their breath and followed carefully.

When he finally came to the front of the valley, the Spirit King stopped and said in a deep voice.

The temple opened, and I waited to come and respect the law,

Who is the law protector?

Lin Xuan and others were surprised, but didn't say anything. Before walking out slowly in the valley in front, a figure,

The man was wearing an ancient robe and his face was cold.

He stood there like the Supreme King, looking down at everything,

At this moment, the surrounding kings shouted respectfully, and met the law of reincarnation,

The saints around were stunned,

Cangtian, can the Holy King bow his head, what realm has this protection of the law reached,

Can it be a great saint?

They couldn't believe it.

This is too powerful, right?

Reincarnation looked up, the stars disappeared in their eyes,

He looked at everyone,

Then laughed, this time there are more people than expected,

It's really comforting,

His voice is very low,

Everyone felt scalp numb, as if the secrets on them were seen through,

Alright, me whoever of you.

Then he turned and walked towards the valley,

Yan Lingsheng took a deep breath and followed.

Those other people also followed one another. After Lin Xuan and others entered the valley,

Feeling the atmosphere here is even more mysterious,

As if to turn around the world,

The law of reincarnation is that the next step is the assessment of the third stage of the Holy Words.

I will send you into a strange world,

And what you want to gather is the will of the Holy King.

This is what the avenue and its own power combined after the death of the Holy King.

As long as you can collect, the third level is successful,

And possessing him is the key to the Tibetan Emperor Star,

When this word came out, everyone was shocked.

Can the Holy King's will lead? That is countless, the place where the emperor was buried.

It is said that there is a martial arts shrine. If they can go there, they may really be able to surpass the Holy King

For a while, these people's eyes were red.

The law of reincarnation did not say much, the palms were printed, and all the horrifying laws circulated on him

The next moment, he pressed his hands on the earth, and the earth trembled.

A dark shadow rose from the valley, terrible,

It was a pagoda.

There are six doors on it, each door has a sloppy face, which is extremely scary.

The six doors are as if they lead to the six worlds.


The reincarnation law keeps printing, and a terrible force bursts out.

The six doors kept flashing,

One of them came to the door and opened it directly. The guardian said that now you can enter.

When they heard this, everyone took a deep breath.

People from Taigu Grottoes took the lead and went in. After them, Huang Quandian,

When those other people saw this scene, they no longer hesitated to enter.

The next moment, they felt like the sky was spinning and were teleported away.

That power wrapped them up completely.

When everything disappeared, Lin Xuan and others found that they had come to another place

This place is no longer a valley, but a dark earth, bloody,

There are some mountains with a terrible killing intention,

This seems to be an ancient battlefield, after being attacked by countless powerful men,

More terrible than the space formed by the second level,

Before the second level, countless geniuses fell, and that ’s just the saint.

And what fell here is likely to be the Holy King, or more powerful.

And, more than one holy king,

Otherwise, the law will not let them collect the will of the Holy King.

Suddenly at this time, there was a fog around, making the whole world chaotic.

Can't see the sight in the distance,

Some people were shocked,

Be careful

They held their breath, stretched out the rules, resisted,

Lin Xuan also burst out a golden light in their eyes. They walked forward.

Suddenly, there was a sound of broken bones under their feet,

Lin Xuan lowered her head and found that all they had broken were bones.

And these bones carry extremely powerful sermons,

Obviously this is the bone left by the strong, but I do n’t know how many years have passed,

These bones had long been broken and could not bear their power at all.

These people continue to walk forward,

Suddenly, Lin Xuan's pupils shrank sharply,

At the same time, Youru exclaimed and stopped

Hearing this, the people on Wushuang City stopped.

Frowning asked, what happened?

Linghu blowing snow they are also confused,

Those around me were also exclaimed, and some of them who were proficient in illusions said, do n’t go, there seems to be something in front,

Some people played out the rules, the terrible winds swept through, blowing the mist away.

They see ahead. There are many spiritual tombs, those tombstones are like hills, very weird,

And the above said that the carried breath, barrel-like terrible,

Obviously, all buried here are powerful men of terror.

Who is buried here? Could it be a holy king?

Some people exclaim,

At the same time, their eyes turned red. What the previous reincarnation method made them look for is the will of the Holy King.

Just now, you can see that the tomb of the Holy King is really great,

However, if you and others are frowning, Holy King, that is powerful,

Even if they die, they will not be weak. Their graves are not so easy to break through.

Lin Xuan was even more ugly. He said that everyone noticed that we were surrounded.

Look around,

They looked carefully.

It was found that the tombs around them formed a siege and enveloped them firmly,

What's going on, why is this place so horrible?

Some people's faces turned white.

Lin Xuan's eyes erupted, and he found that their area was indeed wrapped by countless tombs.

In addition to them in this area ~ ~ has two things, one is the ancient altar, where it stands silently,

The other is a hut, and it ’s clear that there was someone there once,

Is anyone here to guard the tomb?

He was really surprised,

Lin Xuan guessed that the six reincarnations of the reincarnation law should have sent them to an ancient battlefield.

And this ancient battlefield is likely to be a forbidden place in the true spirit world.

It may also be out of the real world, and even Lin Xuan also speculates that the six reincarnation may be able to reverse time and space.

Of course, he thinks this is unlikely,

But anyway? None of them are in a good condition.

Because Lin Xuan can feel an inexplicable tension,

That said, something is threatening him.

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