Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4299: Guardian Light!

Lin Xuan felt that there was still a power around him, which made him startled,

No one else can sense it, but Lin Xuan's natural prodigy can clearly sense that this danger is getting closer,

Lin Xuan's face was pale, he said, not good, I think we should retreat first.

Back off?

What happened to the people at Kunlun Pavilion?

Some of them have a look of disdain in their eyes, is this the legendary Lin Wudi, why is he so timid and afraid,

Are the virgins of Kunlun Pavilion with such a person?

Those who have this idea are Kunlun's young Tianjiao. After all, they also hope to win the attention of Murong.

So I despise Lin Xuan at the moment,

Those in Kunlun Pavilion were also frowning. The middle-aged man asked, I wonder what Lin Gongzi found?

There is a dangerous breath approaching, I think it is best to leave here first,

Dangerous breath? A few people were stunned. Among them, there were even those in the later period of the saints. They carefully sensed and then said that they did not find it.

Murong really said, we believe in Brother Xuan, leave here first,

Well, the masters nodded. Since even the maiden said so, they retreated a little distance,

Some of these young Tianjiao are very upset. Huh, I'll take a look. There will be no danger then.

How can this kid continue to pretend?

These people quickly retreated toward the rear, seemingly trying to get away from the pagoda,

This scene shocked those around him,

The people in Taigu Grottoes turned around, showing a hint of doubt, what happened?

A man sneered, he must have left because he was afraid of our attack. How could these wastes be our opponents?

They have disdain in their eyes.

However, at this moment, the void broke apart, and an extremely terrifying breath rushed out, rushing in all directions,

Immediately afterwards, horrible shadows emerged and were photographed directly.

With a bang, the sky in front of them collapsed, and those in the Taikoo Grottoes and Thunder City were directly shot out.

Large mouth vomiting blood.

what's up? Those around were also scared and numb, they felt this terrible breath, their faces became extremely ugly,

Even they saw that there were two strong men in the late period of the deity, and they were directly blown away.

The people in Kunlun Pavilion were also stunned. Soon, they sweated coldly.

If they didn't leave in the first place, maybe they are the ones who are hurt by vomiting blood.

Thinking of this, their faces were shocked,

The older characters took a deep breath and said, thank you, Dr. Lin, for reminding,

Kunlun Pavilion's young Tianjiao, his face became extremely pale,

Before, they also mocked Lin Xuan's timidity. Where can I think of it, Lin Xuan really detected the danger?

But they don't know anything. What qualifications do they have to laugh at such people?

For a moment, who have put down their contempt,

Lin Xuan shook his head, his frown tightened even more,

Because the wave of energy coming from the front is really terrible.

Everyone looked up, and the next moment, they saw a bone claw in the void,

It was a white bone claw, where it floated, terrible,

However, there is only one palm and nothing else,

This made everyone surprised,

Can one palm easily injure the Lord?

So, what kind of palm is this? Was it not the King of Saints?

Everyone was stunned,

They probed carefully and found that the palm of this hand was very strong.

But the above was already broken. Obviously, in the endless years, he was not the original.

This relieved everyone,

If it's a good palm, I'm afraid they can't resist it.

But now, with cracks all over them, they may have a chance to compete.

Damn, the people in the Taigu Grotto flew from a distance, their faces were ugly, and they were still bloody.

There were several strong men who stared at the bones of the palm, and the eyes burst out with crickets.

The mere guardian's palm dared to hurt us.

The strong man from Thunder City also flew over, gritted his teeth and said, if it was not because it was too sudden, how could we be injured,

These people had a cold atmosphere in their eyes, and then someone said, let's go, break the guard's palm together, and then enter the pagoda.

Is it actually the guardian's palm? Shen Jingqiu is also surprised. Then she said, Brother Xuan, this guardian's palm, I have heard some legends.

It is a powerful being, dead and refined, and the treasure formed to protect it.

The guardian's palm usually has the guardian light. Once it can be absorbed, it can make Fang Yu more powerful,

Although the guardian palm is now broken, but there should still be guardian light on it,

If you can get it, your Jiuyang deity, physique, may be able to become stronger again.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan also brightened his eyes, really? Great.

If this is the case, then he must be in contention, thinking of this, there is a faint light in his eyes,

However, as soon as he saw countless masters around, he said, no hurry, we still watch the change.

Indeed, there are a lot of people here, and all the top players who can come are many of them are late-stage powerhouses, and they have a lot of cards in their hands.

These people are also quick hands-on.

Thunder God, a person in Taigu Grottoes, quickly shot.

The laws of terror and magical powers rushed forward. These people joined forces at this moment. Obviously, they would break, the guardian palm, and enter the pagoda.


Today the voice of the ground came over, guarding the palms from blooming, and then swept towards them.

The Xiaguang carried on it was really terrible, and in one hit, it jumped straight away.

Bang Bang Bang,

The guardian's hand and the surrounding magical laws collided, and the terrible thunderstorm sounded between heaven and earth.

Group after group of energy, UU reading spreads in all directions,

Many people backed up,

Lin Xuan looked forward, his eyes were incomparable, and he was ready to shoot at any time.

Because he knew that the Guardian Palm, although powerful, would certainly not be able to persist for too long in the bombardment of so many strong men.

Sure enough, the leader is the late powerful of the saint. Their combat experience is very rich. Each attack is directed at the guardian hand, and the broken place attacks.

Make the above cracks even more terrible.

However, these people are also secretly guarding each other, for fear of being attacked by others, so they have not exerted all their power.

But even so, it didn't take long for the guardian's palm and the cracks on it to become very scary,

Then a click made a crack.

That palm is torn apart,

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