Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4333: Uncle!

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Fortunately, the heritage of the temple is also very powerful, so these people directly transmitted in space. http: //% 77% 77% 77% 2e% 6c% 6e% 77% 6f% 77% 2e% 6e% 65% 74

Lin Xuan is also a powerful array mage, so in the beginning they teleported beyond the starry sky, followed by Lin Xuan as the leader.

He used the power of heaven and earth to form a space array.

These space arrays were laid out in the temple early, and even some of them were passed down from ancient times.

He was taken out at the moment, just need to provide enough power to act,

And these powers are either provided by the cosmic starry sky or some of the power of the star world,

In short, these people teleported all the way back to the Second Astral Realm.

Second Star World, everyone is waiting,

They want to know what happened to the third stage

But after waiting, they learned a message,

That is, the King of Manifolds has fallen,

As soon as the news came out, the clan factions and Holy City in the Second Star Realm were all stunned.

What type of situation is this?

But they knew that all the holy kings of the holy city left together and took those victorious geniuses and strong men to the third level,

But now the news of the third level has not yet spread, but it has come, the news of the fall of the Holy King,

People in Wushuang City naturally got the news,

They are all stunned,

how can that be!

Did their Holy King fall?

Damn, they don't believe it.

For a moment, they hurried out to investigate,

But the entire Second Astral World is talking about it,

Make them have to believe, what happened?

Shi Weifan, Zhishui Tiancheng, Wang Xiaofeng and others are crazy, and the elders are all cold.

However, the elder said, all come back, do not act lightly, the situation today is very bad for us,

So don't go out, they directly start the formation, and Wushuang City has entered a defensive state.

On the other side, the three holy cities, Huangquandian, Dahuangfu, Wanjiange, etc., also got the news and prepared quickly.

They gathered their strength to prepare for a shock,

On this day, the law of the void fluctuated, and a huge space matrix appeared.

Ten people appeared on that side. It was Lin Xuan and others.

After Lin Xuan returned, they flew towards Wushuang City in an instant.

Wushuang City has already flashed light at this moment, defending everything,

And they heard all kinds of news along the flight. Sure enough, the holy cities were about to shoot against Wushuang City.

But it looks like they came early,

If it is a little later, I am afraid that the war has begun.

Linghu Bukixue said, it's us, and quickly opened the door.

Those in the Wushuang Holy City are also stunned,

It's Linghu blowing them,

Are they back

Quickly open the matrix,

The elders also gave orders one after another, and the countless formations suddenly opened a crack, so that Foxbluff and others flew in directly.

Really you

After they went in, the formations healed again, and then the elders and disciples came.

What happened to Brother Linghu,

Saint King fell, is this true?

Impossible, I don't believe it,

Those disciples, asking one by one nervously,

Even those elders frowned, blowing snow, what happened?

Linghu Bukxue's face was cold and cold, he said that we and our party will go to the third level, the third level is, the legendary first yuan star,

After we landed, we passed the third level. However, after the third level, the silver corpse king of Huangquan Hall, the heavenly king of Dahuangfu,

The ghost and sacred king of Wanjiange, their three holy kings shot at the master,

Now Master is entering the universe, and his whereabouts are unknown.


When these words came out, those people in Wushuang Holy City were really shocked,

How did it look like this.

They really can't believe it.

Their holy king was hunted down by the three holy kings. I ’m afraid it ’s really dangerous

No wonder there are legends out there, the Master Wusong has fallen.

Impossible, Holy King, magical power, impossible to fall,

An elder said,

Another elder, also said, yes, yes, the body of the Holy King has not been seen, indicating that the Holy King may have escaped.

Those people's eyes have a hint of hope,

However, Linghu Fuxue did say,

We naturally hope so, but now I think that the three holy cities, Huangquandian, Dahuangfu, Wanjiange, should be preparing to launch an attack.

They want to completely wipe out Wushuang City,

Damn it, the elders and disciples all choked and gave them a fight.

Yes, kill them. The eyes of these people are all red. Do you really think they are bullies?

However, Linghu Fuxue said, no, we have discussed this matter!

Uncle Xiao, come on,

Linghu blowing snow, they all looked at Lin Xuan, and the others were holding back.

Little Uncle? what happened? Isn't Lin Xuan the chief disciple of the third generation?

Linghu Bukixue said, Lin Xuan is the brother of Saint King and our uncle.

When this word came out, everyone was shocked,

Those elders were also holding back, really?

Lin Xuan came out and nodded and said, yes, Wushuang Shengwang is indeed my brother, but this matter

Me too, know not long

If so, then I really have to let Lin Gongzi preside over the overall situation.

Those elders also came to see ~ ~ Other disciples also came and went. Although Lin Xuan was young, Lin Wuji ’s reputation had already resounded in the Second Star World.

So they all asked.

Uncle Lin, what to do,

Lin Xuan looked around in all directions, he said,

Who is chasing the brother now?

The Wusong holy city will soon be attacked by the three holy cities,

And I guess that the city of Wan Yao and the city of Thunder God may also go down.

So we are very dangerous.

I now have two ideas.

First, we must not be able to compete with them, so I decided to seal the Wushuang Holy City and hide it completely, waiting for the return of the Holy King.

As soon as this word came out, everyone exclaimed,

And Lin Xuan went on to say, of course, the seal time is not necessarily, maybe 500 years, maybe a thousand years, or even thousands of years,

So I plan to let a group of people come out and spread across the Second Astral Realm,

First, it is responsible for inquiring the news, and further, you can hide your identity to practice,

In this way, if the Holy King really returns, he can immediately communicate with Wushuang Holy City.

I agree with Uncle Xiao. Linghu blows snow and comes,

Fu Hongye also said, and I agree,

Guan Xiaoxian and others also nodded one after another. They have discussed this matter before. This is the best way at present.

Not reconciled, those disciples gritted their teeth,

And those elders clenched their fists, they said, abomination, but I agree with Uncle Lin

We also feel that this is the best way at present,

The unparalleled holy city is the hard work of the holy king. We cannot destroy it. We must save our strength and foundation and wait for the return of the holy king.

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