Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4378: Knife broken!

Inverse Sword God Chapter


The people of the fairy guard roar,

The patriarch of the Xianshou tribe is also Lengheng. He is completely attentive to such a danger.

In his opinion, the other party was an ignorant ant. How could he know that the Holy King was really powerful?

As we walked, Lin Xuan waved his hands and took the two who watched the sea and Qin Xianer towards the outside.

No one dares to stop wherever he goes.

Looking at the disappearance of the two, the elders of the Xianshou tribe are also here to come.

Patriarch, did you really let this boy leave like this,

Yeah, what is the woman's identity and why should she be afraid of him?

Needless to say, let him spare his life this time,

However, he is a renunciation, and one day we will smash him into corpses.

The patriarch of the Xianshou tribe was also extremely unhappy, but when he thought of Yan Ruyu's identity, he felt a touch of fear in his heart.

Finally came out, it was really scary just now, Qin Xianer was relieved,

Guan Canghai's face also eased a lot, this time it was really too dangerous,

Fortunately, they came out safely. When they thought of what they had gained in them, they all clenched their fists.

outside. There are many people outside of nothingness, stay here,

They continue to wait,

At this moment someone exclaimed, look, someone came out ahead,

They looked intently, who was it?

It's those three people!

After they saw Lin Xuan, they were also surprised,

Before these three people, but powerfully entered.

Originally they thought that these people would die after entering,

But it doesn't look like this now,

These people came out safely.

how can that be?

Some older strong men were shocked.

Xianshou clan, didn't they do anything to them?

What exactly happened?

Or, what mysterious identity do these three people have?

Facing the eyes of these people, the three Lin Xuan didn't care.

They vacated to leave

But at this moment, the breath of suffocation stopped them.

Who dares to do something to them, who is it?

Lin Xuan frowned,

Qin Xianer and Guan Canghai are also close enemies,

This breath, with a strong force,

The next moment, they saw that there were three silhouettes coming down in the sky.

One of them was the blue robe man who shot with Lin Xuan before.

He looked at Lin Xuan coldly,

Boy, you finally come out,

The funeral star!

Why, wasn't the lesson I gave you last time enough?

Lin Xuan looked at the blue robe man,

Lengpao Lengheng, don't be arrogant. Last time, you were in nothingness and didn't dare to try your best.

But now you are out, we have no scruples!

This blue robe man is called Xing Lan. At this moment he said coldly, I will let you know, offend our end,

Just for you, Lin Xuan glanced at each other with a touch of disdain,

Before you entered the canyon, you were not my opponent. Do you think you can compete with me now?

You bullied my brother,

At this moment, there is another figure next to Xing Lan, and he speaks,

The breath on him is stronger than Star Blue.

This is my brother, knife broken!

Boy, you are dead, Xing Lan sneers.

After hearing Lin Xuan, she did laugh,

You are so crap, it ’s not good to want to come to your brother,

Hurry up, otherwise don't blame me for being rude.

Those around me, after listening, took a sigh of coldness,

This kid, dare to be arrogant towards the person who came from the funeral star, I don't know if he lives or die,

In front, the corner of the knife is also a cold smile,

It's arrogant, but I have to look at it. Do you have arrogant capital?

As his voice fell, he stepped forward,

Then a finger pointed out,

A blade of light, with an imposing momentum, directly cut it over,

This knife is really terrible.

It has a hot breath, permeating.

Where the blade of light passes, the void is constantly broken,

That power changed the faces of the powerful people around,

Be careful.

Qin Xianer and watching the sea are also exclaimed,

Lin Xuan said, rest assured, I can handle it,

He stepped out, headed forward, and patted out.


The powerful force shattered the world, and the two became instantly in the air.

Suddenly, terrible energy swept away around,

Is it blocked?

When Dao saw that the other party dared to compete directly with himself, a coldness appeared in his eyes.

He sneered, waved his hand, and a long knife appeared directly in his hand,

He is a swordsman and a peerless swordsman,

Above that sword, an amazing light emerged, like a starlight beating constantly,

Swept towards Lin Xuan.

Boom boom!

The light is terrible. In the process of colliding with Lin Xuan's fist, it split directly, emitting a terrifying breath,

As if to burn Lin Xuan's fist.

What a terrible knife light,

In the rear, Qin Xianer was surprised,

Those around me also held their breath,

Lin Xuan snorted, can the power of flames burn everything?

But he couldn't hurt his physique,

With a cold hum, he grasped the fist in his hand, swept across the thousands of troops, and the tiger magic fist, and he was cast out.

The sound of a tiger howling, roaring between heaven and earth,

Between heaven and earth, a phantom of a tiger appeared, killing that terrible sword light.

At the same time, Lin Xuan's palm was printed, and the human king printed it.

As if from the hands of the gods from ancient times, patted forward.

Daodao's face was extremely ugly. I didn't expect the other party to be able to block his Daguang,

Not only that, but also a counterattack,

This made him intolerable,

With an angry drink, there was also a tremendous surge of power in him,

Let you see, the goodness I got in the Eternal Canyon!

After speaking, a terrible breath appeared on him, as if to break through the world.

Pick me up,

He yelled, holding the knife in both hands, and slashed down.

So powerful!

Countless people exclaimed,

The two Qin Xian'er pupils also shrank their pupils. They naturally saw it. The horror of this sword,

It seems that the other party also realized the sword of invincible.

Too powerful,

What did these people get in the nothingness,

Those around me are extremely envious.

Facing such a shocking sword light, Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes,

Did he compete with him?

Let me have a look then, the good fortune I got!

After saying ~ ~ he roared,

A sword gas condensed in his hands, he held it, and then chopped forward,

Invincible sword!

At this moment, Lin Xuan showed an invincible appearance.

Jian Qi penetrated the world, killing the past directly toward the front.


The sword collided, sweeping in all directions, the two forces were competing,

Everyone stepped back quickly,

Even the two of Xinglan retreated to the distance,

Star Blue's face became extremely embarrassed,

To be honest, he thought that his brother could easily kill each other once he shot.

However, it seems that with so many tricks, the other party can still compete.

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