Inverse Sword God

Chapter 438: Battle for Quotas

Lin Xuan was slightly surprised. He has a strong soul power and is indeed a core disciple.

At this time, the iron hand stood up and Shen said: "This is the only place where the Blue Dragon will challenge for five places, eleven participants, and the first five will be qualified."

"Also, there will be additional rewards for the first place, which may be related to the position at the Qinglong Conference."

"It can affect the number of places in the Blue Dragon Club!" Everyone exclaimed, and those core disciples were also surprised.

There was light in their eyes, and they shivered with excitement.

No matter what, they will fight together.

On the front, Ouyang Kun showed a smile. In his opinion, the first place must be his, and this special reward will also be his!

"Well, not much to say, you come up, Lin Xuan."

Hearing that, Lin Xuan flew into the square in an instant.

"Well, good manners!" The senior elder of Daqimen nodded slightly.

For a time, all eyes fell on Lin Xuan.

The ten core disciples stared at Lin Xuan with different expressions.

The top disciples had a smile on their faces, and they did not put Lin Xuan in their eyes.

The core disciples at the bottom of the ranking were somewhat worried. Originally, they did not put Lin Xuan in their eyes. At that time, they saw that Lin Xuan was just vigilant.

That speed made them feel like a heartbeat.

"Okay, the game is starting!"

In the center of the square, eleven young warriors competed for five places. Each of them had to play ten games to win the top five.

The referee was a white-bearded man, who was later revised in the Flower Spirit Realm. This practice is completely above the crowd and can control the game very well.

The first game was Lin Xuan. His opponent was Han Jun, the eighth key disciple.

Han Junxiu was at the pinnacle of Rongling Realm, but that breath was much more powerful than the previous Qiu Sihai and Duan merciless.

"I heard that you have defeated Qi Sihai and Duan merciless?" Han Jun sneered, "I urge you to take the initiative, I'm not the two who can compare!"

"Can you compare, you will know after the battle." Lin Xuan Shen said.

"Good boy, really arrogant, watch the fist!" Han Jun gave a cold drink, his body floating out.

"War Wolf God fist!"

His fist waved, like a demon wolf roaring, with a savage gas.

The boxing wind hunted and shook the Quartet.

Han Jun is indeed right. He is not Duan Wurui and others can compare. Take this fighting wolf boxing method and say that I am afraid that Duan Wurui can be defeated within ten moves.

However, Lin Xuan's strength is far beyond his imagination.

Lin Xuan's body was erratic in the violent fist shadow. Like the catkins swaying in the wind, they passed by their fists, but every time they were unharmed.

"Good subtle footwork." On the high platform, the elders nodded and exclaimed, "The little guy is not simple. With this method, he can remain invincible!"

Sure enough, dozens of moves in the past, Han Jun did not touch a trace of Lin Xuan.


Han Jun's face was gloomy. In the face of a middle-aged boy, he couldn't hit, which made him feel ashamed.

"Wolves fight in the wild!"

There are hundreds of blue shadow war wolves in Mantianquan's shadowing composition, which is filled with the entire ring.

Each battle wolf has the power to kill the peak warrior in the spirit of soul fusion.

The sky wolf rushed to Lin Xuan, terrifying.

However, Lin Xuan only wielded a sword and killed all attacks.

"Xiaocheng Jianyi! The news turned out to be true!"

"What's Xiaocheng's intention to do, watch my blue wolf swallow the moon!"

Han Jun displayed his spiritual power and condensed into a ghost image of a blue wolf behind him.

"Wind Emperor Sword!"

The light of the thrilling sword flashed, as the same thunder flashed, the sharp sword energy instantly penetrated the blue wolf phantom.

Han Jun turned pale and shook backward ten steps, looking at Lin Xuan in horror.

"It's a sharp sword!" With that sword, Lin Xuan could completely kill him. If this is not a match, I'm afraid he's already dead.

"Winner, Lin Xuan!" The referee elder quickly reported the result.

Everyone was amazed, this result was beyond their expectations.

Even though Lin Xuan was fascinated, it was still unrealistic to defeat Han Jun with such ease.

Among the core disciples, the last five disciples were all nervous, and even the first few disciples were with a touch of caution.

Lin Xuan's strength was completely beyond their expectations. I am afraid that only Ouyang Kun and others can feel at ease.

Sure enough, the next game, Lin Xuan's strength once again confirmed everyone's ideas.

The last five of the core disciples are not his opponents, and they are extremely easy to win.

In addition, Ouyang Kun's performance was even more amazing, even the second place Yan Ming also lost 30 strokes in his hands.

"It looks like the first non-Ou Yangkun is this time."

"Yeah, but I don't think those five places are quite certain."

"I think Hua Fei can win a place. Her soul attack is too weird!"

"That Lin Xuan is also very good. He is very powerful. Master Tiehand is so powerful that he can find such a talented boy."

"Well, look at it, Hua Fei and Lin Xuan fought!"

On the ring, Hua Fei was playful and cute, with two dimples hanging on her face, just like the little sister next door.

However, if someone really thinks of her as her little sister next door, it would be very wrong.

"Hee hee, let me try your genius!" Hua Fei picked up a harp and played it gently.

Ding Dong!

The melodious sound sounds intoxicating, but this music contains a strange soul attack.

Ordinary martial arts warriors are too late to guard, and they will definitely be bad. Even if it is a warrior of the spiritual realm, it is necessary to face this attack carefully.

However, Lin Xuan is not worried, he is also a master of soulpower.

With a light footstep, he quickly avoided a series of arc attacks, and at the same time he cast a phantom sword to form a phantom sword array.

"Well, even resisted Hua Fei's soul attack! This kid is too powerful!" Everyone exclaimed below.

Hua Fei was also surprised, and a pair of beautiful eyes showed shock.

"You are also a soul warrior!" Her mouth opened slightly, and there was a pause in her fingers playing the piano.

However, this gap was caught by Lin Xuan, the phantom sword formed a weird attack, and cut to Hua Fei.


Hua Fei snorted softly, his fingers flicked, and a beautiful song sounded.

The spiritual force vibrates and condenses quickly, and a ghost image of a divine animal and beast appears on the ring, dancing with the sound of the piano.

"Qin Dao He Ming! Hua Fei seems to be doing his best!"

Lin Xuan frowned slightly ~ ~ He felt a crisis among these phantoms.

The sword's air was soaring into the sky, the big dragon sword intended to make a deep dragon groan, and the horror sword light was tangled.


Hua Fei paused with her fingers, and a string on the harp broke.

This harp is a spiritual treasure of great quality.

And those strings are made of the eighth-order monster's tendons, so flexible that it is impossible to break.

Now there is only one reason for the fracture, but it was cut off by Lin Xuan Jianyi.

"Lin Xuan wins!" Said the referee elder.


Hua Fei hummed and walked off the ring holding the harp

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