Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4397: Destroy the Wilderness!

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It ’s in the other ’s hand. It looks like it ’s the body of the Great Saint.

This is an incomparable treasure, turned into a corpse poison by the other party,

It seems that you have to take out the things of the Great Saint.

At this time, the King of Warriors said that there was another opportunity,

You give me strength, I have a way,

These holy kings beat the power, swallowed the vortex to swallow the power, and then he said, Master, use the dragon sword

Lin Xuan nodded,

The vortex came behind him,

Feeling the power of horror, I shot the dragon-shaped sword shadow instantly,

Suddenly, he drew a dragon head and directly swallowed the power in the vortex.

The great dragon sword soul erupted, blooming the peerless swordman,

At this moment, the heavens and the earth are dim.

The King of Ghost Swords is also trembling.

How powerful his sword was before, sweeping one side, invincible,

But at this moment, in front of this dragon sword, he lost his luster.

What it is? The King of Ghost Swords looked at the sword qi that reached heaven and earth, and his eyes instantly turned red.

As a peerless swordmaster, such a baby makes him crazy,

He quickly killed the past with the sky sword, trying to **** the sword shadow,

However, at this moment, Lin Xuan waved his arm,

Longxing Sword intended to land, the sky was falling apart, and the sky sword was hit directly.

The ghost and sword master was cut off one arm,

He came back in horror, with deep panic in his eyes.

Damn it, that kid,

They all stared at Lin Xuan,

These holy kings were stunned. How could a young man have such a terrible treasure?

Even the Holy King can be wounded,


Kill him fast,

The eyes of those holy kings exude a slayful intention,

The Holy King of the Silver Corpses casts the poison of the Great Holy Corpse and turns into a black dragon.

Under the sacred corpse poison, everything will be wiped out,

Lin Xuan is doing it, Great Soul Soul,


Sweep everything.

The terrible dragon-shaped sword flew out and turned into a world of kendo, directly suppressing the world.

After encountering the dragon-shaped sword qi, the black storm made a trembling sound,

Then it dissipated quickly.

Those holy kings also froze,

They couldn't believe it, but was it the sacred corpse poison that was blocked by the other party?

Moreover, it was cut off!

What kind of swordsmanship is this?

Great, it works! King Kunlun and others smiled, and they were relieved.

Because what they are most worried about is something like the Great Holy Corpse Poison. Once it is displayed, no one can resist it.

But now it's different,

On their side, they can block the big holy corpse poison, then they can sweep everything,

Sure enough, these people once again exerted their strength to give the dragon dragon soul.

Sword soul destroyed everything, a sword split the black storm,

Later, Lin Xuan controlled the soul of Dalong Sword, and killed the past towards the bronze coffin.

How did this happen? The King of the Silver Corpse and others looked ugly, and they roared.


They are also driving, bronze coffins, killing quickly,

The two, colliding between heaven and earth,

The Great Dragon Soul has completely suppressed the poison of the Great Holy Corpse, making him unable to threaten other Holy Kings.


The immortal scholar saw this scene, and the people who led the Shinto Alliance quickly shot.

They swept the world,

Originally they had the advantage. At the moment there are no worries, they are even more powerful.

For a moment, there were several saints falling from this world.

The King of the Silver Corps and others are also beaten one after another,

And below, Linghu blowing snow are even more powerful, sweeping the four sides,

So that none of the elders, strong men, and geniuses in the Great Desert can escape.

Eventually, the people of this world will retreat,

The King of the Corpse also felt scalp numb, he sighed and retreated.

No, what should I do with the holy city? The heavenly saint king is angry,

This is their holy city. Once withdrawn, I am afraid that from now on, Dahuangfu will no longer exist.


At this time, a fist hit him directly, breaking him,

At the same time, the sky has a pair of scissors, cutting his blood mist.

The King of the Sacred Sky was so scared that his soul flew apart, and he never dared to stay,

Destroy it, as long as they are alive, they can form a new holy city again,

Thinking of this, these holy kings retreated,

Want to go? At this time, the immortal scholar finally hit the battlefield.

The terrible formation method suppresses all directions.

Because the King of the Heavenly Heaven retreated late, he was frozen in an instant.

Seeing this, the old holy king roared wildly, and he struck over without strength.

However, feeling the frost of ice, he did not dare to approach,

Can only make long attacks,

The monstrous power, like another peerless sword light, swept everything.

However, it didn't help much,

King Wushuang and others came to the front and looked at the frozen King of Heaven and sneered,

Can't think of it, would you have today?

Go to hell!

King Wushuang, cut it out with a sword, split the heavenly King,

Then he used the law of devour and began to destroy the soul of the other party,

The Heavenly King roared wildly,

Damn, I spelled it for you!

He wanted to die together,

However, in the formation method, he could not do it. In the end, he was completely killed by the Warriors King and others, and his soul was destroyed!

Are they dead? Their holy king has fallen!

Below, the people in the Great Desert who are still resisting, are stunned when they see this scene.

They feel the sky is falling,

At this time, sometimes more people fall,

Damn it! Run away!

Can walk one is one!

The old King of the sky roared ~ ~ Then his eyes turned red, and he stared at the King of Wushuang

Someday, you will be crushed.


After that, he turned away.

This was a flash of light that cut off one of his arms.

An old man in the sky wearing a commoner's clothing, holding a sickle in his hand, like an ordinary old man, but his strength is extremely strong,

He broke the opponent straight away with a stab,

Damn it, the old holy king, feeling the loss of power,

After all, he used to be an insider, and Shou Yuan is running out.

The war has been going on for so long, the power consumed is very much,

Fight again, I am afraid that his remaining strength is gone,

At that time, even if these people do not kill him, he will die.

So he screamed angrily, ripped through the void, and fled quickly.


These people are chasing wildly, and the Shinto Alliance people are even more powerful.

In the end, there were two other saints in the world that fell and fell,

Even the King of the Silver Corpse, his body was blown up, and the King of the Flying King and the King of the Gods and Ghosts were also injured.

But in the end, they jointly cast the Great Holy Corpse and fled quickly,

The Warriors King, these people of the Shinto Alliance are returning.

They came to the desert

The strong men in Dahuangfu have already been killed. The rest of the people can't resist it. At this moment, they are all kneeling on the ground.

The Warriors King played the law of devour, floated between heaven and earth, and shrouded the entire Great Wasteland.

Then he said, in the next life, do n’t be a person in Dahuangfu any more.

With a wave of his hand, he swallowed up the entire Great Wasteland directly.

Since then, the sacred city, the Great Desert House, disappears and disappears.

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