Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4426: Advent, funeral star!

Inverse Sword God Chapter

After listening, Lin Xuan took a deep breath. Each of these was very difficult, but he decided to find it and help Xia Jiuyou.

Alright, let ’s go, these things may be buried by the Emperor Star,

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and then successfully left with the others.

When they came to the valley of reincarnation, they found that the valley of reincarnation had been opened again,

The reincarnation method stood there and said coldly, you can go in,

The palm of his hand kept closing.

The reincarnation pagoda in front shines, forming six reincarnations,

There are countless runes around, it seems to be cracking the seal,

Soon, he said yes,

Wushuang Shengwang and others said, let's go,

In addition to Lin Xuan and others, some of the holy kings also have to go.

It stands to reason that the reincarnation law will definitely prevent it before, but now he dare not, those who want to go, just go,

In case he really angered the soldiers, his 100 lives would not be enough.

Also, do these people really think that they can be free if they reach the funeral star,

He sneered in his heart,

After that, these people will know what despair is,

There are also some holy kings who stay here,

Now that most of the world has been destroyed, there should not be much danger in wanting to come to the Second Astral Realm.

So they didn't leave.

As for those who left, I wanted to see how amazing the funeral star is,

Moreover, they may also want to pursue a higher martial arts path,

In this way, a group of people walked into the reincarnation pagoda.

The sky is turned upside down, the sun and the moon rotate,

I do n’t know how long, finally, they feel that the situation is stable,

Next, after they came out, they found that it was a valley,

It's almost the same as the valley of reincarnation.

These people looked around curiously,

Lin Xuan also carefully sensed,

The next moment, he felt that the atmosphere of faith here was indeed more vast than the real world,

There are even multiple, terrifying pressures,

Coming from different directions,

It feels empty and a bit like an extreme weapon,

I want to come where the emperor fell!

Let's go

Walking together,

Suddenly at this time, King Wushuang frowned,

and many more,

The King Kunlun also said that it ’s not right. There seems to be a breath of other Kings around,

Damn, no one is waiting for us, right?

Looks like it's not good news,

Be careful, everyone.

Here we are unfamiliar with each other, we must not have any care,

Lin Xuan and others nodded, and they flew forward carefully,

You guys, finally here,

Waiting for you for so long,

At this moment, a cold voice came from the front,

After hearing this, Lin Xuan, Wushuang Shengwang and others stopped.

They looked forward, then their faces became extremely cold.

In the front, there is a holy king, came over,

The breath on the opponent's body is extremely horrible.

He was like the King of God. He stood there with a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

Come with us.

Where to go? King Kunlun frowns

Which holy king hummed, you, to the funeral star, naturally follow us to the cave,

Why, don't you want to?

These people's faces are cold and cold,

Lin Xuan's eyes flashed with a golden light, he looked around,

Then coldly said, go to Dongtian with you, use it to decorate the Tian Luo Di net?

There are at least three peerless formations around,

As soon as this word came out, other people's faces also changed.

Three formations, what do these people want to do?

Want to wipe them all out?

The holy king in front of him is also looking towards Lin Xuan, boy. I didn't expect that you, a little saint, could see through the formation, which really surprised me.

It is indeed a person who can come to the funeral star, and indeed they are all top talents.

People like you, you can train well, maybe it will be very good!

Everyone exclaimed when they heard the word 傀儡,

A genius at Qixinglou said, what does he mean? When you go to Dongtian, do n’t you accept us as disciples?

Hahahaha, this time, sneering to the Holy King in front,

It's up to you?

You can come here, indeed talented, not bad, but how much talent do I have to bury the emperor star, will we be short of talent?

You are at best our servants, nothing more.

Damn it!


These people's faces became extremely ugly. After all their hard work, they came to the Emperor Funeral Star, but they did not expect such treatment.

You know, whether they were in the Second Astral Realm or the Real Spirit World, that was the most dazzling existence.

But here, can they only become puppets,

Just kidding.

The dark red dragon is also humming, if we do not agree,

Disagree, that is death!

The holy king also roared and waved his hand, and suddenly more than a dozen people appeared around him.

Are all sacred kings, and there are even more in the distance, the saint is emerging,

Overwhelming and desperate,

How could there be so many people? The faces of the Promise King became extremely ugly,

How else can I fight?

Wusong Shengwang took a deep breath. Do you want to be a puppet? If you don't want it, you can only fight it!

Everyone, we have already reached this point, we will not give up on this,

The other holy kings said, naturally not,

In their eyes, the radiance of crickets erupted,

OK, then stop!

The Kunlun Holy King also came out, and then looked at Montenegro.

Please Daoyou crack the formation, we will lead people to compete with these holy kings,

As for the other disciples, take the opportunity to leave quickly.

Soon, everyone made a plan, Montenegro printed the palm of their hands, and began to attack the three major peerless formations.

His formation method creates horror of harmony, so everyone is not worried,

The holy kings roared and walked forward,

As for Lin Xuan and others, they are preparing to break through and escape.

A group of ants want to do something with us.

Ahead, the funeral star sneered by the holy kings, and then the one who took the lead waved.

The other people also rushed over, the terrible battle of the King, broke out again,

For a moment, the breath of terror pervaded in all directions.

Lin Xuan and others, moving quickly, they also quickly flew in all directions,

Those saints in the distance, come up,

Do you want to go?

These are the top saints, their strength is terrible,

In their opinion, they are the people who buried the Emperor Star, and these are the people who have just arrived,

Even if it is terrible in other worlds, coming to their world is not just suppressing it casually,

But soon, they found them wrong.

For example, two old men came to Lin Xuan and said coldly,

Boy, stop and see if you still know how to play the game. It can keep you alive.

However, Lin Xuan went out with a punch.

The old man is angry, you are looking for death!

He also shot strongly and wanted to suppress,

For a moment, he collided with Wang Yin and then clicked.

His body is torn apart.

how is this possible! He was stunned, the soul wanted to escape,

As a result, it was completely suppressed by the Taiji diagram instantly, and the soul was destroyed.

Another companion ~ ~ is also stunned,

Didn't this guy come from another backward world? How could it be so powerful!

Take the shot to suppress the strong of their funeral star,

Damn, he has a baby on him! The old man growled and took out a holy weapon,

It was a sacred knife, blooming brilliantly, chopped down directly,

Make the world change,

However, Lin Xuan sneered, embracing the mountain seal, falling from the air, and defeating the old man into nothingness.

The two people were easily resolved, Lin Xuan and others continued to move forward.

Elsewhere, the same is true,

For example, Cao Tiansheng, Murong Qingcheng, Shen Jingqiu, Linghu Bukxue, etc., all show extremely powerful capabilities.

Making these saints of the funeral star unbelievable,

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