Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4570: Enchanted!

Thousands of tree giants received a shock, where they roared, swept across, the earth cracked, as if the end of the world,

At this time, the leader who was previously ignited by the divine fire killed him again.

This is an old locust tree. At this moment, the broken body has healed, and the vitality of the trees in the wood system is very strong.

A spear appeared in his hand and killed the past.

One shot penetrated the situation.

The gun is like a dragon, this tree giant is powerful.

In a blow, he exploded in Lin Xuan's body,

Lin Xuan ’s body shook, and the void around him collapsed. The next moment he turned his head and looked at the tree demon.

How scary the tree demon is!

He hit hard with no effort to break the opponent's physique.

What a defense

Scared, he turned and fled, the tree demon around, fled faster,

Lin Xuan waved his hand, covering the sky, covering the other side,

The next moment, the golden light of his eyes rotated, forming a special pattern,

The spirit of the tree demon is attacked and growls wildly,

He made a roar, hateful!

He wanted to resist, but how could he be an opponent of Tianji Shentong,

Soon he was brought under control, the pistol in his hand disappeared, and he knelt down on one knee.

Meet the lord

Fine, Lin Xuan raised his mouth and said, control, other monsters,

He issued an order, the locust demon, came out, growled,

Thousands of beasts around, all stopped.

Has their leader surrendered? These tree giants did not run away but stopped.

Lin Xuanwang looked at the giant locust. He asked if there were any other powerful monsters around him.

The giant locust, pointing to a distance, said that there is even more terrible.

Bing Huohong.

There is ice and fire in front, half ice, half flame,

There is a powerful monster inside it called Binghuo Hongyu. His wings are flames on one side and ice on the other.

The entire territory is formed by it.

At this moment it was flying, wings of flames and storms swept through, attacking humans ahead,

In front is a woman dressed in white, like a nine-day girl,

Beside her there is also a monster, roaring,

Both sides are resisting,

The woman has a jade flute in her hand.

The terrifying sound of heaven flew out of Yudi.

The three strange beasts roared in the sky, terrifying breath, swept all around, and opposed the fire and ice.

The ice and fire are sizzling, and the wind and clouds change color,

Endless ice appeared in front of him, shrouding the heavens and the earth, and those hail, like mountains, descended in the sky, penetrating the heavens and the earth,

The terrible flame turned into a magic sword and swept continuously,

The three beasts receded, and the white woman's face also became dignified. I did not expect that the strength of the ice and fire was so strong.

Before she got the news here, she was ready to come over. She had been fully prepared, but now it seems that she still miscalculated.

Honghuo Binghuo must have made a breakthrough not long ago.

It seems I have to go back and prepare.

The woman in white wants to leave, but the icy fire of the sky is condensed to form a cage of enchantment.

Although he doesn't know the woman in white, but the phantom song performed by the other party, it knows that this is the Royal Beast family,

Having suppressed many of his men once, how could he let the other party leave?

The law of ice and fire condenses, sweeping the Quartet,

Xiao Xiyu's face was dignified, she felt a huge impact, her face became pale,

At this time, a strange animal around her was frozen by the ice, and then burned to ashes by the flames.

not good,

Xiao Xiyu quickly retreated, and the phantom was performed to the extreme.

While controlling the remaining two strange beasts to resist, at the same time, the terrible Tianyin also killed the fire and fire, and wanted to disturb the soul of the other party,

Binghuo Heng Lengheng,

Inside him, a piece of metal flew out,

The metal shards were covered with cracks, and it was faintly visible that it was a mirror fragment,

He was protecting the soul at this moment,

All sounds are blocked by this metal fragment,

Damn it is the holy weapon of the soul defense, Xiao Xiu's face is pale,

The other party even has this kind of thing

This one was hard to find, for **** you beastmasters,

So today, you can die.

Binghuo's huge body rushed over, a pair of sharp claws like a dragon of ice and fire, breaking everything,

Xiao Xiyu stepped back quickly, the two beasts in front of him were hit, his body cracked and turned into a mist of blood.

not good.

At the moment of crisis, Xiao Xiyu once again urged the phantom, spreading over her endless vines, forming armors and shields to resist.

After a blow, she flew upside down and smashed several mountains. The vines on her body also cracked, turned into ashes, and fell.

Many cracks appeared in her, but she finally saved her life.

Can still live, it is indeed the Royal Beast Master family, there are many monsters,

But no matter how much you can't go out today.

Binghuo's wings spread, and the law of heaven and earth is once again condensed. This blow definitely kills the human in front of him.

Xiao Xiyu's eyes were hopeless.

The purple vines have been broken. This is a very powerful monster in the defense system. It is her hole card.

She can't defend now, I'm afraid she can't resist any more.

Even if she took out more monsters, she couldn't stop the fire and ice,

Because this ice and fire is huge, it is the late period of the Holy King.

Go die, the rules of ice and fire fly over,

At this moment of crisis, a golden figure descended into the sky and punched into the void.

Like thousands of suns, they bloom and block the rules of ice and fire.

At the same time, a sword flew out, breaking the enchantment, and leaving Xiao Xiyu quickly.

Want to go!

Binghuo Hongyan growled, how did he allow the other party to flee?

With wings spread, he pursued quickly,

Xiao Xiyu was shocked. Was she rescued?

who is it? She looked to the side,

This is a figure with a golden flame, like the sun **** of war,

It was this person who saved her.

Xiao Xiyu couldn't believe it, to what extent was he physically fit?

This person is not someone else, it is Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan learned from the giant Huaishu that there is a more terrible monster in front of him. He is going to go to ~ When he arrives, he sees a huge ice and fire enchantment, sweeping around,

A fiery fire fighter is attacking a human woman,

Lin Xuan was able to sense that the human woman was playing a phantom song, which also said that the other person was from the Xiao ethnic group.

So Lin Xuan shot and saved the other party,

He did not expect that Binghuo Hongyu did not retreat, but continued to kill him.

Xiao Xiyu next to him said that the monster at the back was very strong, we had to hurry up and wait until Shanhai City, we were safe.

Immediately after he finished speaking, he felt the ice and fire in the rear, suddenly speeding up, and gaining strength and cohesion.

Its speed doubled and came to them in an instant.

A pair of sharp claws fell down.

/ bk

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