Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4622: Old friend?

The first genius of the Qing people has fallen, and even if he is alive, he does not have this strength.

Are you mistaken?

Duguju said, how could it be wrong, it is this genius of the Qing people who set off a storm in Moonlight City.

Six big caves, the fighting between them, is because of him.

This is impossible. Xingshan shook his head. We Wanhuamen and the Qing people have a cooperative relationship, so I can say that I am familiar with the situation of the Qing people.

There is absolutely no such young man, unless he is not a Qing person at all,

Tokgo never heard, and his eyes were bright. Since the other party said so, it would never be false.

Who is this person and what is the purpose of the other person?

Xingshan said, I am curious about where this genius is sacred. I decided to go to Moonlight City and take a look.

Duguju said, rest assured, I will go, but I have to prepare before, if he is really a Qing person,

Say if he isn't, then don't blame me Feng Feng!

There was a slaughter of murder in his eyes,

Li Feng's people have already acted quickly. Lin Xuan didn't know that he had been spotted or even seen by others.

However, he also knew that he didn't have much time, so he was ready to leave.

This day, the people from Baiyun Dongtian came over again and said, someone wants to see you, son, come with me?

Lin Xuan frowned, who?

The other person said that this person is very ordinary and stronger than our Dongtian people, because he comes from Xunfeng, Xingzu,

When I heard this, Lin Xuan's face sank immediately.

He also has nothing to do with the star family, he said, I have no time to leave recently,

The elder of Baiyun Dongtian said, "I won't delay you. That person has already come, just in our Baiyun House.

The son is OK now.

When he spoke, the elder exuded a breath and locked Lin Xuan firmly.

Lin Xuan frowned slightly, then he laughed, okay,

I'll get ready.

Lin Xuan turned in,

Baiyun Dongtian waited outside, and Ling Ling appeared in his eyes,

With a wave of your hand, there are others secretly blocking the entire courtyard,

This kid can't run, as long as the other party wants to run, she will immediately find out,

After Lin Xuan came in, he frowned.

Gu Yue asked, what happened?

Lin Xuan said that it is likely to be discovered. Today, their attitude is wrong.

Xiao Mu said, unfortunately, the previous Elder Bai died, otherwise he could use it.

Lin Xuan said, I guess that it is possible that the Star clan has discovered our identity, so it should not be here for long.

This time go over to see what happens, but anyway, after this time, we have to leave immediately,

The two of you are staying in the Black Earth, ready to act,

Later, Lin Xuan walked out. He followed the elders of Baiyun Dongtian and walked towards Baiyun House.

At this moment, Baiyun Mansion has been rebuilt. After all, there are five peerless monsters in this place, and they are naturally reluctant to leave.

This time, it is even more magnificent than before, but some of the formations have not been arranged yet, but even this is extremely powerful and no one dares to mess with it.

After entering, Lin Xuan walked past countless pavilions, and he found that Baiyun House had twice as many people as before.

And the breath on these people is very embarrassing.

Lin Xuan sneered, but showed a look of nothing, and continued to walk inside.

Soon he entered a hall,

There were several people waiting in the hall.

The breath of one of them was terrifying. Not only has starlight, but also a mysterious power,

When Lin Xuan looked to the other side, a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes. He seemed to have seen this breath.

However, the other party is covering up deliberately.

Prince Qing, you are here. The elder in front of Baiyun Dongtian said with a smile, and I will introduce it to you. Your old friend came to see you,

Old friend?

Lin Xuanwang said forward, where is an old friend?

Why do n’t you know each other? The elder Baiyun Dongtian laughed,

He pointed at the figure and said, "This is the strong man of Wanhuamen. Haven't you young people cooperated with Wanhuamen?


It turns out that Lin Xuan snorted in his heart. No wonder he felt so familiar.

But soon, he said, we do cooperate with Wanhuamen, but I can't know everyone!

Xingshan came out and laughed, I was not the most important at Wanhuamen, but it wasn't as bad as the boy said.

Some of the cooperation with the Qing people I also participate in.

But why don't I know that the Qing people have such a genius?

I don't know, what is the specific name?

Lin Xuan said coldly, what can you know about the Qing people? I am a youth, a hidden genius.

is it? Xingshan sneered, why did n’t you participate when the beasts of mountains and seas were fighting?

At that time, the Qing people were hurt very much, even the first genius of the family fell.

Why don't you, your hidden genius?

You are not Qing people at all!

Say, who are you?

Speaking of the last sentence, he burst out with endless starlight, and surrounded the whole of Dalian.

Lin Xuan stood there, unmoved,

The starry sky chart in the sky stopped and hovered above Lin Xuan's head. Boy, can it be installed?

How are you loading! Today, your face has been torn by me. You are not a Qing person at all!

The elders in Baiyun Dongtian also changed their faces and came up one by one.

Sure enough, who are you? What conspiracy is there in Baiyundongtian?

Lin Xuan sneered, I'm not a Qing person? Stare at your eyes!

Suddenly, a cyan light appeared in his gaze, and he cut to the front, and that gaze became a blade and cut everything.

When Xingshan saw this scene, he was shocked!

Eye of the blade, how could you? this moment? He froze. The blade of the blade is the blood vein pupil technique unique to the Qing people.

It stands to reason that he has clearly known that the other party is not a member of the Qing nationality ~ ~ but now the other party is showing the blood of the Qing nationality,

Thoroughly doubted with him!

The strong men in the surrounding Baiyun Cave were also stunned and stopped one by one without doing anything.

what happened? Could it be a misunderstanding?

Just at this moment, Lin Xuan sneered, a vortex appeared on him, a fiery red claw flew out, and killed forward.

Xingshan vomited blood and flew out, many cracks appeared on his body,

His starry sky chart has been burned,

not good!

The people in Baiyun Cave exclaimed, Xingshan also growled, **** it, catch him!

He is not a Qing person!

Although now he does n’t understand why the other side has a sharp eye, but obviously the other side wants to kill him.

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