Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4654: Yui Fuwa!

[Book Title: Chapter 4654 of the Inverse Sword Madness (4 more) Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: the most powerful antique dealer, the Five Elements, the Gate of the Heavenly Realm, and the Heaven Selector This formation.

The magical powers of the world, but do not break fast, destroy all.

Maybe with his extreme speed, it really works,

People in Zifu are also looking forward to it.

Guangming entered the formation, and he became aurora, so that even Yunfei and others could not see it clearly.

The light was coming to an extreme, and he avoided all the attacks, but he found that it still couldn't work, although the formation could not hurt him.

But he ca n’t completely crack the formation,

Damn, what kind of formation is it, not even his blood speed?

Eventually he stepped back, shook his head and sighed,

Everyone was desperate, even the light was defeated!

Others, there is no chance at all!

It looks like this wild desolate sky hand, they don't want it.

Not always,

A sound sounded, and everyone turned around and was surprised.

It's Lin Xuan.

Is this kid going to break?

Yes, it was Lin Xuan who came out, looking forward to take a deep breath and walked in.

What the **** is this guy doing? It ’s impossible to crack even the speed limit?

Who does he think he is? Jiang Chen snorted coldly and said: Lin Gongzi, usually very stable, would not do things that are not sure.

Besides, what qualifications do you have to despise him?

You dare not even try!

Dan Feng said coldly.

After Chen Chen heard a cold hum, I have to see how he cracked the formation.

People from the Purple House are also watching.

Which shook the light and squinted his eyes,

There was a mysterious smile on the corner of Yuefei's mouth, and they all looked at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan naturally knew that if he did this, he might be followed again by the people of Zifu, and even his true identity might be discovered.

However, Zifu was so mysterious and powerful that he sent a strong man to attack him last time. Maybe even if he was hiding, he might be found.

In this case, why should he hide it, it is better to stand up and crack the matrix.

Maybe you are lucky and you can get the ancient stupidity,

Entering the formation, Lin Xuan felt the peculiarity of the formation. He was a master of formation and was very powerful.

So at this moment, the palm of the hand was printed, and countless arrays of warriors flew from his fingertips, flying in all directions to crack,

Lin Xuan has learned a world-breaking array, which can be cracked. Most of the formation methods,

But now it does n’t work, the sky is broken, and it loses its effect in front of the unknown formation method.

Lin Xuan felt more and more terrifying and killed him.

No wonder Jinwu and others can't carry it, even the light is helpless.

The power of the formation method is really too powerful.

He gave a cold drink, waving his palms with countless avenues, intertwined with each other, forming a veteran ancient word.

This is the fruit of his cultivation during his time in the heavens,

At this moment, the subconscious casts out,

The way of heaven is pervaded all around,

The matrix law in front is quickly cracked, the surrounding attacks have disappeared, Lin Xuan is stunned, what's going on?

Can the way of heaven be broken?

He was really surprised,

It shouldn't be. Although the Tao of Heaven is mysterious, it is definitely not a special method to crack the formation.

What exactly is going on? Could it be this array?

Lin Xuan felt that this formation was very familiar before, and at the moment he was carefully recalling it, he suddenly found it.

In the heavenly ruins, there is a peerless formation, so many saints cannot even open it.

The power of that array is amazing, this one is very similar,

It ’s just that this one is a weakened version, and its power has weakened countless times.

He didn't recognize it for a moment,

Such as the Tao of today's court, the power shown, he finally remembered, this is absolutely similar to that of the ancient Tianting array.

Lin Xuan used the Tao of heaven to return around, without continuing to break, he frowned.

It seems that this formation is the Great House of the Purple House, which was laid out after studying the heavenly formation.

Then invited the strong in the world to crack, to find inspiration for cracking the heavenly array,

If he cracked it at this time, wouldn't he help Zifu virtually.

Thinking of this, he wanted to end, but after thinking about it, he was also extremely curious about heaven.

That ’s a supreme treasure house. If he does n’t do it this time, it ’s absolutely impossible.

Because the true Heavenly Array is stronger than this, thousands of times, it must be shot by the Great Holy Spirit.

Lin Xuan had an idea. It seemed that he had to show a little strength.

Let these barbaric families and worldly religions, pay attention,

Then, with the help of these ancient and ancient families, he can break through the array, so that he can get the things in the ancient heaven.

It looks like this is a very dangerous decision, but Lin Xuan decided to take a risk,

Wealth in wealth insurance, fight!

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and reunited the Tao of Heaven,

The second ancient word emerged, he swept across the square quickly,

Those around are waiting and talking a lot, they are not optimistic about Lin Xuan, because Guangming, Jinwu and others have tried it and are helpless.

I am afraid that only the true saint can do it!

Lin Xuan is strong, but there is still a gap compared to the real great saint.

How could this kid succeed? Jiang Chen sneered,

Jin Wuhao is also Lengheng, he cannot succeed ~ ~ the other party, don't think about it,

But all of a sudden, his face stiffened, his eyes widened,

General Chen also had a pupil shrinking: this is impossible!

He seemed to dream,

Dan Feng said: The formation method has been resolved!

With an exclamation, others looked up.

They were stunned, the formation in front of them quickly split,

People in Zifu were shocked. Can it be done?

They were stunned,

I saw the formation cracked, and a figure came out,

You cracked! Shocking light is also exclaimed,

Yue Feiyan even stepped up and observed carefully. He looked at Lin Xuan and felt incredible.

Mr. Lin, you really succeeded.

Okay. Lin Xuan nodded. I was lucky to crack it.


Everyone looked weird, **** it, how could this guy be so lucky?

Gritted Chen's teeth,

Jin Wuhao also turned black.

The other person's speechless face, is it really luck? This is no luck, it can be explained,

Lin Xuan ignored these people and looked at Yue Feiyan. He said: Before you said, whoever breaks this formation can get it. Gu Sheng Jue Xue, I don't know if he can fulfill his promise.

Several descendants of Xianshan have had a lot of discussions, and Yue Fei smokes a lot of opinions. She said, naturally,

Boy, please wait, I'll pick it up,

Then she fluttered and flew towards the distance.

Others are very envious. This guy has really done it, and he wants to get a lost masterpiece.

Previously, Yaoguang showed that Jin Wuhao was shocked by a single hit, but I can imagine how terrible such a peerless school is.

After a while, Yue Feiyan returned,

This time, she didn't come back by herself, and there was a figure coming back with her.

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