Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4669: Wind Dragon Fist!

Great Desolation Sky Hand,

Another blow, killing Jin Wuhao,

Jin Wuhao resisted, but his body was still torn in half.


He growled wildly, his body receding quickly,

Lin Xuan turned to stare at the evil,

You evil roar, go together.

He carried four figures and killed him.

Among them was an old strong man, the evil sword cut on Lin Xuan's body, tearing the rift.

Lin Xuan didn't dodge, the Great Desolation Sky hand flew out again, and one arm of the evil spirit turned into blood mist,

The long sword fell,

At this time, an old man came behind Lin Xuan.

Wind Dragon Fist.

This is the strong man of the wind clan. There is a Taiji figure behind Lin Xuan to block this punch.

The breath of death shrouded the old man, his life was lost, and he retreated in terror.

Damn it.

His gray hair had turned pale.

Lin Xuan alone occupied more than a dozen people, several of them fell, and Jin Wuhao, Youxie and others were injured.

Lin Xuan was also injured, but it was the more brave the Vietnam War.

His physique is very strong, and this injury has not been in his heart. Finally, he came forward, looking at the elixir, his eyes glowed with light,

This is a black elixir, like the flower of Jiuyou, blooming constantly, Lin Xuan doesn't know what effect it has,

Get this first.

An endless seal appeared on the palm of his hand, Lin Xuan grabbed it forward,


Jin Wuhao's broken body healed, he also shot it, and cut it down again. The others attacked even more.

Long Xiangzhi, Fenglongquan, all killed Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan didn't dodge. A big tower appeared behind her to resist.

The world shook, the Great Santa Tower blocked all this power, and Lin Xuan finally took the elixir in his hands.

Damn, what is this pagoda? So scary,

Those people are shocked,

The people of Zifu have bright eyes and big holy vessels? He had such a defense!

At this time, Lin Xuan had seized the flower of Jiuyou, and then rose up into the air, ready to leave.

Elder, stop him,

He has a treasure.

Jin Wuhao growled, and a golden palm in the distance came across.

That is, a peak holy king, who is fighting at this moment,

Hearing Jin Wuhao's call, he grabbed Lin Xuan in the palm of his hand for a moment, and he grabbed the big tower first, and wanted to seal it completely

If he gets it, his power will be ten times and a hundred times higher.


Lin Xuan snorted, sacrificing the Dragon Soul of the Dragon, the two drops of blood he had refined before, merged into the Dragon Soul of the Dragon,

Cut out with a sword.

The palm was cut off.

The roar came from a distance. An old man in the distant battle group retracted his arm. At this moment, bones appeared and blood was flowing.

Jin Wuhao and others are dumbfounded. What is this? Cut off the peak King with a sword!

Still fighting? Lin Xuan looked around, and this blow made two drops of his blood disappear.

Next, if he uses it again, he will need his own power. He doesn't want to use it in such a dangerous place.

But if these people don't know life or death, he doesn't mind.

Boy, you wait.

The evil spirit is scared. The other person has a treasure, and it is a treasure.

Too evil, strong defense, unparalleled attack, no way to fight,

He can only retreat and grab others,

Jin Wuhao also gritted his teeth and left, and the others retreated. The people in Zifu stared at Lin Xuan coldly.

Boy, you don't have many good days. Enjoy it slowly.

The sword just now shocked him greatly. They have been in the Purple House for a long time. He has already guessed what it seems to be.

So after going back, they had to hurry up and hunt this young man.


Lin Xuan coldly slammed, and another sword was cut out. The big dragon sword roared and killed the strong man in Zifu.

Damn it.

The strong man in Zifu turned green, how could the other party still be able to perform?

In his view, both the Great Holy Tower and the Dragon Sword Shadow were beyond the power of the Holy King.

In the early days of the other sage king, it is possible to cast it once, which is very bad. I am afraid that there is no extra power to cast it a second time.

But now he was wrong

He broke his arms, turned into a phantom of a dragon, and blocked him. He spit out half of his blood and shrouded it. This broken arm,

Then he fled quickly,


The dragon-like phantom roared, rushing towards the sword of the dragon with the breath of blood.

Boom boom!

The might of a sword, the dragon elephant was destroyed, and the strong man in Zifu was also blown out and received a heavy blow.

He fled in horror and never dared to return.

Lin Xuan turned pale and put away the dragon sword soul,

This thing is too energy-intensive to use it as a last resort.

He looked around and put away their storage.

As for the corpse, he did not give up, and now has the hand of creation,

Lin Xuan can make these people's bodies into essence and blood.

This kind of thing can temper his body, and it can also be absorbed, and it can be used by Dalong Sword Spirit at critical moments.

Both the body and the soul of the sword are a bottomless pit, so he will not give up these energy,

Seals on the palms, seal after seal, covering these bodies,

At this time, he froze, and found that the same people were collecting these bodies,

Lin Xuan looked up at each other, and the figure also turned his head.

It's you!

It's you!

Their voices came out at the same time.

There was shaking light in front of him, and there was a mysterious shadow surrounding him.

At this moment, he was also sealing those corpses, Lin Xuan frowned. What do you want these things to do?

Shake it and laugh, ridiculous, what do you collect?

To be honest, Shake is also a doubt. He collected these corpses because he is going to cultivate a taboo power next.

This magical power is very scary, so he has to prepare in advance, only he did not expect that Lin Xuan, like him, also wanted the bodies of these people

What did he want?

Is it possible that the other party will also contraindicate magical powers?

But he shook his head, the sort of taboo supernatural power, I am afraid that few people in Zifu dare to cultivate.

The other party had no chance to learn, so he was even more confused!

But this guy is not weak, he doesn't want to fight with each other now,

Shaking the light, he turned and left.

Lin Xuan stared at the other side for a long time and did not make a shot. He turned and looked at him.

On the other side, Xiaobai has begun to act in secret, those people quickly snatch,

Xiaobai used the cornucopia and the hand of nature to seize it in secret.

Finally, a strong man at Wanhuamen ~ ~ caught that old medicine.

At this time, Xiao Bai was born,

The old medicine disappeared.

hateful! who is it?

The strong man and eyes of Wanhuamen were all red. He had worked so hard to get it after fighting all the way.

As a result, they were snatched away instantly,

And that power is too weird,

He didn't understand why, there was only one leaf left.

Very few eyes, the power of all kinds of flying out, everything around is rapidly decomposing,

This guy is crazy,

Originally still fighting, they quickly retreated, wherever they went, the void kept breaking apart.

A white figure flew towards the distance.

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