Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4728: Immortality!

[Book Title: The Inverse Sword Madness Chapter 4728: Immortality! Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: The most romantic inverse scale of the Three Kingdoms, the Lord of the Holy Ruins, the Snow Eagle Lord, read the eternal dragon king legend, the ancient **** Wang Wulian, the peak of the five elements, the gate of the heavens, and the countless people are shocked!

House owner?

Is this the owner of their Purple House? It ’s incredible.

For a long time, they all know that there is a house owner in Zifu, but it is so mysterious that few people have seen it, and now they finally see it.

Hurry up, elders like Indus roar and start to act.

The side of Zifu showed strong strength and background, resisted the terrible dark cloud, and at the same time, there were masters of matrix formation, and began to repair the seal.

Of course, some people also fell in the process, but when the owner of the Purple House came out, it was extremely powerful, and everyone believed that it would definitely be sealed.

On the other side, Lin Xuan and others left Zifu and came to the outside of the mountain gate. They looked at the dark clouds rolling in front of them, and the horrifying scenes,

Also relieved,

It's too dangerous. If you come out a little late, you will probably die in it.

After leaving, Lin Xuan and others returned to Dandingmen first. In addition, the people of Shinto Alliance also disappeared.

When those wild ancient families, as well as Que Que, wanted to find, they found it was one step too late.

hateful. They groaned one by one, but they also led people to return quickly.

Among them, there was a big battle, that is, someone attacked Youyunmen,

Started a earth-shattering battle. You Yunmen and Zifu exchanged before and got Jiu You Zhen Jing.

He did not leave later, and now everyone returns without success, naturally setting the goal on Jiuyoumen.

Youyunmen roar, hateful, who dares to take action on them,

After the nether leader went deeper, he attacked strongly, and the saints swept away, but the other party also brought them, the saints passed down.

Even more than one, eventually he left with serious injuries,

More than a dozen elders of Youyunmen have died, and the other holy kings have died. Hundreds of them can be said to have suffered heavy losses.

However, in the end, they still carried the Jiuyou Zhenjing, fled back to the martial arts, and opened the peerless array.

At the same time a roar came, hateful, you wait, I will definitely report this hatred!

In the void, countless people flickered, and a woman who took the lead sighed. It was useless, and he escaped.


Countless storms around her disappeared instantly, and another figure sighed, shaking her head and leaving.

If anyone else will find here, this is the Patriarch of the Wind clan, and the Patriarch of the Holy Tribe,

The two teamed up to severely injure the leader of Youyun, but ultimately failed to kill each other and did not have to leave Jiuyou Zhenjing.

On the other side, Lin Xuan and others returned to Dandingmen and began to recuperate.

This time, they also lost some elders and masters from the Martial Arts Hall, Vulcan Palace, and Gujia Family.

This made them feel heartbroken too, but the thought of what happened next made them feel excited,

Because Lin Xuan had promised to help them to get things out of the Mian Mountain.

The elders who came too far came in person and invited Lin Xuan and said, give me a month's recovery time,

A month later, those elders came again,

Lin Xuan knew that he couldn't shirk, so he nodded. OK, I'll go to the Immortal Mountain.

In fact, Lin Xuan was not injured. He had swallowed the tank to protect him. He could not hurt him at all.

However, he consumed a lot, so he spent a few days to recover, the rest of the time, he was with Shen Jingqiu,

After all, the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and the two were in the quiet courtyard and no one bothered.

On this day, Lin Xuan said, Qiu'er, go with me to the Invincible Mountain. When we get them out, we will come back,

Shen Jingqiu stood up and said, Brother Lin Xuan, I still have some things to do.

At that time, I will come to you again.

Well, then you have to be careful. Lin Xuan also knows that everyone has their own opportunities.

Although the two gather together, they will not change their hearts.

The next day, Shen Jingqiu left alone.

Lin Xuan also took a deep breath and returned to the Immortal Mountain together with other schools such as the Changsheng Hall, Gujia, and Vulcan Palace.

After returning, Lin Xuan still lives in the Changsheng Temple.

He said to the three majors, what do you want to take? I can only take five things with my current strength,

The three majors of you, one for each person, and the remaining two, are separated by the other factions and families.

Give you three days, think about it, what to take,

Then give me.

Remember, I ca n’t destroy the mountain, I can only be in a certain area,

Too inside, I can't get in.

Teenagers rest assured, we know this. The elders of the eternal life hall are excited, they have long thought about what to take,

The same is true of Vulcan Temple and the ancient family. As for the other family schools, no matter what they choose, as long as they can get some treasures in the immortal mountains,

For them all couldn't be better.

So after three days, these people sent a jade Jane,

Lin Xuan nodded after reading the information inside,


They rose into the air and flew towards the Immortal Mountain.

The immortal mountain is extremely mysterious. It is still forbidden. No one dares to enter. The other great saints are waiting outside.

Looking towards Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan turned and walked forward, he took out the devouring pot, hung above his head, exuding an endless engulfing breath.

Then he stepped into the Immortal Mountain.

The hearts of the people were also tense. Lin Xuan felt that when he stepped on the land, a horrible breath came towards him.

But fortunately, the devouring tank has swallowed this breath ~ ~ Lin Xuan is also relieved, swallowing the tank, but it is equivalent to half an extreme weapon, although he can't show the real power now,

But it seems that this immortal force can be restrained.

In this way, Lin Xuan walked towards the inside. Start looking for the elixir those people need.

This process is difficult and slow,

After all, with Lin Xuan's strength, he could only walk carefully with his full effort to urge the swallowing pot. After one month, he found the elixir needed by the Changsheng Temple.

After another month, he found what the other two schools needed.

At this point he stopped and began to rest.

Three months of continuous consumption made him very tired. Lin Xuan found a mountain and began to sit cross-legged and practice.

Fortunately, in order to come in this time, these factions and families also gave him a lot of natural treasures.

Lin Xuan at this moment, took it out and started to recover,

At the same time, he looked around curiously, wondering how these forbidden areas were formed.

Why is it so terrible?

Lin Xuan saw that there was a mountain peak in the distance, which was not very high, but it was majestic and exuded a mysterious atmosphere.

He decided to go up and take a look,

But when he ascended the mountain peak, he found that the breath above the mountain was even more terrible.

It took him almost a month to reach the peak,

And when he boarded it, he had no power,

However, there is a stone monument on the mountain peak with many runes engraved on it.

Lin Xuan was shocked. He glanced at it and found that it turned out to be an exercise method.

This is eternal life.

Lin Xuan was stunned, and found that the immortality of Changsheng was very similar to Changshengjue. But it is more powerful than Changshengjue.

I don't know who stayed here. 2k novel reading network

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