Inverse Sword God

Chapter 4744: Triumph!

[Book Name: Chapter 4744 Triumph of the Inverse Sword Madness! (4 more) Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: Legend of the Aristocratic Dragon King Xinghe Legend of the Ancient God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements Tian Xuan Jie Tian Tian Ji Yong Yong King Inverse Scale Lord Shengxue Snow Eagle Lord After hearing this, those people of the wind family were shocked, really Do you want these six saints to fall?

This is a huge loss for any wild ancient family.

That's a big saint.

But there is no way, if these six saints are not dead, then more people in their wind clan will fall.

Elder Feng Yi turned his head, looked at the six people, and said, "Why do you still want to resist?" To what extent do you want to involve your family?

He looked at the head of the wind clan again, sighed, and do it himself, you are the head of a clan and died decently.

I know, the chief of the wind clan is despairing,

For the family, she must fall,

She looked at the people around her and said, let's do it, in order to give our descendants a way of life.

Are we really doing something wrong? These people of the wind clan were desperate, and then they started to do it themselves, their bodies burning.

Six groups of magical fire bloom between heaven and earth. Illuminated the whole world, the terrible breath made everyone creepy.

Eventually turned to ashes,


Those of the wind clan knelt down, and blood rain fell between heaven and earth,

Wind clan, six great holy smoke disappeared.

Can Mr. Lin be satisfied? Elder Feng Yi looked towards Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan said coldly, if there is another time, it will not be so simple.

I will completely destroy the entire wind race,

let's go. Those who had worked on him before, whether they were little saint kings, or powerful enough

All fell, and his revenge was counted.

So I can leave too,

go. Turning around, he took Dan Dingmen, Changsheng Hall and others to leave,

On the other side, the dark red Shenlong and Wuyuan also brought people back, and the group disappeared into the wind race.

The wind race is full of despair,

The Elder Fengyi looked at the holy heaven tribe, and the Jinwu tribe,

Thank you both for coming, we Fengquan will definitely report to each other in the future.

Then he looked at the people in Zifu. Thank you also for what you will find useful in the future, though.

Feng Shao looked at this scene lightly, and also sighed,

It seems that not only did he enter the Purple House, but the future clan also wanted to stand on the side of the Purple House.

The phoenix stood on a **** island, and the whole person froze.

They wind tribe, because of a young man, fell to the seven Great Saints, including the patriarch.

What a loss!

Damn, unwilling, he gritted his teeth, but was powerless.

After this time, their strength is greatly damaged, and they may have to rest in the future.

Moreover, never dare to provoke Lin Xuan again.

Next, the people of the Holy Family, Jinwu and Zifu left.

This matter was also spread quickly.

When everyone knew the results, they were blindfolded.

No, the patriarch of the wind clan has fallen, in addition, there are six other great saints falling.

There are more than a dozen broken islands in the wind tribe.

Cangtian, this forest invincible is really too bad.

Can no one control him?

However, there are also real situations spread. Some people say that the wind tribe deserves it. It is said that the chief of the wind tribe personally took the six great saints to himself and wanted to collect Lin Xuan's soul.

I also want to inherit the heritage of Jiuyang,

Lin Xuan, this is a passive counterattack,

It turned out that such a thing, it seems that the wind family is really unlucky.

This time I really took a stone and hit my own foot. After looking at it, I definitely can't do anything to this Lin Xuan.

Countless families are shocked. Although Lin Xuan is full of treasure, it provokes the other party at a great cost.

Lin Xuan set off another storm in the ancient city of Taiqing. At this moment, everyone is in awe of him.

Those wild and ancient families, the great world religion, did not dare to touch him easily.

On the other side, Lin Xuan and others did not leave.

They are hidden in the void and seem to be waiting for something,

There are countless flames rising in front of the sky, painted as one head, and the other is Jinwu.

These people are the Jinwu tribe who left from the wind tribe. At this moment they are heading back to the family.

Then the next moment, the surrounding sky shattered, countless terrible breaths blocked the surroundings,

who? The Jinwu tribe growled.

I said, you dare to do something to me, I will make you regret it,

Since you are helping the wind clan, go to **** and meet with the clan chief of the wind clan.

Lin Xuan stepped out, the cold voice sounded,

Damn it, you!

Run away!

The face of the Jinwu tribe is green.

They didn't expect that the other side intercepted them halfway.

Damn, the number of the other saints far exceeds them. Here,

They are not opponents at all,

Hurry up! These great saints fled from all directions, but how could they escape.

The outbreak of this war, Jinwu tribe, these strong men who came to aid, all fell.

Their souls are destroyed, but their bodies are turned into gourmet barbecues.

Was taken away.

Before long, news came from the ancient city of Taiqing, and several great saints of the Jinwu ethnic group fell together with a group of powerful men.

I don't know who moved the hand,

After countless people heard the news, they were shocked,

They have guessed that it must be Lin Xuan's hand, but there is no evidence.

After learning about the Jinwu people, they were all mad.

However, they can only be furious and dare not attack.

Today, Lin Xuan, really is extremely strong, and can overwhelm the ancient family.

If you want revenge, you can only look for opportunities later.

Lin Xuan and others returned to Dandingmen. Started a feast,

Ye Wudao waited at Dandingmen ~ ~ After seeing Lin Xuan, he said, you're fine, great,

Lin Xuan walked over and said, "Thanks to you this time, you saved my life. In the future, despite anything, I will never frown."

We are brothers, this is nothing to do, Ye Wudao laughs,

Yes, yes, good brother, come and have a drink, Lin Xuan laughs and pulls Ye Wudao to fight for wine.

Shanhaidian, Gujia, Changshengdian, Vulcan Palace and other strong men did not leave, all stayed,

Drinking and chatting together,

Lin Xuan thanked them one by one. This time, thanks to these people, otherwise he is really dangerous.

The dark red dragon, toad, and Xiaobai are all gathered together, and they are happy to drink,

As for their food, they were just beheaded. The bodies of these Jinwu saints, like mountains, contain endless energy.

Not only delicious, but also enhance their strength,

After this meal, everyone's body was glowing, as if feathering and flying fairy.

It took half a month for everyone to gather, and which martial arts left one by one.

The Tripartite Forces of Changsheng Hall, Vulcan Palace and Gujia returned to the Immortal Mountain with some strong men.

Lin Xuan promised them that when they have time, they will go to the Immortal Mountain and help them pick immortals.

The strong of the three martial arts are grateful.

On this side, Lin Xuan also met Elder Wu Yuan.

Shanhaidian's help also played a great role.

Elder Wu Yuan laughed. You are the person of my Shanhaidian. Naturally, I will give it my best. My disciples in Shanhaidian are not bullies.

Little guy, I am very optimistic about you. Elder Wu Yuan also values ​​Lin Xuan very much.

This is the future. It can become the supreme young Tianjiao and may even enter the emperor's realm.

Their mountain and sea halls naturally need to give their full support. 2k novel reading network

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