Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5052: Shadow of the Demon!

Lin Xuan's eyes bloomed with golden light, covering the world.

Soon, a smile rose from the corner of his mouth and he walked towards the distance.

In the remote corner of the mansion, there is a woman in purple clothes, who was the first person to send a flower basket to Lin Xuan before.

The corner of his mouth was sneer at this moment,

What forest invincible, did not even find my combination of poison, what top genius?

See how he died this time?

She has a strong self-confidence in her own means, because she used this method to kill more than ten powerful saints,

And when those people die, they do n’t understand how they died,

So this time, in her opinion, it is no exception.

As long as she kills this forest invincible, she can go to the Necromancers to receive a reward,

It was a holy warrior handed down. After it was obtained, it was enough to open up his own family and pass on it for thousands of years.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but be excited.

Just because of your poison, you still want to kill me, it's too far away,

Just then, a faint voice sounded,

The girl in the purple clothes shrank her pupils and turned her head abruptly

She shouted coldly, who?

The next moment she was stunned, you are not dead!

She saw Lin Xuan come over, her face pale, and she took a few steps back.

what happened? Shouldn't the other party be poisoned? How could it be alive,

And also found him.

I ’ve discovered your poison a little bit, and just want to kill me by this means. It ’s too weak.

Did the Necromancers find such people?

The cold sweat of the woman in purple shed, he

She thought it was a seamless plan, and it was discovered by the other party long ago.

Before the ridiculous, I also dreamed of being able to kill each other.

Save my life,

She knelt straight down and kept hoeing,

The opponent's strength is strong, and she is not an opponent at all.

These assassins used the assassination technique that was out of nowhere, and now the assassination technique has been broken by others, she really has little way to do.

Say, how many people are you still? What other means does the Necromancer have?

Lin Xuan asked coldly, he walked forward,

At this time, the woman in the purple dress suddenly raised her head and threw two crystal **** toward the front.

Inside, there is extremely terrible green poison gas.

go to hell.

The crystal ball cracked, and the poisonous gas inside appeared, covering Lin Xuan,

Hahahaha, what Lin is invincible, I'll give a little trick, and you will die in my hands,

Next I want to become famous.

The woman in purple laughed on the sky, but soon she stopped.

Even his expression became frightened, and he fell to his knees again,

This time she was really scared,

A sword light glided across the air, splitting her gas in half,

Then Lin Xuan stepped out, and there was a magic fire on his body, burning.

Everything is isolated.

how is this possible? How could the other party be so powerful!

The woman in purple dress looked terrified,

She only heard about her horror, but she never saw her,

So seeing this scene at the moment, her face was extremely cold.

With a wave of Lin Xuan's hand, the magic fire of Jiuyang flew out, turning into a Jinwu covering the other side.

The woman in purple burned in the fire and made a miserable roar,

She knew she couldn't live, but she yelled,

Lin Wudi, you killed me, you will not live long, I'm just the first killer,

After that, there will be more and more killers to hunt you down.

At ten o'clock, Yan Luo is a master. Even if it is protected by the Sand Temple, you can't escape.

Ten Hall Yan Luo? Lin Xuan frowned tightly,

He doesn't have any grudges with these schools,

The purple-clad woman laughed wildly. You are too naive. In order to get revenge, the Necromancers took out a handed saint as a reward.

This is enough to cause madness in anyone, so you just wait to die.

When the words fell, she was burned to ashes.

Lin Xuan frowned, but the other side even took out a handed down saint, which is really a big deal.

It seems that there will be countless masters coming to assassinate him.

Hum, the ghosts of the Necromancers are still there. One day he will completely destroy the other.

As for those saints who came to assassinate him. Lin Xuan, naturally will not let go,

He will not wait passively, but ready to take the initiative,

These people want to come and kill him, then he kills them first, he wants to scare everyone,

At the same time let everyone know what it would be like to dare him.

Lin Xuan went back to the dinner party. After the banquet, late at night,

Lin Xuan stood on which mountain, his magic was overwhelming, and his golden eyes covered the world.

At this moment above the nine days, I also have a pair of golden eyes looking down at Cang Sheng,

Lin Xuan is trying his best to show off the magical pupils. He wants to detect the existence of those killers.

These saint killing powers are terrible, and various means are hidden,

But as long as the other party has the intention to kill. Lin Xuan can still be found,

After all, how terrible Lin Xuan ’s pupil technique is, Tianji Shen Tong has absorbed enough reincarnation power, which is not imaginable for most people.

Under these eyes, nothing can be hidden.

Lin Xuan's face immediately became gloomy during this investigation.

He did not expect that there were so many killers around him, and the number of them surprised him.

If it weren't for the news he received today, I'm afraid he'll never have peace.

But now, Lin Xuan is ready to attack.

Slowly printed on the palm of your hand ~ ~ Lin Xuan casts a kind of supernatural power in the summon scripture,

Shadow of the Devil.

It can instantly condense the existence of tens of thousands of avatars, Lin Xuan condensed a hundred avatars, each one is like a demon,

Then flew in all directions.

In a valley, a big tree stands tall and shakes with the wind,

At this time, a magical figure came down, and then slaughtered the ancient tree,

The old tree was torn apart and gave a wild roar,

who is it?

This ancient tree is also a terrible killer.

He growled madly, he was hiding very well, but did not expect it, or was it discovered instantly?

And this person's strength is beyond imagination,

This is naturally a clone of Lin Xuan.

With a wave of his hand, Jiuyang Shenhuo flew out and burned the ancient tree.

Soon, the old trees disappeared,

Not only that, Lin Xuan's one hundred avatars killed in all directions,

Killing Saints one by one, he quickly resolved,

The real body of Lin Xuan was also dispatched.

Inside the seven-story pagoda, the momentum is magnificent, the matrix formation flashes,

A man has an array of hands, shaking constantly.

The matrix method records several images. If you look closely, you will find that the figures on the matrix method are all Lin Xuan.

This person is also a terrible killer,

He is studying Lin Xuan,

For these killers, one hit is the best.

If you miss the opportunity, I ’m afraid it ’s hard to succeed in the future, so before every shot,

He knows the enemy well.

This is an old man. Wearing a large black robe, under the robe, there is a skeleton body,

He was a skeleton, and he became a saint.

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