Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5042: Golden Cloth!

[Book Name: Chapter 5042 of the Sword of Madness! Author: fresh sword]

Inverse Sword God Welcomes You! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: Legend of Shenmen Dragon King Taigu God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements Tian Xuan Jie The Gate of Selecting Tianji Yongye King Inverse Scale Lord Dominates the Holy Snow Snow Eagle Lord Yunyue The important thing is that Lin is invincible.

He is a crown prince, no less talented than the emperor,

What's more, he still has half awesome weapons in his hand.

It can be said that it is very difficult.

Suppressing him can solve the danger.

Does father mean to let me go? Yunhai said, no problem, give me a legacy soldier, I will suppress it back,

Although the other person is young and self-esteem, plus half a devour in his hand, he is still not afraid,

Because he is much older than young people, plus he is only one step away from the late Holy Age,

So his strength is also terrible.

Add in a handed saint, and he will sweep everything.

The destiny patriarch shook his head,

Yunhai frowned. Didn't my father believe me?

Haier, how could I not believe you?

Just do n’t hurry, the ancestor wants to see you, he wants to accept you as a disciple.

really? Yunhai shivered, and a radiance appeared in her eyes,

Father, is this really the case?

Don't look at him like the world before, but at this moment hearing the news, he looks like a child excited.

Yes, this time I ’m here to take you to see my ancestors. Come with me.

The two skyrocketed into a streamer.

On the other side. Above the endless earth, a grand canyon appears,

The elder took the token and waved.

Grand Canyon, the surrounding formation disappeared, a passage appeared,

He walked down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon,

There are a lot of underground palaces underneath, surrounded by endless matrix flashes,

who! Stop! A sound sounded,

Thunder landed in the sky, cutting off the way in front of the elder.

At the same time, there were four dark shadows around, four of them with extremely terrible shadows.

The elder stood there, all cold, and she felt a deadly threat,

With a little movement, these four people can tear it to pieces,

He was shocked. It was a verdict. It was terrible.

These people can dominate the fate of others,

He stood there and said, "I am the elder, and came at the command of the patriarch.

This is the Patriarch token.

Then, he shook the token in his hand,

The eyes of those four people flickered. Why didn't the patriarch come?

The elder said that the patriarch said there were more important things. This time, my destiny family was in crisis.

The four phases of the Fa were broken, and the ancestor was very angry, ready to start you.

The token is correct, come in,

The four figures slowly disappeared,

In the front palace, the door slowly opened, and the elder entered.

He found it was like a heaven on earth, with a throne,

There was a woman sitting on it,

The woman was wearing a holy tabard and holding a heavenly book in her hand,

With a scepter in his right hand,

She has white wings behind her. Spotless, like a **** at the moment,

Sitting on the throne,

Seeing the elders coming, the woman raised her head and asked with a deep voice.

What happened?

The elder said something before, and the woman closed the Tianshu in her hand and stood up.

An extremely dazzling light emerged from the eyes,


With an order, a lot of people rushed out of the surrounding palaces.

They all came to the main hall in front of them, standing there one by one, looking cold.

The ancestors had orders to suppress Lin Invincible.

The holy and shining woman waved her hands, and the wings behind her spread out.

Shred the sky and the sky.

One hundred strong men followed suit,

These people, like gods, disappeared into the void,

The elder was shocked, and one hundred ruling masters were dispatched at this moment.

Is an indestructible force,

It seems that Yuheng mainland is about to set off a big storm.

That Lin is invincible.

A day later, 15 old mansions were shattered, and many people were there.

It is a saint warrior from Yuheng continent who came here to look for opportunities.

After all, before this, there were endless powerhouses,

Maybe leave the storage ring, and all kinds of natural treasures,

Even some broken weapons have endless treasures for them,

So they came to look for treasure,

At this time, a cold power emerged, blocking the Quartet.

In the sky, a pair of white wings cover the sky,

A woman wearing a golden sacred armor, holding a heavenly script in her hand, holding a golden scepter, fell in the air,

She stood in the air, looking down like a god,

Where is Lin Invincible?

Those who searched for treasure below were stunned, so beautiful, is this an angel?

They shocked,

Some people wonder, who is Lin Wuji?

never heard of that.

Are you dumb? It was the one who had defeated the hundred miles before.

Oh, you said, the genius who crowned the king in the holy city,

How come he came here?

A man shook his fan and came out.

Lin Wudi is not here. I wonder what the fairy calls it?

How about making friends with the saints under the iron fan?

Such a beautiful woman is very rare. If he can get it, wouldn't it be quick!

Thinking of this, he laughed

In the sky, a woman wearing a gold armour with her eyes down and a wave of her hand,

A law landed below and shrouded the Iron Hand Saint,

The Iron Hand Saint screamed miserably ~ ~ His body appeared endless cracks, his soul was torn apart,

It's scary,

The woman in the sky said coldly, punish!

With a bang, the Saint Sage of the Iron Fan was torn apart and destroyed.

The people around me were shocked and kept back,

Who is this?

The Saint of the Iron Mountain is also a master among the saints.

But now it's incredible to be killed by a voice from the other side.

Where is Lin Invincible?

The woman in the sky speaks again,

The people around were terrified,

Some people are also angry, Lin Wudi is not here, you find him, go somewhere else,

The woman in the golden armour has a puppet in her eyes. This is the place of the destiny twins. Even if it is broken, you cannot come.

You are trespassing on the territory of the destiny twins, and their sins should be rampant,


The cold voice came, and there were endless black figures around,

They came with a slaughter of intent, like a messenger of hell.

In a split second, many people were torn into pieces,

The screams sounded, run away,

The others were frightened and wanted to escape, and the war broke out in an instant,

Half a thousand incense is less than the time, all these hundreds of saints who came to find treasure have fallen,

Blood stained red for nine days,

Another hundred people in black robes were standing there, with blood dripping from them.

Tombstone! Seal, warn the world,

No one is allowed to set foot!

The woman in the golden armor said coldly.

The hundred mysterious strong men around stood with a bone of the dead saint, and became a sky monument.

And with their holy blood, an enchantment was formed, covering 15 old mansions,

And warn the world.

Cross the line, kill without pardon!

The destiny twins cannot be challenged. 2k novel reading network

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