Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5117: Come back, God League!

After Lin Xuan heard it, his brows frowned tightly. He fluttered into the road,

Flying towards the League of God,

At this moment, the gates of the Divine Alliance were broken, many cracks appeared on the surrounding city walls, and the formation was bleak.

Lin Xuan was about to go in, but heard that someone in the League of God was arguing

Some people sighed, and it looked like we would not be able to support it for long.

After Bai Susu heard it, she said in a deep voice, "Why, is there no confidence?" We can certainly pass on.

Sister Bai, don't blame what I said badly. What is the situation of the League of Gods today? I think everyone knows it well,

The Dragon Palace will not spare us, so the League of God is over,

This is a woman who is dressed in blue and has a beautiful face.

But at the moment there was a gleam of cold light in her eyes, she called Bingyu.

The other one came out wearing a star armor and said, yes, if I want to say, boss Lin should not kill the dragon prince,

This person is called Qixing.

What do you mean by that? The others came out and yelled coldly,

Nalanliang and others also glared,

Qixing said.

If you think about it, all this happened after the death of the Dragon Emperor,

If we had defeated the Dragon Prince in the first place and left him to die, our League of Legends would not have ended this way.

you! You dare to question Boss Lin! The rest of them were so angry that

Qixing opened her mouth.

Boss Lin not only offended the Wanlong Dynasty, but also offended the Jinwu family, the Purple House, the Blue family, and the Longhai family

These are wild ancient families, Quedai, each one can sweep a party

It's better now, he's dead, and we have to suffer.

Shut up! Bai Susu stood up, Lengheng, Qixing, Bingyu, what do you two mean?

What we mean is clearly that the League of Gods today is not the League of Gods of the past.

We have no way to compete with the Dragon Palace. There are only two ways to go now.

First, dissolve the League of God, and second, bow to Dragon Palace for mercy.

This is impossible! I'm angry, what is Dragon Palace? We will never bow down for mercy.

Then you can only dissolve 喽, Qixing is sneer,

Bai Susu said that dissolution is also impossible. I promised Lin Xuan that the League of God must be maintained.

Bingyu sneered, sister Bai, your father is an elder of Daozong, your life is not dangerous,

But we are different, we dare not go against Dragon Palace, otherwise we will all die.

As soon as this word came out, other people in the League of God were also talking.

Bai Susu's face became ugly. He knew that since the news of Lin Xuan's fall had spread, people's hearts had fallen apart.

Coupled with ice and rain, people like Qixing are provocative, and I'm afraid the League of God is really difficult to maintain.

The League of God will not fall apart, nor will it bow to others,

At this time, a voice came out, and others stunned,

Qixing also said that the third way is that everyone must die.

Do you want everyone in the entire League of Gods to be buried and killed?

Bai Susu was stunned. The sound was so familiar. Who was it? He looked in all directions,

The next moment, she noticed flashes outside the formation,


She rushed out and found a figure standing outside, a man in a black robe,

who are you? She was so nervous.

Lin Xuan took off his cloak and said, it's me.

Bai Susu was struck by a lightning strike, and her eyes were red, she couldn't believe it.

As if dreaming,

At the back, those people in the League of God are stunned, what's going on? Why is Sister Bai there?

Damn, could it be that someone from the Dragon Palace came up?

Damn, fight with them, Na Lanliang, the two of them rushed over.

The next moment, when they came to the doorway, they were also holding back, their bodies trembling.

When people in the Three Gods saw this scene, they all frowned.

Could it be that the enemies from Jackie Chan Palace are so powerful that the three sisters Shi Bai could not resist at all,

The cold rain must say, have you seen it? Now we are not the opponents of Dragon Palace at all,

So the master of Dragon Palace came, we immediately confessed,

If you want to die, then you continue to shoot, anyway, I would not do it,

As soon as this word came out, others were uproaring and talking.

It seems that this can only be done,

On the other side, Qixing's mouth raised a smile, rest assured that we are all geniuses,

Even if the League of God is gone, we can form other forces and continue to survive.

You can even carry it forward and climb to the next level.

Having said that, he clenched his fists, he could already imagine, and then he left the League of God and formed.

These people talk behind,

Seven stars, ice rain, the two have made up their minds,

However, the three people in front of Bai Su are red eyes. They are not dreaming.

Is that you? The three were stunned.

Lin Xuan laughed, naturally it was me.

Why, stop me at the door?

How dare you, boss please hurry up. Yu Ren and others laughed and gave way.

Lin Xuan walked in, and the three followed closely.

Here comes the Dragon Palace!

The people inside were nervous, and the ice rain quickly hurried forward,

Qixing is there to continue to attract people, and later he will take away a group of experts to form.

Friends of Dragon Palace rest assured that we will not be against you, we bow our heads and give in,

Striding up in ice and rain,

However, the smile on her face was rigid, and she stayed there ~

Are you human or ghost?

She screamed,

Who was around was also exclaimed, wasn't it, weren't they dreaming?

Is the other party back?

Qixing turned his back to the crowd and talked with some masters there.

He promised excellent conditions. As long as these people are formed with him, he will not treat them in a bad way.

These geniuses frowned tightly,

The League of God has mercy on them, but this seven-star wants to take away the resources of the League of God and draw them back to form another force.

It ’s really awful enough.

Someone was trying to refute. Suddenly at this time, they heard the exclamation in front of them and looked up.

At the next moment, they were also stunned, looking happy, and all rushed over.

Damn, I have n’t finished it yet. Do n’t you want to cooperate with me?

Qixing was angry, he snorted, and turned to catch these people,

However, when he saw the figure of the black robe in front of him, he was also stunned,

Subconsciously back three steps, your ghost is back.

He saw a familiar figure,

Lin Xuan! Lin Invincible!

Boss of the League of Gods,

But how is it possible! Isn't the other person dead?

How could it appear here?

Is it possible that the soul of the other party is back?

Thinking of this, cold sweats emerged from behind him.

Which other people are also in doubt, is it really Lin Boss?

Lin Xuan looked around and said coldly, why didn't you know me?

During the talk, the terrible fire of Jiuyang's body bloomed,

Feeling the power of this body, these people look shocked!

The body of Jiuyang, to the body of Gangzhiyang, is the body of Lin Xuan.

The man in front of him is really their boss Lin Invincible!

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