Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5174: Soul Abyss!

Soul Abyss? Where is that Lin Xuan frowned,

He opened the heavenly **** pupil and thoroughly searched the soul tower. He did not find Yunyue's soul.

The mystery of the soul is an abyss, a sacred place for the soul. Very mysterious.

All 36 soul towers belong to the soul abyss. This time our tower owner is ordered to go to the soul abyss.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes after hearing,

Come to think of it, it should be more terrible than the soul tower,

Just what the other person wants Yunyue's soul to do?

As a genius at the level of Yunzi, Yunyue's soul is very horrible.

Maybe something strange, right?

Thinking of this, he snorted and told me the location of Soul Abyss,

After receiving the information, Lin Xuan snorted. He looked in all directions.

The purpose of your mixed tower is to increase the soul. Why collect so many souls?

Is there a way to cultivate? speak out,

If we can raise our souls, I might be able to spare you,

Otherwise, don't blame me.

The three elders were pale and frightened, and we dare not hide our sons.

But everything, the tower master and the tower master have the final say, now the tower master is not,

Lord Taling disappeared again, and we were powerless,

Are you talking about this? Lin Xuan snorted, a wave of sleeve robes, swirls emerged, suppressing a small tower,

Lord Taling! The three elders exclaimed,

Lin Xuan snorted, obediently speaking out the cultivation method, otherwise it will make you fall to **** forever.

Abominable, the towering roar crazy, extreme weapons, you are a monarch!

The other soul-eaters were scared when they heard it. No wonder their towering spirits will be suppressed. It turned out to be an extreme weapon

These people must not provoke.

Lin Xuan, sneer, just know,

Next, a few of them got a way to cultivate their souls.

Several people sat under the soul pillar and began to practice.

The entire soul tower gathers the power of the soul, condenses, and envelopes everyone.

Just a day later, several people in Lin Xuan opened their eyes and stood up.

Lin Xuan shouted, and the whole soul tower shook violently.

Great, he felt his soul, he was elevated,

The golden light in his eyes was deeper, and he was very close to Samsara.

However, it is not enough!

Murong's Allure, Yan Ruyu, and Zixing are also delighted.

Their souls have also been promoted, and they have been greatly improved.

That ’s great. It ’s a land of fairyland.

Overnight, they changed dramatically.

Is there any power? give me!

Lin Xuan was cold and humming, Ta Ling was crying,

No, we have collected power for thousands of years, and you run out of it in a day,

His heart is bleeding.

Lord Lord of the Tower is coming back, how can they explain?

Brother Xuan, don't they have 36 soul towers? We can go elsewhere. Murong said,

Yan Ruyu also said that it is better to go directly to some soul abyss, where there should be more powerful soul power,

That ’s right, Lin Xuan nodded, and went to Soul Abyss.

One can continue to save Yunyue, and he hopes to get stronger

Let his eyes evolve into reincarnation.

I can't kill you, but don't think about how long you will go out.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Xuan swallowed the entire soul tower with a vortex formed by a swallowing pot.

When my business is over, let you out.

Thank you, my son, for not killing, those soul-eaters keep worshiping,

They dare not have any resistance at all,

Lin Xuan and his party flew toward the soul abyss based on the information they received.

About one day later, they reached the Soul Abyss.

Soul Abyss, it really is an abyss canyon, very mysterious,

The soul goes in, as if into a quagmire.


A few people jumped straight down, and as soon as they entered, there was an angry drink from the black clouds.

Stop, there are a few souls in front, blocking the way,

Who are you How dare you break into the soul?

Really bold,

Don't you know the rules of Soul Abyss?

Come here only to enter the soul, otherwise kill without pardon,

They could see that several people in Lin Xuan had come in together with the body, so they intercepted.

Even if you dare to control me? Lin Xuan snorted coldly, the golden light flashed in his eyes.

The power of reincarnation, kill directly forward,

Cracks appeared in the souls ahead.

No, what kind of power is this?

The other person's eyes can kill them!

The seniors died, and they hurriedly nodded,

We don't know if the seniors are coming, and how much they offend.

Can I go in now? Lin Xuan stood up with his hand and asked coldly,

Naturally, those souls nodded non-stop, then gave way,

Lin Xuan sneered and went in.

Until Lin Xuan disappeared, those souls were relieved.

Was that the **** ’s eye just now? Why is it so scary?

I feel like he can kill us with a single glance,

Which soul tower is he strong? Why haven't we met?

You are dead, and dare to inquire about his identity, he is not an existence we can understand!

These people are frightened. Do not dare to avenge ~ ~ As for breaking the rules, they do not care much, because these rules are for the weak,

The strong should sweep everything and ignore everything.

Lin Xuan and his team landed toward the depths of the soul abyss,

Murong said, looking around, that the weird breath was all soul.

Yan Ruyu is also delighted. Here, we can definitely find the power to enhance our soul.

As Lin Xuan descended, he showed his soul, and his golden eyes enveloped him.

He started searching for Yunyue's soul, but he didn't find it.

However, I found that the souls below are very powerful, and they are definitely all Saints.

Even more terrifying.

Among them he found a man in a black robe.

The breath on the opponent's body is very similar to the soul tower he was in before.

Lin Xuan guessed that this should be the tower owner,

Thinking of this, he snorted and found the tower owner, and he could know the whereabouts of Yunyue.

Thinking of this, he speeded up.

Below the abyss, it is incredibly vast and surprising,

The terrain here is like a gourd, narrow in the middle, but wide in the bottom.

When Lin Xuan came down, they naturally attracted the attention of others. All who came here were masters of the soul.

When they saw several people from Lin Xuan coming with their own body, they were naturally surprised,

Suddenly, countless eyes fell on these people,

Zixing felt scalp tingling,

Although he is a young giant, who can come here who is weak?

For a moment, as if they were near enemies, which soul tower were these young people?

If you don't follow the rules, how dare you bring the body?

I don't think they live or die!

These two women are still pretty good. They both stare at Murong Qingcheng and Yan Ruyu.

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