Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5185: Yuan Magnetic Cave House!

Yao Guang exudes a mysterious atmosphere. He exerts the magic of swallowing the sky, and practices in the same speed.

Others are also looking for opportunities, such as Xun Pengzi. At this moment, he is in front of a cave house, with a powerful bombing formation.

He felt that there was an opportunity against the sky, if he could get it, maybe he could become a double champion.

The Phoenix clan, the head of the Phoenix clan looked towards Feng Jiu, and he said, "Do you really not go to the fairy land?"

Feng Jiu shook his head. No, Murong went to the city. I was going to take another road.

That is the path left by the original Phoenix Emperor,

The patriarch of Phoenix said, but here, the road is nine dead.

No need to work so hard,

Feng Jiu said, no, I feel the crisis,

The blood of the emperor is gone, Lin Wudi is too powerful,

And according to information, even the double champions have come out. Who knows if there is a more terrible existence in the future,

You know, our secret family knows a lot,

Many people are hiding and want to open the seal in this life and compete for the opportunity of the emperor.

Even scramble for opportunities to become immortals.

I must take a risk, Feng Jiu walked towards a quaint hall ahead,

His figure disappeared,

The strong man of the Phoenix family also sighed, everything depends on his fortune.

Lin Xuan also continued to explore some places.

If there is a purple star, Yunyue can do it. Lin Xuan follows, while controlling the overall situation.

On the other hand, he began to explore the other party's storage ring,

In the opponent's storage ring, in addition to the cultivation resources, the most important thing is a scroll.

That scroll is about the Ascension of the Five Souls,

This is a soul attack. Lin Xuan has seen it before, and can form a five-element soul.

Really terrible,

This is equivalent to being several times stronger than the masters of the same level. It can be said that it is a must kill.

That is, he can fight back with the Dragon Soul of the Dragon. Otherwise, any peak of the Holy Saint cannot be blocked.

Such a powerful magical power, Lin Xuan is also fascinated, and he also discovered one thing,

That is, there is another broken scroll. Something is recorded on the scroll.

It turned out that the five souls' ascension techniques were found by Yuan Yuan in a cave house.

This Dongfu is very mysterious. In the land of fairyland, it also exists as a forbidden land.

Most people dare not go.

Yuan Yuan still found this clue by chance, and at the same time he got a scroll by chance.

It is the Five Souls ascending to heaven,

As for other things, I do n’t know. Later, he tried to go again, but he still could n’t enter.

This has kept him very sorry.

Lin Xuan closed her eyes after listening. The Dongfu with the Five Souls Ascension is likely to be left by the superpower of the Yuhua Xian Dynasty.

There must be other treasures in it, so Lin Xuan started and was ready to go.

After talking to several people, they nodded in agreement, and they quickly attacked.

On the other side, Qingmu Sendai and Qingtan also issued a formation method to pass information to Huntian.

After Huntian arrived, he said coldly, what do you have?

Qing Tan frowned and said, how long are you going to delay?

Don't you go to other places without killing Lin Wudi?

Huntian said, give me two more days to find him, I will kill him first,

The invincibility and legend of Lin Wudi made Hun Tian nervous,

However, Qing Tan said it was good, then the last two days, if you do n’t go, then we will find other friends by ourselves,

Also, not only we know the news of Yuan Magnetic Cave House, but also other Sendai.

Once those people find it in advance and get the baby inside, I'm afraid you won't be able to regret it then.

Hearing this, Soul Sky took a deep breath, his eyes flickered, and he said,

OK, let's go to the Yuan Magnetic Cave suit, get the contents, and kill the kid.

Regarding this Yuandong Cave, he is also extremely heart-moving,

It is said that it was left by the supreme existence of Yuhua Xian Dynasty,

He got an increase in absolute strength afterwards, and maybe even can become a triple crown.

At that time, what did Lin Wudi contend with him?

Thinking of this, they set off quickly,

Some other Sendai, there are ancient families, they also have some news,

All of a sudden these people acted together and went to Yuancidongfu together.

On the other side is the depth of soul abyss. Those of the soul tower came back again, and they saw if there was hope, to restore the soul abyss.

Suddenly this time, the figure broke out.

What people, these people exclaim,

Could it be that kid?

They thought that Lin Wuji did not leave, and his scared scalp was numb.

But when they found out, there was a man in a commoner, with a calm face,

They frowned, right, not that kid, who was that?

Who are you Why are you here? They growled wildly.

Can't beat Lin Xuan, can't he beat the person in front of him?

The person who came out was naturally shaken,

The corner of his mouth was raised, did he mingle with the master? Great ~ ~ I just need your strength,

With a wave of his hand, he swallowed the magic of the sky and flew out.

Kill forward,

Those people furiously defensively counterattacked, but they found it impossible to resist, and soon they were suppressed.

Damn, how could it be!

In addition to Lin Wudi, there are young people who are so powerful,

Who is this guy? Is it a double crown?

Feeling no chaos on the other side, they are really too scared,

Shaking his mouth raised, his eyes had a mysterious light flickering, and he received his soul!

These people can't bear it anymore, they fall to the ground one by one,

Not long after, Huntian retracted his palm and said coldly.

Gather now, the power of your 11 soul towers, follow me,

Those people tremble, the other person has planted a soul restraint in their minds,

They dare not resist,

So these people are coming together to act,

After the power of the 11 soul towers was assembled, the corner of his mouth was raised and followed me.

Where does the owner go? One of them asked,

Shake the light and turn around to slap the other side into a mist of blood, and then swallow it, no matter how big or small, are you asking me anything?

The others were frightened, their scalp was numb,

Although the man in front of him was clothed, he had no rules, and his face was calm, but he was a terrible killer.

The saint killers are the same as cutting vegetables. They no longer dare to say anything and follow each other.

The group was vast and disappeared.

On the other side. Ye Wudao, Gu Feng and others also acted quickly.

Destiny twins, they are also searching for treasure,

However, at this time, the void broke apart, and a figure appeared behind them.

who? These people are nervous.

A figure came out of the crack and said, it's me!

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