Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5198: The quasi-empire body?

Why is this breath so terrible?

Even the six Lords stopped, they did n’t dare to act lightly,

Those around were creepy.

The hazy figure in front can continue to walk,

His steps were very slow, and everyone found that he had entered a stone door ahead.

The stone door was half open, and the guy put the longevity lamp inside the stone door.

Everyone can only see a flame, beating constantly,

What's inside Shimen? Everyone was shocked.

Everyone seems to see a shadow,

Looks like someone is in Shimen!

Is that the guy before?

Hum, no matter who it is, I have to see it!

There was a magic light shining in the eyes of the ancestor, and it penetrated the world,

Even Lin Xuan opened his reincarnation eyes and looked forward.

The next moment, Lin Xuan's reincarnation eyes, his pupils shrunk, and his right eye closed tightly.

A sting came,

Lin Xuan was shocked, couldn't he even look straight into reincarnation?

The Lord ahead screamed, his eyes bleed, and his scream was crazy,

Those around me were crazy, and a glance caused this change,

This is the patriarch!

What exactly is ahead?

Jiuto Shengzu and others are also creepy,

They waited for a long time and the people inside did not come out,

At the next moment, they finally ventured, and the five of them walked forward together,

Because the ancestor who was injured before has not recovered.


They slowly opened the stone door,

Finally, everyone could see the scene inside, but before they could see clearly, all the five saints changed their blood and flew back.

They were covered with cracks,

The five lords were terrified,

Retreat! Rewind,

They retreated madly,

Those people in the rear are also shocked.

Even the ancestors can't resist!

Could it be the existence beyond the holy realm?

The crowd looked up in horror and looked forward,

At this moment, they finally saw it clearly.

In the stone house in front, there was a man in an ancient robe sitting there,

His head was slightly lower, and a scroll in his hand was intact,

Seems to be sleeping.

A long-lived lamp in front of it keeps beating,

Who is this person? Wouldn't it be the master left by Yuhua Xianchao?

Is it possible that he is the owner of Yuancidongfu, the superpower of ancient times?

The thought of them is so shocking,

Impossible, that happened thousands of years ago, absolutely dead,

But it was incredible that his body after his death could be kept so complete.


This is Zhundi!

Nine-headed Lord roared wildly,

Everyone else was stunned after listening!

What, he is a quasi-perfect emperor! That is beyond the existence of the Great Saint,

Is a terrible person,

No wonder the five ancestors were hit as soon as they approached each other.

After much deliberation, only Zhundi has such power.

Is Zhundi's body? Lin Xuan was equally shocked.

This is the existence of wine master level,

Definitely the power that swept the world, only a step away from the real emperor.

Others regret that the longevity lamp is beside each other. Who dares to pass by?

I'm afraid there is no hope.

When everyone sighed, despaired, and wanted to leave,

Before that hazy figure came again, he stood near the stone gate.

A low voice sounded. Who wants to grow a lantern?

As soon as the voice came out, everyone stopped and turned to look.

People like Jiuto Shengzu bent down to salute directly, and met seniors,

We are all descendants of Yuhua Xiantou.

Maybe the other person will remember some kindness and give them the lantern of eternal life.

Thinking of this, they were excited.

Are the descendants of the Yuhua Xian Dynasty? Yes, Not Bad,

The hazy figure nodded slightly, and then said, you have a great chance to get the longevity lantern,

Just be able to do me a favor.

What busy

The six lords are very excited. Seniors please say that the sword and the mountain of fire are at your disposal.

Not only you six people, everyone can do it, as long as it can complete my request,

Give him the longevity lantern.

The origin of longevity is extraordinary and mysterious. In the feathered fairy dynasty, that is also a treasure.

You have to seize this opportunity,

After hearing this, everyone's eyes were red, please tell me.

follow me.

The hazy figure floated forward, everyone followed,

Xun Pengzi followed, because he felt that this might also be a hope.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes, he looked forward again,

Because he was curious, how did this quasi-perfect emperor die?

Is he always dead?

After all, there is no injury to the other person.

And when the other died, he still had a scroll in his hand. It was incredible.

What is it, you have to watch before the other is dying.

He was very curious, and once again, he carefully watched the cast and watched,

Left eye, close. Right eye opened. He cast his reincarnation with all his strength,

At this moment, his right eye was extremely mysterious, as if he wanted six reincarnation.

Lin Xuan felt a huge repression, but reincarnation eyes, after all, mystery is the legendary eyes.

Lin Xuan can still see some.

That scroll is very mysterious, going through countless years without any damage,

The metal that made it must be extremely powerful,

Even Lin Xuan guessed that this might be the metal that created the ultimate weapon ~ ~ On that scroll, Lin Xuan saw a line of words, a line of **** words,

I do n’t know how it was carved.

The font was sharp, and Lin Xuan's eyes kept shaking.

That stress is really terrible,

When he saw the lines clearly, Lin Xuan took a breath.

Immortal road broken, Emperor missed, long life, difficult! difficult! difficult!

The font is full of sadness,

Lin Xuan closed his eyes. His face became pale,

Murong, who was next to him, held up, and she asked, what about Brother Xuan?

Yan Ruyu also said, stop using reincarnation.

After a while, Lin Xuan opened her eyes.

He saluted respectfully towards the corpse of Zhundi ahead, then turned away,

Those around were also surprised. Murong asked, Brother Xuan, what did you find?

Yan Ruyu, they are also curious.

Lin Xuan shook his head. He didn't say anything, but said, let's take a look.

That line of words is too shocking. Lin Xuan can only feel a sadness,

He did n’t fully understand the specific meaning,

Is there a fairy in the world? Used to have? Not now?

Emperor missed!

Does every emperor have no chance?

Or does it mean that by this time of the Feathered Immortal, the chance is gone?

As for longevity, it is easy to understand. Everyone is pursuing immortality.

But who can do it?

The longevity lantern seems to be just a good wish.

Lin Xuan didn't know,

But no matter what, he will go all the way, he will become an emperor.

Thinking of this, he led the crowd to speed up and walked forward.


That hazy figure kept leading the way to a temple.

The crowd looked stunned, looking ahead.

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