Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5308: Reincarnation eyes vs. never extinguish eyes!

Lin Linxuan's voice spread like thunder, spreading in all directions,

那些 Those people around are also surprised, Cangtian, Lin Wuji still want to fight?

I'm so incredible.

He just finished fighting and he has n’t fully recovered yet.

There are rules. Like Lin Xuan, just after the battle, others cannot challenge him.

But he can take the challenge. Normally, no one does this,

Because they are still here, none of them are the top masters,

Fighting against such people, each battle consumes a lot of money and must be quickly restored,

Once you ca n’t fully recover, the next battle will be at a disadvantage,

Now Lin Xuan completely ignores these, and even directly challenges the third messenger,

The third messenger also sneered after hearing it, why couldn't I wait to die?

I fulfill you!

He flew out and laughed coldly, afraid that you wouldn't dare.

I dare not, you also despise yourself too much, Lin Xuan rises into the air and comes directly to the battlefield.

He was completely angry, and these people even wanted to do something with his companions around him, he couldn't stand it.

The ten ambassadors who are dying of the mountains will send them all to hell.

The shocking battle, the shaking of light and the battle of Murong, the battle between Lin Xuan and the third messenger was all peerless.

They all widened their eyes to watch.

The third messenger sneered, boy, don't want to attack me with your pupils,

Because my soul is equally terrible, black light appeared in his eyes.

A monstrous soul force swept out. Countless people are surprised, terrible soul breath.

It looks like Lin Wudi has met his opponent this time,

His soul is strong, but I do n’t know who is stronger than the 3rd messenger,

The third messenger sneered.

The immortal fire, he fired the terrible soul fire, killed the past,

Everyone retreats quickly and defends the soul.

The breath emanating from this flame offensive made them feel like enemies,

The immortal fire swept the sky, covering Lin Xuan,

那些 The people around me sneered, this kid is going to be unlucky,

People who stubbornly hummed the mountain even more hummingly, that's for sure,

How terrible the soul of the 30th person is, the so-called Eye of Immortality is definitely not the boy who can resist.

With a loud noise, the world is spinning, and the phantoms of the six worlds surround Lin Xuan.

He resisted the immortal fire,

Lin Linxuan looked up, closed her left eye, and closed her right eye.

有着 There are mysterious laws on it, and the runes are around. What about the eyes that are immortal?

I give it to me!

With a loud roar, an illusive eye appeared in the sky, and a heavenly hand stretched out from his eyes, and he patted it directly.

轰轰 轰轰!

拍 Slap all the unextinguishable fire around, and even shoot it out,

Everyone was shocked, terrible pupillary attack.

Is this the legendary reincarnation eye? It's really terrible.

Who is more powerful, with reincarnation and immortal eyes? Everyone looks forward.

The third messenger also stared coldly at the opponent's eyes, reincarnation?

so what? Is it just one eye that can block my immortal eye?

Immortal eyes, soul sword.

The black runes in his eyes were spinning, and then condensed, forming two swords of soul, and the terrible light cut forward.

The sword of the soul is several kilometers long, with an extremely terrifying message, it can easily split the soul of the ancestor in half,

所有人 At this moment everyone exclaimed, those who watched the battle outside were also shocked,

This immortal mountain is too scary, ten messengers, each of them is terrible,

He is a double champion, and everyone has different strengths.

What kind of characters are standing behind the immortal mountain?

Even those of the imperial crow frowned.

Yanyan Ruyu, the dark red Shenlong they all took a breath of coolness,

I can't help worrying about Lin Xuan,

Lin Linxuan looked up at the two swords of the soul that had been chopped, and he grunted coldly.

Reincarnation authentic.

There was a clicking noise under the earth. Two huge shields rose into the air and stood in front of Lin Xuan.

With a bang, the sword of the soul was chopped on the reincarnation shield, and it made a trembling sound,

Countless rules, the whole valley, shaking violently,

Everyone is shocked, can they stop it?

The second messenger narrowed his eyes. The third sword of the soul was numerous and terrible. The kid must not be able to stop it

Those other people think so too, but when the light disappears, they are stunned,

They found the reincarnation shield standing there, there was no crack at all,

I actually blocked the soul, **** it! how is this possible!

The second messenger was surprised, and the third messenger was also cold.

Lin Linxuan laughed behind the reincarnation shield. Is this your attack? Even my soul defense cannot be broken.

too weak.

too weak?

I heard these words, those around me were crazy, who dare to say such words,

连 Even those old ancestors were sweating and sweating, only Lin Xuan dare to say such things

However, Lin Xuan does have this qualification, because the opponent blocked such a terrible soul attack.

Hey kid, are you challenging me? OK, let you see my strongest soul power,

The third messenger was also completely angry. The endless seals on his hands,

In my eyes, the black runes beating fast, then turned into a magical pattern.

Eyes are immortal, darkness falls.

The cold voice sounded. At this moment, the sky turned into darkness, and it seemed that even the light disappeared.

Even those extreme weapons are surprised, a little interesting,

The people watching the battle outside exclaimed even more, their formation light curtain was dark, and they could not see anything with their five fingers.

The people who did not destroy the mountain laughed. The darkness was so good that this forest invincible really could die this time.

They have absolute confidence in this move.

之中 In the dark ~ ~ The cold voice of the third messenger came. Lin is invincible, and you can die with pride under this trick.

有着 Extremely terrible power in the dark, kill it,

Everyone feels creepy, they can't see it, but they feel,

Under this soul, even the strongest people can hardly resist,

This time, Lin Xuan is really dangerous.

Lin Linxuan was standing in the dark, she was also frowning, and frowned,

It ’s terrible to hit the other ’s immortal pupil,

嘛 Well the strongest peerless? He snorted coldly, his palms printed with reincarnation eyes, and they bloomed again,

Reincarnation, humane.

The voice fell, the right eye reincarnation, the eye as the center, Tonghui's power began to spread all over it.

At this moment, Lin Xuan seemed to become the king of samsara,


This is not the boxing method of Liudaomen, this is the boxing method formed by the reincarnation power in the eyes of samsara

Cooperating with Lin Xuan's deity, at this moment, it is extremely powerful,

Lin Linxuan seemed to become a real body of reincarnation.


The sky broke apart.

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