Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5348: Extreme Wrath!

Wanlong Dynasty, Purple House and Murong Qingcheng, Yan Ruyu's battle is getting more and more scary

The extreme power broke out, sweeping the world,

Youtian continent shook violently. Finally shocked the world of Jidao.

What was going on in the eyes of Destruction Zhan Ge and others?

They all rushed out,

To be honest, the war outside, they will not control the extreme world,

They have their own mission, but the battle of the four extreme weapons is really terrifying,

There is a battle of extreme weapons, and just on Youtian Road, they have to go.

At this time, shouldn't it be aimed at Lin Xuan?

Worms of life.

Xuanwu also said, let's go and see.

Three polar weapons rushed out, and the three of them appeared one by one, and the polar breath also swept through nine days.

The people in front of the Wanlong Dynasty and Zifu who fought in front felt that their faces changed in the end.

not good.

If these three extreme weapons intervene, they have no chance at all.

They all want to run away,

However, the three extreme weapons rushed out, but they were stunned halfway.

Because they felt that a more terrible breath erupted, sweeping for nine days.

At this moment, Yan Ruyu and Murong all stopped.

They looked in horror into the distance, what happened there?

The people in Zifu and Wanlong Dynasty also had scalp numbness, and they felt a very powerful force.

Is there any terrible existence in Youtian continent?

They cannot believe

The song of destruction snarled, **** it, no return valley, who opened the seal?

No, we must hurry to suppress!

The gossip was also anxious, and the aura of life sighed, and he forgot a glance in the distance.

Give a breath of life,

Then he also went forward to suppress, without the seal of returning to the valley,

It should be said that it should be opened after a century, and now it suddenly appeared, shocking them,

Absolutely no return is allowed, come out now.

The three extreme weapons killed No Return, and they wanted to suppress and repair the formation.


Wanlong Dynasty, when the people in Zifu felt this scene, they laughed again,

Haha, great, this time I see who can save Lin Xuan,

That is, this time is his death,

Murong Qingcheng and others are cold.

In the extraterrestrial sky, shaking the light and using the space magic power to completely transport the broken stone stele away, it is estimated that no one can find it in a short time.

Then he turned around and teleported back to Youtian Continent, and he was going to prepare for Lin Xuan.

Let ’s go and kill Lin Wudi,

In the Wanlong Dynasty, people from Zifu also attacked.

Where to go, Murong Qingcheng, Yan Ruyu and other God League people intercept,

Flying while fighting, they gradually approached Lin Xuan,

At this moment, Lin Xuan was among the eight-door lore.

The eight black doors in the sky exude an indelible breath, seeming to want to destroy Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan has a horrible power to counteract, but this power is getting weaker and weaker.

I guess he can't compete for long.

That kid is not dead yet,

When the people of the Wanlong dynasty came, they were angry at the sky, but they did not act lightly.

Because they found that the formation in front of them was terrible,

Brother Xuan, Murong Qingcheng and others also came,

Seeing Lin Xuan's sight, they suddenly became nervous.

Abominable immortal mountain.

Murong pours out the city, and immediately urges the tower to kill him.

The barren tower blasted forward, and suddenly the eight lore formations shook violently.

Inside the Supreme Pagoda, the first messenger opened his eyes and his face became extremely pale.

hateful. Extreme weapon!

He vomited blood, but he did not expect someone to save Lin Xuan.

But when he saw the scene, he sneered,

Because he found that in addition to someone to save Lin Xuan, there are more people who want to kill Lin Xuan.

How to do? The Dragon Dance of the Wanlong Dynasty asked,

A saintly ancestor of the Wanlong dynasty gritted his teeth and said, okay, both sides have superb weapons that can be countered.

The other party ca n’t save the other party with extreme weapons, then we will fight the number,

We have more people than them.

Enter the formation and kill Lin Xuan.

Four extreme weapons stalemate in the sky, no one can do nothing.

So far, none of them has recovered fully.

It is estimated to be a matter of resource strength,

However, Wanlong started to act on this side. The masters of the nine dragons rushed forward.

They said, those who do not destroy the mountain, please allow us to go in. We want to kill Lin Wudi.

Over the Purple House, Xiuying and others came in and said coldly,

Your power can't completely kill Lin Wudi completely now. With our power, we can definitely do it.

That's right, kill him, shaking light is also emerging,

Seeing this scene, the face of the League of Gods has become extremely ugly,

The shaking is too scary, few people are rivals, and Murong Qingcheng and Yan Ruyu are also cold.

The two of them are not opponents of each other, but if they work together, they can compete with shaking light.

But can those other people, the League of Gods, stand up to it?

Fight! Leucin

The Dark Red Dragon is also roaring.


The war broke out in an instant, not only did the extreme weapons confront them, but also the strong ancestors, Shengzu, were killed together ~ ~ It was terrifying

On the other hand, the first messenger's face was so cold that he really couldn't kill Lin Xuan for a moment.

And these people around, so horrible, also holding extreme weapons, more than one,

After thinking about it, he also felt that the night was long and dreamy, so she was ready to make a quick decision,

He said, OK, I let you in.

Nine masters of the Dragon family walked in, and there were also masters in Zifu.

Murong Qingcheng and Yan Ruyu both stopped the shaking.

They are absolutely not allowed to shake the light to hurt Lin Xuan.

However, people like Xiuying and others are terrible. No one can match.

He quickly killed Lin Xuan,

Lin Wudi, die!

Xiu Ying sneered, he was very fast.

In an instant, he came to Lin Xuan and took a shot with his palm.

The palm of terror swept for nine days, nothing can stop it,

He has become stronger than before,

Lin Xuan in front, surrounded by eight palms, the black immortal hand, as if to block her,

Feeling the crisis, he opened his eyes, and in his right eye flashed a terrible reincarnation light.

Feeling this eye, he fixed his eyes for a while, but soon he gritted his teeth,

Lin Wuji is useless. I admit that you are better than me and won the championship.

But now, what about you!

You have been suppressed, sealed, and hit hard. I want to kill you easily.

With that said, Xiu Ying's palm was shot again.

Lin Xuan didn't say anything, the reincarnation of the reincarnation eyes turned into a ball of reincarnation and flew out.


This blaze of flames was extremely terrifying, and they shook as soon as they appeared.

Except for the immortal hand, all those people are scalp,

Lin Wudi still has such power.

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