Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5470: Fruit of the sword!

[Book Title: Chapter 5561 of the Sword of Madness! Author: fresh sword]

The latest chapter of "Inverse Sword God" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Bai Liancheng God quickly wears a system to buy a house! Hoard! Make a home! Get rich! This star comes from the Earth Blind Event Book [Comprehensive] Three years after the wizard Wushen Tiandi Jiji, is it so fast?

The owner of the Purple House was too shocked,

In his opinion, it will take ten years to do anything. It may even be decades or hundreds of years.

After all, in their realm, a century of time is also a snap.

Three years, it was really too fast, almost in a blink of an eye.

The mysterious man said that it did advance the process,

It should be the cause of the emperor of the green robe. He forced it without success, and also caused thunder and fire.

That ’s why they arrived early,

In short, although it is a little earlier, our plan will not change.

After three years, we will rule the world!

The owner of the Purple House was excited,

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and finally this moment was coming,

Huh, what Lin is invincible, wait, these people will be all at their feet.

The next time, the burial star quieted again,

Lin Xuan, they are also retreating, because they also know that a vision of heaven and earth is coming.

In an instant, two years passed,

On this day, Lin Xuan came out of the retreat and relaxed.

However, I heard a lot of strange things,

The League of God has been gathering intelligence,

These things happened to other worlds in the universe,

For example, above the sky of the world, a flaming eye appeared directly over the sky.

And the rest of the world, all cracked, crawled out from below,

One after another, sweeping the sky, bone forest, sweeping in all directions,

Even a moon in the universe was swallowed directly,

There are also areas of the universe where plants suddenly grow,

The plant, which is very scary, is overwhelming, covering up the surrounding worlds.

Hearing these news, Murong allures that they also frowned tightly,

Lin Xuan is also surprised. Such things have never happened before.

Because even if it appears, it ’s the strong, but now they have n’t found out, there is no strong behind it.

There can only be another explanation, that is a vision of heaven and earth.

Apparently, what Dalong said is coming soon.

I do n’t know, what will happen next?

But Lin Xuan knew that his enemies would come.

Thinking of this, he clenched his fists,

His current strength is the Triple Crown, repaired at the peak of the Great Holy.

Compared to before, when we first entered this realm, its rules are much stronger.

But there is still a long way to go before becoming a emperor.

Of course, Lin Xuan broke through to become the emperor. There is no bottleneck and resources are needed.

I had a chance before, and Lin Xuan got many resources from the emperor family.

But that time, he chose to evolve the sword world, so there was not much improvement in himself.

However, he did not regret it. It can be seen that the sword world is more mysterious,

The restoration of the sword world, right, has even more significance.

Another thing is that Lin Xuan is only hurting the Triple Crown now.

I heard that there have been ten crown princes before,

Lin Xuan asked Dalong, what is the ten crown champion?

The dragon gave him the answer, under the emperor.

Great Emperor, that is, being above the king,

The quasi-empire under the great emperor, although it is called the quasi-empire, actually just stepped out of the holy realm.

A state with the emperor,

However, according to several crown kings, as long as they become quasi-empires, they should be the strength of five crown kings.

The ten crown kings are among the quasi-perfect emperors, and they are also the strongest.

Can be called the strongest existence under the Great.

Lin Xuan is now the Triple Crown, which means that when he does not break through the quasi-empire, he can further become the Four Crown.

Even Lin Xuan owns the seed of Divine Fire, and may even become the five-time champion before Zhundi,

In this way, his strength will be even more terrible,

At present, Lin Xuan can only compete with Zhundi, Jundi Nai cannot with him. He wants to kill Zhundi, but also has to use extreme weapons

Once he becomes the five-time champion, then he can kill the other party with his own strength.

Even Lin Xuan thinks he can do it.

Okay, let ’s become the four champions first!

Lin Xuan's eyes burst into a terrible light.

He entered the sword world, and the sword world recovered very well at this moment.

Some desolate places have changed at the moment,

Formed mountains, waterfalls, rivers, canyons,

Various scenes and landscapes made Lin Xuan happy,

Lin Xuan also began to try to set foot in these places for cultivation.

He even found that a tree had grown in the original desolate place,

There are fruits on the tree. After Lin Xuan eats it, the avenues in the body are boiling.

This is more terrible than any kind of spiritual fruit he has eaten.

Even those in the Valley of the Four Spirits are incomparable. After all, the ones in the Valley of the Four Spirits were transplanted from outside by Lin Xuan.

And the one he ate was originally grown in the sword world,

It ’s just that it used to dry up, but now it ’s restored.

Lin Xuan felt that this fruit could keep up with his decades of penance and sentiment.

His laws and powers have actually improved a lot.

This made Lin Xuan startled,

Doesn't it mean that even if he doesn't cultivate, as long as he eats the fruit in this sword world, he can break through and become a quasi-emperor sooner or later.

Damn, what kind of world is this, it's too scary.

But Lin Xuan also found out that this kind of fruit is very rare now,

After eating one ~ ~ looking around, he didn't find the second one,

But he is not in a hurry. Since this fruit can recover, other sureties will also appear.

It ’s really exciting.

In this way, Lin Xuan cultivated in the sword world, with three crowns blooming on his head, a glorious glory,

Demonstrate the identity of his triple crown.

People from other families are also dealing with it carefully,

They are exploring various situations.

The wind clan is relatively calm. However, there have been some situations these days,

Even make the wind race feel creepy,

The wind clan, as a wild family, can also be regarded as a large family.

Except for the emperor, they are regarded as the best.

They have a lot of resources in them, including many spiritual veins, even the metal mountains.

There is a mountain range of Lingyu,

The Lingyu Mountains are very good, like a small Linglong.

The Lingyu Mountains are surrounded by countless formations, and there are specialized warriors in charge of mining here.

A continuous supply of spiritual jade to the wind.

However, on this day, the 15 elders in charge of the Lingyu Mountains became extremely ugly.

Just last night, a team responsible for mining,

About 20 people disappeared mysteriously,

Searched the whole mountain but couldn't find it.

More importantly, the soul jade of these 20 people is also broken,

This shows that these 20 people have fallen,

Inexplicable fall,

Is anyone sneaking into their clan?

Who is it? 15 The elders looked dignified.

This is not over yet, and the next night is another team, disappearing inexplicably.

Then fell,

This was the case for three consecutive days, so that those saints and saints in the Lingyu Mountains were creepy.

(End of chapter) 166 novel reading network

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