Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5568: Please Lin Gongzi, get out!

[Book Title: Chapter 5659 of the Inverse Sword God's Text] Please ask Lin Gongzi to take a shot! Author: fresh sword]

The latest chapter of "Inverse Sword God" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Buy a house! Hoard! Make a home! Get rich! The world ’s ninth and nineteenth star overlord tactics. This star comes from the Earth fast-wearing system.

The group of people who came in surprised all the young geniuses on the third floor.

They found that a group of quasi-empires came in, and these quasi-empires had blood on them and their breath was unstable.

Are you hurt?

God, who can hurt these quasi-empires?

what happened?

Fei Jiuxiao, Kuang Yiming and others are also exclaimed, grandpa, what happened to you?


The other people were also exclaimed, they all rushed over, worried,

The quasi-perfect emperors were angry and let go,

The geniuses were taken aback, a few prospective emperors were looking in the air,

What are these people looking for? The geniuses below are stingy,

Suddenly at this time, the knife of Junkun Junji brightened and rushed towards Lin Xuan.

Bloodlines and others are following quickly,

It was coming to the kid, their eyes were on Lin Xuan,

Among them, the madness is rejoicing, great. Is his grandpa going to do something with this kid?

It's best to slap him to slap him to relieve his hatred,

However, the next moment, he was so stupid that he almost fell to his knees.

Because his grandpa came to Lin Xuan and bowed deeply,

Prince Lin, please save us,

The rage is like a lightning strike,

Wow, what ’s the matter?

His grandfather, grand emperor, the ancestor of the mad knife family, now bows to a young man, what a joke?

Those around are also blindfolded, what's wrong with the ancestor?

Is it possible to be hallucinated by being injured?

However, they found that this was not over. After the mad knife quasi-empire, the ancestors of the sky, the blood lord, the quasi-mandala and others all bowed.

Please, Mr. Lin, save us.

Countless people uproar,

Jiu Man, Fei Jiu Xiao and others all have pupils shrinking.

Like Yun Yu, it was even more frightening. She had a bad hunch in her heart.

Because of this scene, he has seen,

When they were outside the universe, the chiefs of their emperors, the elder Taishang bowed to Lin Xuan, respectfully,

Originally, he thought that this situation would change after he came to Xiantu.

But where do you want to go, these powerful emperors of Xiantu bowed to Lin Xuan,

Could it be possible that Lin Wudi would be in Xiantu to reappear the glory of that year?

At the thought of so many imperial families of the Emperor's family, Lin Xuan couldn't lift one's head up, Kun Kun almost cried.

Is this young man? Fei Zhundi, Juhai Zhundi and others also frowned tightly,

They heard the blood owner and others say that they followed after there was hope,

But where do you want to be, the other party turned out to be a young man,

Another young man, can this young man also come from the depths of Xiantu?

Grandpa, what's going on with you? Fei Jiuxiao came out and said quickly,

Why are you so awesome about this kid? It's a ant.

Hearing this, Fei Zhundi also frowned. Do you know him?

Fei Jiuxiao nodded and met, Yuer, you come over, he pulled Kunyu to his side,

Said, grandpa, this is a new friend I know. He belongs to the emperor family in the outer universe.

He knows this kid, he said that this kid is a person from the outer universe,

People like that are garbage, why should we be in awe of it?

what? People outside the small universe?

Not a person in the depths of Xiantu,

Fei Zhundi's brows frowned tightly, and Luocha Zhundi and others were even more gloomy.

The blood owner and others are actually seeing an outside ant, what a joke?

However, the blood master and others are so respectful. They naturally know that Lin Xuan is a person from the outer universe, but what about that?

Lin Xuan's strength they have seen, far exceeds them,

If anyone can still compete with Tianji, they only think of Lin Xuan.

So they lowered their heads deeper and asked the son to save us.

Lin Xuan looked up at these prospective emperors, and frowned tightly,

From the first moment when these quasi-empires came in, his reincarnation was discovered.

These quasi-empires were all injured, and they were severely injured.

It was penetrated by thunder, and the violent and devastating atmosphere was still permeating,

Who hurt you?

The blood race hurriedly said the previous thing, and then said, "Please ask the son to save us, we must be grateful."

Who else was exclaimed, what, a young man defeated eight quasi-empires,

It ’s so easy.

Cangtian, aren't you dreaming? People in the depths of Xiantu are so scary?

Is our family over?

These people are desperate,

Lin Xuan also frowned tightly.

In the depths of Xiantu, come, he has heard these Zhundi before,

Originally, he thought that when the exchange meeting here was over, he would go to these prospective emperors and see if there was any news.

But where did he think that the situation was completely beyond his expectations,

This person from the depths of the fairy earth turned out to be ordered by the other side to collect resources.

What is the purpose of this? Lin Xuan thinks and knows that it should be the other bank. He wants to break the seal from the outside and come out in advance.

Lin Xuan is absolutely not allowed.

I did not expect to meet the people on the other side so soon.

Lin Xuan, his face became cold, he said, rest assured.

I guarantee your family.

Thanks to the six great emperors, such as Prince Lin and the blood race, they are happy like a child.

Around, Fei Fei Zhundi, Luocha Zhundi frowned. Do you really want to listen to this kid?

You know, if he can't resist, the six families waiting for you will be destroyed.

Will you bet on the fate of the family?

Blood Sea said, "Feiyu Brother, you better hurry up and see Lin Gongzi ~ ~ Mandora Zhundi also said, yeah, a few of you hurry up and ask Lin Gongzi, Lin Gongzi will help you of,

Begging him? Luocha Zhundi also frowned tightly.

I think you are scared and frightened, do n’t think that the sky is terrible, other young people are terrible,

In my eyes, he is just an ordinary four-time champion.

Mandala Zhundi and others shook their heads. Even if they did n’t believe it, they would n’t say anything anymore.

In case they anger Lin Xuan, they will follow.

Lin Xuan looked at these quasi-empires, oh, are you challenging me?

Rakshasa Jundi said coldly, boy, stop pretending to be a ghost,

Do you think they can deceive us if they deceive them?

You can't do it at all, leave quickly, or he will tease us and let you die.

Lin Xuan smiled. I wanted to give you a chance to protect you from death.

But you do n’t know how to live or die. In this case, you want me to help and ask for protection.

Me, let you kneel down and ask me,

And hand over 1/3 of the family's resources.

Please kneel down? Hahahaha, Emperor Flying Fish is also Lengheng,

This kid's head is in the water, I'll fix him first!

Fei Jiuxiao is also excited, boy, you dare to offend my grandpa, you wait for death,

Emperor Feiyu wanted to take a shot, but the blood owner came out, you dare to be rude to the son of the Prince, don't blame me.

You want to help him?

The flying fish Zhundi frowned, and Luocha Zhundi and others also looked cold.

What's so good about this kid? The six great emperors are so maintained,

At this time, another old man flew over in the distance,

Six big families, I do n’t know if they are dead or alive. Are you challenging Tianji Men?

(End of this chapter)

(= One second to remember)

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