Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5630: Lin Xuan wants revenge!

what did you say?

The people from the Kirin tribe were angry, and several old men came out.

They are now quasi-perfect emperors, shouting coldly: Lin Wuji, don't be too arrogant,

Now, it ’s not what it used to be,

It ’s not you alone that has swept the world, we all grow up,

What qualifications do you have, mock us.

These old men, drink cold again and again,

Lin Xuan looked at each other, shaking his head: leaning on the old to sell old things, you can't even see the power in the ancient coffin,

Dare to laugh at me here, get out.

you! Several quasi-perfect emperors of the Kirin family were so angry that they couldn't help but wanted to do something to Lin Xuan.

One person stepped out: I'd like to teach you, you are invincible, what realm have you reached now?

The unicorn breath permeated the body.

Seeing to shoot

At this time, in the black ancient coffin before, there was a scream,

Make your scalp numb,

Those quasi-empires are also creepy,

Damn, what happened?

Is there any problem? The face of the ghost family changed greatly.

Before they responded, the dark mist filled the ancient coffin in front of them, and a figure came out.

It was the one who went in before, the Seven Crowns,

Great, my ancestor came out.

The ghosts were relieved, they all rushed over,

Patriarch, what's the gain?

These people are extremely excited.

The seven-crowned king shot abruptly with a sharp claw, like a sickle of death.

Cut all seven people in front,

The seven people fell in a pool of blood, with despair in their faces, and they were also quasi-empires.

However, there are only five crowns, and one of them is powerful, six crowns.

At this moment, being hit by the Seven Crowns, they could not escape at all, and died in despair,


When they were dying, they couldn't figure out: Why did the ancestors shoot at them?

The rest of the ghosts retreated in terror, they knelt down,

The ancestors spared their lives,

Patriarch, what mistake did we make?

They keep hoeing,

Those around me were also stunned: what's the situation?

The people of the Kirin tribe also frown: Tiger venoms don't eat food, do these seven crown lords want to swallow the baby alone? Shouldn't it?

Lin Xuan is sneer: a group of idiots, he is no longer an ancestor, he has become, the cowardly of others.


Hearing Lin Xuan's words, those people around her face changed greatly,

The quasi-perfect emperor of the Kirin tribe even hummed: Boy, what a joke? Who can control a Seven Champions in the blink of an eye?

Can people with such strength not sense it?

Lin Xuan shook his head: You are really stupid. How could the Kirin tribe have such waste?

Bold, kid.

The old man, full of anger, was so despised that he was despised?

Lin Xuan, however, didn't bother him at all, stood against his shoulders, and said coldly: look at his eyes,

Already devoid of God, has been killed by the soul!

As soon as this word came out, the strong men around him explored one after another,

Later, a few people deep in the fairy earth took a breath of cold air: they really died,

Others also exclaimed: No?

What strength does the black ancient coffin have? Yes, you can kill the Seven Crowns in an instant,

It's incredible, right?

Countless people are frightened, their scalp is numb,

Lin Xuan looked at the people of the Kirin tribe and laughed coldly: Now I know, who is the waste?

The quasi-perfect emperors of the Qilin tribe are also pale, and this danger has not been felt before.

And only Lin Xuan sensed it, they also laughed at Lin Xuan,

The thought of them is really a shame,

This time, they were severely beaten. Several people said nothing, their faces were ugly.

Lin Xuan shot suddenly,

The backhand is a sword, killing dozens of ghosts nearby.

The screams sounded, and the people of the Kirin tribe were frightened, and hurried back, using Kirin as a defense.

The ghosts are even screaming: Damn boy, do you dare to attack us?

They were crazy. Before they were attacked by their ancestors, they were shocked enough.

Now, another young man was attacked,

They can't stand it: hateful.

These people stood up one after another,

Do you really think that we ghosts are bullies?

What they say is also from the depths of Xiantu, so powerful, how can they fear a young man?

Lin Xuan sneered: You also know that it was a sneak attack. Does your family have a messenger?

When he came to attack me, didn't you think about ending?

what? It's ecstasy.

Hearing these words, the faces of the ghosts opposite him changed.

Because of ecstasy, you assassinate us.

Some are not convinced.

Lin Xuan Lengheng: If I had a weak card, I would have been killed by ecstasy.

Don't you think I should report this hatred?

Do you think I'm just sneaking on you? Today, no one of these people you want to leave.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, a terrible killing intention bloomed,

At first, there were three parties who attacked him.

Among them, the black demon patriarch has been killed, and the black demon tribe as a whole surrendered

The Soul Sovereign is controlled and becomes a puppet, the Soul Sovereign surrenders.

Only the Emissary Messenger was killed, but the Ghost Clan behind him continued to escape.

How could Lin Xuan let these people go?

He wants everyone to know, who dares to assassinate him, dares to be his enemy, what is the end?

Lin Xuan sacrificed a sword surrounded by the sword.

Qian Kun sword song!

The sword gas roared as if the gods were singing.

The dreaded sword light sweeps around,

Wherever I go ~ ~ The people of the Nether Tribe keep falling,

Their bodies were split, they could n’t heal at all, and their souls were pierced through,

In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of powerful ghosts who died.

Moreover, the number continues to increase.

Damn, defend fast, summon ancestors,

Those of the ghost race, retreat frantically.

defense. They hit, the endless ghost breath turned into two, huge ghost shields,

As high as a few kilometers, standing between heaven and earth, resisting these swords,

At the same time, they issued a call for help and called to their ancestors in the distance,

The Nether tribe also came with three seven crowns,

Except the one who died before and the other two, who fought in the distance,

At this time I heard a call for help, there was a seven-time champion, and he quickly returned,

However, just when he returned,

Lin Xuan once again hit the boxing method, shocked, and shattered a huge ghost shield.

Endless fissures, in the presence of the Ghost Tribe, split into pieces.

Those people trembled: How could there be such horror? What kind of existence did they provoke?

Another punch, the second shield cracked.

Next, Lin Xuankou spit out his sword, turned into a sea of ​​swords, and flew forward.

How could those ghosts resist?

This piece of sword seems to cover the sky, and those powerful men of the ghost family are killed.

The scalp tingles when people around look at it,

This is crushing, sweeping a ghost group with one person's strength.

How many years have I never seen this scene?

you dare?

At this time, in the distance, a crazy roar sounded, and the Seven Crowns of the Ghost Race arrived.

When he waved his hand, the ghost lightning turned into a lightning storm,

Towards Lin Xuan.

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