Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5642: The strongest, too God 1!

Ok i give it. Xiao Xuan gritted his teeth, he took out the Sansheng coffin, and then said that Hell Road was also inside.

After the emperor of the green robe took it, he laughed, rest assured, I will remember you for the credit,

However, you dare to say what happened today, you know what happened.

After that, he leaped tall, shattered the sky, and disappeared.

Damn things, I'll make you look good after I become emperor! Xiao Xuan growled.

Originally found these two things, after returning to the other side, he definitely did a great job,

At that time, he can get all kinds of babies,

In that way, his time to become emperor will be greatly shortened,

But now, he was snatched by the emperor of the green robe,

He was unwilling, but helpless.

You follow me, Xiao Xuan turns and speaks to the three-headed dog,

The **** three-headed dog couldn't help it. He lowered his body and became a mount.

The body flickered and disappeared.

On this day, the strong man in the depths of Xiantu was shocked.

Because they have felt the breath of the two emperors,

Among them is the breath of a great emperor, very misty. After only a moment, it disappeared.

However, there are still some masters of the family.

They were shocked.

This figure is naturally the Queen Queen.

She wandered through the fairy earth, and walked through every corner, with great emotion.

Then a fascinating light burst into her eyes.

She came to the depths of Xiantu, an extremely mysterious and horrible place,

It's so quiet here, no one comes,

Only the vicissitudes of the earth and the terrible forest.



Suddenly, a roaring sound came from the mysterious place in front, and all kinds of terrible laws went straight into the sky.

That power is extremely terrible.

Heaven? The Queen stepped out and entered the mysterious place over there.

At the same time, a surge of pressure came over.

Armor appeared on the Queen to resist.

The roar sounded,

At the same time, a loud voice came from deep in the heavens.


At the same time, there was a horror.

Immediately afterwards, a fist penetrated the world and hit him.

The Queen's figure flickered, avoiding the blow, and said, it was me.


All in the sky disappeared and a great man walked out.

This man is extremely surprised. Are you awake?

The Queen said, "Lin Zhan, you are indeed attacking the earth."

Lin Zhan said: Now that the other side is being restrained, this is our best opportunity. We must lay down two cities!

On the other side.

The green robe returned to the other side,

Why did you come back by yourself? Wearing a purple robe, Ziji was surprised when he saw the green robe emperor returning?

I can't say enough, I want to see the Lord. The emperor of the green robe said.

Purple machine is also a stun. Can it happen?

Come back and tell you.

The emperor of the green robe hurriedly flew towards the depths of the other shore.

Finally, he came to a fairyland-like place, he stopped, said with a fist, to see the Lord.

In wonderland, two boys flew out. They are like fairy children,

You wait.

Their voices are cold,

However, the emperor of the green robe was not angry at all,

This is incredible. He is the emperor.

But in the face of the two children at this moment, he seemed to be in awe, which was really shocking.

A fairy boy left a short time later, and returned to him and said, you can go in, only half of Ayaka's time.

The emperor of the green robe took a deep breath, and a touch of excitement appeared in his eyes.

Even if he is the emperor, it is not easy to see the Lord.

After all, the Lord is still in the process of recovery,

With a flickering figure, he walked inside.

The boy in front led the way, and the emperor of the green robe did not dare to have the slightest indulgence. He took the wrong step here, and I am afraid that it will be gone forever.


The boy in front stopped, then fluttered, disappeared,

The emperor of the green robe paid a respectful respect and paid homage to the Lord.


The clouds are diffused, and in the clouds, a figure appears.

He seems to be standing there since the beginning of the day. Although his body is blurred, his breath is really terrifying.

Even the Emperor Green Robe is creepy,

As the emperor, he was terrified, but imagine how terrible the Lord must be?

The emperor of the green robe, with extremely respectful expression. The person ahead is the master of the other side.

The King of Emperors!

It is the supreme existence that pushes the eternity all over the world!

The other party ranked first in the ranking of the emperor.

No one can defeat each other, past or future.

What happened?

The figure in front made a thunder-like sound.

The emperor of the Green Robe was even more respectful.

He said that the Lord Tomb, the tomb of the soul emperor has already yielded results.

He reported quickly.

Although the tomb of the soul emperor failed, I still gained something, I got hell, and found a three-life coffin.

Sansheng coffin? That can make up for it and present it.

A loud voice sounded.

The emperor of the green robe was relieved. This time he entered the tomb of the soul emperor. There was nothing to gain. He was originally punished.

However, because of the coffin of the three lives, he may be able to make up for it.

This is why he had to **** before

With a wave of his hand, a three-life coffin emerged and floated towards the sky,

Ahead, the figure of the mysterious majestic shore, with a wave of his hand, the three-life coffin opened, and a black eyeball flew over it.

It was hellish and cold.

Hell Road in Primary Six?

Well, with it, we can attack Jiuyou Land.

God nodded slightly.

The emperor of the green robe was relieved, too. Maybe this time, not only was he not guilty, but he was credited.

Sansheng coffin, let me see which one?

Too much God made a robe and a wave, and the coffin of three lives was completely opened.

The corpses surfaced inside.

It turned out to be him. Too much God said.

Suddenly at this time, the bottom body suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with extremely terrible magic.

A demon rushed out and killed the opponent.


The magic gas rolled, tearing Jiuxiao and turning into a magic seal ~ ~ This sudden change made the emperor of the green robe crazy.

Damn, how could there be magic? How could he attack the Lord!

He growled in horror.

At this time, too God was humming,

He stretched out a finger and lightly moved forward.

The light flashed and the whole sky was split in half,

Half into night, and the other into eternity.

Under one finger, the magic phantom was extremely broken.


Only the crazy roar sounded.

God said in a cold voice, "Evil Emperor, haven't you been willing to die for so many years?"

You just want to hurt this seat? It's ridiculous.

With the sound of the sound, the broken sky was restored again.

The sun and the moon turn and the stars change, it seems that nothing happened.

This means is amazing,

The emperor of the Green Robe was completely stunned. That magical spirit is of the Emperor,

At that time, the Emperor was a lunatic, wasn't the other party dead? How did the other party arrange the means in the Sansheng coffin?

Damn it, Xiao Xuan, are you pitting him?

He was all mad.

At this time, too God was glancing down.

Lvpao, how brave you are, dare to collude with the Emperor?

The emperor in green robe shuddered, and he knelt directly on the ground.

No, Lord, listen to me, it's not like this.

I do n’t know why there is the power of the demon in the coffin of Sansheng!


Tai Shang snorted, his eyes turned into the sun and the moon, and he cut over.

Emperor Lvpao, that half of the body was broken again, torn apart.

His pain was almost passing out, but he didn't dare scream.

His body fell to his knees again in the air. Lord, I am willing to be punished.

The dignified emperor had no temper before the Lord.

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