Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5667: Sky Sword

Lin Xuan blocked with physical strength.

The fire was flying and his arm was numb.

The other side is so powerful. Lord of the Dark Moon, even more shocked,

This attack did not hurt the other party,

What kind of body is this? It ’s a real treasure.

If you get your body, then I will be invincible and no weaknesses.

In the void, a cold voice came,

Immediately after, the terrifying soul power poured into Lin Xuan's mind,

Wanting to capture Lin Xuan ’s body,

This is the soul-eater.

Lin Xuan snorted,

The next moment, in the eyes, the reincarnation power broke out to resist,

You can still stop it and send out such terrible sword of soul,

Your power still exists!

The soul master was very surprised.

so what? You must die.

Two more figures appeared,

A tall man, surrounded by a black storm,

He hit the storm in the sky.

The other one crawls like a lizard, but it has a human head and a python tail.

In the end, a meteor hammer was hanging, and he waved fiercely.

Hit Lin Xuan,

Both attacked and flew Lin Xuan out.


The mountains in the distance were penetrated, and numerous boulders rolled down, covering Lin Xuan.

The dust and mist are filled, the earth is shaking, and countless black holes are floating.

Hit it.

This time, the four main lobby owners started to work together,

Each of them is the power of the eight crowns,

Four people shot together, enough to kill any strong.

not good. Mingzi also looks ugly,

He was fighting the other seven entrances, and there was no other force to support Lin Xuan.

When he saw this scene, he was also shocked: this boy, will not be killed.

That way, the situation is troublesome,

Next, he was the unlucky one,

He wanted to run away, and even wanted to summon his father.

Four masters stood in the sky and sneered: One was resolved,

Really an intractable opponent,

Unexpectedly, the younger generation has such a powerful character.

so what? Aren't they still dead?

Next is him,

They stared at Mingzi.

The Lord of the Dark Moon shouted: Your Highness, still obedient, hand over the things,

Otherwise, don't blame us for being ruthless.

hateful. Mingzi's face was cold and cold,

The other masters of the Dark Hall also quickly returned to protect His Highness.

They returned to Mingzi, just like the enemy.

Insufficient, then do it,

Master of the mulch, murderous,

This time, they must get the bull head statue.

Just when they wanted to do something, there was a roar in the distant ruins,

The nearby boulder was beaten and flew out, and a figure stood up.

Everyone turned their heads,

The pupils of the four churches shrank: Are you still alive?

Mingzi also exclaimed: Great.

They saw that Lin Xuan stood up, two cracks appeared in his back body,

However, it is recovering fast at the moment,

Although the blood was dripping, the breath became more powerful.

After suffering two peerless supernatural powers, he was so injured?

The main lobby of both halls has been covered.

Just now, that sneak attack was enough to let any eight crown king fall.

This guy is too wicked, and they work together to solve him.

The main lobby of the four halls once again rose into the sky. They felt that the other party was more terrifying than the emperor.

They must not allow such people to live.

Kill him, the bull head statue in his hands.

Four angry drinks sounded,

Between heaven and earth, four superb supernatural powers emerged, with terrible storms and terrible meteors.

The black moonlight seems to cover the whole world.

Also, extremely weird soul attack.

Magical power, wind's wrath!

Magical power, falling meteor!

Magical power, dark moon comes!

Magical power, soul dominates the world!

The power of the four fascinating supernatural powers, which erupted together, scared everyone.

No one can stop it, except the Nine Crowns.

Can the boy in front of me stand up to it?

The four supernatural powers, wherever they go, fall apart, nothing can resist,

In an instant, they came to Lin Xuan.

This guy doesn't hide, does he still want to resist?

Mingzi is crazy in the distance,

Those in the Temple of the Underworld are also frowning, they have never seen such a arrogant person,

Could it be possible that this kid really thought that he could stand up to nine crowns?

In the hands of Lin Xuan, a sword spirit appeared.

He said in a deep voice: Homemade swordsmanship, anti-sky sword,

The first sword, cut the wind.

A flash of sword light, a huge sword spirit, penetrated the world, headed forward, and chopped the past,

The black storm was chopped and kept shaking

Then, it was torn apart relentlessly.

The owner of Youfeng Church, before he could escape, was split in half.

The second sword, the polar star.

Lin Xuan stabbed with a sword, as if turned into the most shining starlight, colliding with the meteor hammer,

Chen Tian's voice came.

The meteor hammer was pierced by a sword, and the Lord of the Demons made a miserable cry, and its tail was cut.

The whole person was crucified in the void.

The third sword, flying moon.

Lin Xuan swept across the air, in front of him, into half a month.

The law condenses on it, the power against the sky, fast rotation,

The sword and the dark moon came, and when they met, the mountains and rivers changed color.

The sky is falling apart, and the entire dark moon world is split relentlessly,

Lord of the Dark Moon, was cut off by Jian Qi.

The body of the two halves is miserable.

The fourth sword, broken soul.

The sound dropped, but Jianqi was not seen.

At the moment everyone was trembling, the soul-sounding master screamed, holding his head,

His soul was split.

This last sword has no meaning.


Four swords, severely injured four main lobby owners,

Countless people stunned: These four masters ~ ~ are all eight crowns

The four together, why can't they help each other?

The sword air in Lin Xuan's hand disappeared, but in his eyes, a touch of light emerged.

Against the sky, this is the case.


This is Lin Xuan's own swordsmanship, which he called the Anti-Sky Swordmanship,

Unlike Qiankun swordsmanship,

Qiankun swordsmanship, all flowers and trees are swords.

The Sky Sword is different,

Against the sky, the sword's advantage has been brought into full play, Dalong Soul's advantages, in order to break.

What kind of magical magical method does the opponent use, he uses the same magical magical method,

Go back with more terror,

This is the anti-sword technique.


After seriously wounding the main lobby of the Fourth Hall, Lin Xuan kept on attacking again.

This time, the power of the sword is Qian Kun sword,

Everything in the world is a sword, and the broken weapon turns into a terrible sword light.

The strong through the dark hall,

The blood of the sky turned into the sword of blood evil, pierced the master of Darkmoon Hall.

The surrounding storm turned into a sword of storm and killed the people of Youfengtang,

The distant mountain peaks, the falling stones, also turned into megalithic swords, joined the battle,

The whole world seems to become a peerless sword formation,

Everything can be transformed into sword spirit and used by Lin Xuan.

Is this guy still human?

Damn, how could it be so powerful?

No, they are really crazy.

Would you like to retreat?

Someone can't help but they can't resist at all,

The main lobby of the fourth lobby was injured and his face was ugly.

They got together and talked to each other,

The owner of the dark moon said: Don't worry, there is still one person who has not shot.

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