Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5746: The universe is shocked!

In the vast universe, blood rain falls,

Lin Xuan and others, their faces changed, they felt that a huge breath was coming quickly,

It's the emperor that comes, hurry up.

They hurried away,

At this time, Lin Xuan swallowed the sky with the body of half a frog, and then took it away.

This is the body of the emperor, which contains endless power, and he will never give up.

After doing this, he ripped open the void and left,

The next moment, a white cricket plume chopped down and shattered the world.

The White Feather Emperor came, and he yelled wildly: Damn, who? Who is it?

Is it really dead?

He probed with the soul of the emperor and found that half of the frogs were really killed.

A half emperor, did he die like this?

He felt creepy,

What terrible existence is hidden in this universe?

This breath is the great emperor Bai Yu,

It is worthy of being an emperor-level figure. His soul is so powerful and feels a lot of horror.

At the same time, he also felt that the breath of the three little ants and the three quasi-perfect emperors were here.

These three quasi-empires, even the emperor's defense, could not be broken. How could they appear in this place?

No matter what, they must know something, grab them to search the soul,

A fierce light erupted in the eyes of Emperor Bai Yu. With a wave of his hand, a picture formed in front,

Then, he collected the breath of four people into the picture,

The next moment, the scrolls are overwhelming, covering the entire universe,

From the scroll, four figures emerged, which were Lin Xuan, the dark red Shenlong, Xiaobai, and the toad.

Wu Zhe in the universe looked up again: What happened? Where is this portrait?

The cold voice of Emperor Bai Yu passed over: Whoever caught these four people, I passed on his great power.


The news sounded like a sky mine in the universe,

Countless people are crazy, their eyes are red, and the emperor is supernatural.

They all want it, especially those quasi-empires, one by one preparing for action, this is a rare opportunity.

However, there are still some people who are stunned, such as those of the demons,

They exclaimed: This is Lin Gongzi. How did Lin Gong offend, an emperor?

Those of the Dragon clan are also exclaimed: Dragon God, Dragon God, he is still alive, great.

Their relationship with Lin Xuan is complicated,

On the one hand, they should be hostile to each other like Long Xiaotian,

However, Lin Xuan was rescued. The ancient strong of the Dragons had kindness to them.

So they do n’t want each other to die,

Now, when I see them again, I am naturally happy,

However, soon they were worried again, Lin Xuan offended a great emperor, and the situation was not good.

This guy is really a ghost, so he won't die. Long You hummed coldly,

Long Xiaotian, too, squinting his eyes, his brows frowned tightly: Is it possible that this kid has nothing to do with the fall of the emperor?

Father, what's going on? The nine emperors also came to Xia Emperor to make an inquiry,

Because all this happened before is really weird,

Xia Huang frowned, wrinkled tightly,

This little guy is probably related to the fall of the former emperor,

The nine emperor said: He won't do it?

As soon as this word came out, the other princes also took a breath.

impossible? The five princes shook their heads crazy: what kind of existence does the emperor have? Even if it is 10,000 Nine Crowns, attack,

It ’s impossible, it hurts the emperor,

This guy is not a nine-time champion, how could he behead the emperor?

However, no matter what they say, those quasi-empires in the universe have already begun to act,

They want to catch Lin Xuan.

In the vast universe, a black vortex comes up and down, in this vortex,

Lin Xuan and others have entered the world of swords,

In order to escape, the Emperor's investigation, so came in,

After he came in, Lin Xuan put the canister on the ground.

With a wave of his hand, the corpse of the emperor emerged from the devouring pot.

A towering, blood-smelling breath,

The dark red dragon has a frown, and a strong resentment, I'm afraid we can hardly absorb it.


Lin Xuan also nodded. The power of the emperor contained real immortality. They wanted to absorb it directly.

In addition, the resentment carried by these half frogs now,

They are even more afraid to absorb it,

However, it will not waste it,

He said: Although it cannot be absorbed, it can provide strength and can be fully revived in the future, the Great Dragon Soul, or the ultimate weapon.

This is a super energy.

Toad said: I want to try.

He was really too excited,

This half of the frog is also a species with him, so the toad really wants to try it.

Lin Xuan said: Very dangerous.

Toad said: This is my only chance.

Boy, you have a bad hand against the sky, and you are so talented that you become the emperor, no problem.

But we are different.

Even in this era of immortal soil, it is difficult to become an emperor.

There is such a frog here,

I do n’t absorb it.

Although dangerous, I am willing to try it.

Ok. Lin Xuan nodded: try it, but remember that life is the most important.


Don't worry, boy, I won't find it by myself. Said Toad.

Next, the toad started, trying to absorb the power of this half frog,

Lin Xuan, they recovered a little strength, and then came out,

After coming out, his little face turned black,

Because he also saw that the picture in the universe ~ ~ was the four of them,

It seems that many people are already working on their ideas.

Next, I'm afraid it will be endless fighting.

Let me see, who dares to come? Dark Red Dragon, snorted,

Now he is also the seventh crown lord, and he is very close to the eight crown prince.

Maybe, I can persist in fighting and break through the seven crowns.

There was an explosion of light in his eyes.

Lin Xuan said: Do n’t need to do anything, let the news go out. I'd like to see.

The news he said is naturally the news that they beheaded the emperor,

As soon as the news came out, it was estimated that those prospective emperors would be frightened.

Soon, Lin Xuan and they spread the news.

All of a sudden, people in the universe learned that

what did you say? These four people killed the emperor. This is impossible. Who are they?

At most, they are only quasi-empires. How can they behead the emperor?

Others said: I see, it is possible, after all, now another emperor is hunting them down,

At this time, who would dare admit to killing the emperor,

However, the four of them dared,

This shows that four of them have enough hole cards,

Some quasi-empires had scalp numbness and beheaded the existence of the great emperor.

So they immediately gave up,

Of course, some people do n’t believe it.

They have to see for themselves.

Finally, they found Lin Xuan and wanted to see Lin Xuan's strength with their own eyes.

Of course the price is going to hell.

In the universe, more than a dozen quasi-perfect emperors gathered together, and they shot at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan used his sword to destroy all of them.

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