Inverse Sword God

Chapter 5773: Where have all the memories gone?

[Book Name: Chapter 5864 of the Inverse Sword God's Body, Where Have All of It Goed? Author: fresh sword]

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Hearing Lin Xuan's words, those people of the Dragon family looked blank,

The three dragons, however, showed a painful expression.

This made Lin Xuan very confused. Why isn't it a pity expression? But pain?

The light of reincarnation in his eyes bloomed, and soon he understood: Long Xiaotian is really cruel enough to give you the soul seal.

Now, Lin Xuan knows why 100,000 years ago, the news of Dragon God was not heard.

It turned out to be Long Xiaotian and sealed the soul. Some weak ones directly wiped the soul.

Even the dragon generals around him and their souls were sealed, and they did not remember the dragon gods at all.

Only Long Xiaotian and Long You, the two remembered.

But what about that? Let me open it today, your dusty memories,

Six reincarnation, the hand of heaven, open it to me.

Reincarnation eyes in the sky, blooming mysterious power, terrible soul breath, suppressing the world,

The souls of all, feel the tremendous oppression, it is terrible,

This forest is invincible, not only strong in body, but also terrible in soul,

The three dragons, their souls were oppressed, and their faces changed.

Then, from the reincarnation eyes, several palms appeared, grasping the souls of the three dragon generals, trying to break the seal of the other party,

The three dragons, roaring crazy, they are resisting,

And Dragon You in the sky changed his face: Damn, how dare you?

She was really angry, she didn't allow it, and the story of Dragon God came out.

So she took it out with one palm,

God, the Queen of Dragons has taken it upon themselves. But what is the strength of the Dragon Emperor woman?

That Lin is invincible.

Countless exclamations sounded.

Lin Xuan held the sword in his hand and cut it out with one sword.

The sound of gurgling sounded, the horrible sword air blocked the palm of the opponent, Lin Xuan was shaken with blood,

Long You was even more surprised: the other party was able to block it.

But what about that?

She was completely angry, and her pair of embroidered hands had the power to sweep thousands of troops and flew out of it.

Fairy Law, Dragon Seal!

The sound of cold drinking sounded, and the endless immortal method broke out.

Long Xiaotian walks on the Immortal Road, so Long You's cultivation is naturally also the Immortal Method.

That handprint, like a mountain, grows large in the air,

At the same time, they are connected to the stars in the sky and become mysterious, like a pillar of light, which is pressed down.

Anti-Sky Fist.

Lin Xuan performed the inverse fist, and then, relying on the power of Jiuyang's body, hit the sky!

The fire of the sun collided with the light of the stars.

An earth-shattering breath erupted.

After the blow, all those around them retreated.

In the sky, the five gate owners frowned tightly,

what happened?


Is it so difficult to extinct?

The time of the half-Ayaka has passed. Although some people have fallen from the League of God, there seems to be more falling from them

In addition, the number of strongmen in the League of God is really too much, completely beyond their expectations.

Those in other worlds are even more shocked,

When did the League of God become so powerful?

Just then, a scream sounded,

It turned out that Lin Xuan blocked the attack of Long You,

On the other side, continue to use reincarnation to attack the three dragon generals,

Ripped their souls, and finally, some seals, some long-seal memories, poured into the minds of the three dragons,

Make them crazy.

They are miserable.

hateful. Long You's face changed, and in the eyebrows, a very sharp killing intention emerged.

In her hand, a faucet crutch appeared, waving it fiercely, extremely terrifying, cold and cold, emerged,

Drowned Lin Xuan,

However, Lin Xuan wields the sword, Qiankun is the sword, and the power of the Xianxian sword makes the sword technique to tear up the cold breath directly.

Subsequently, the big dragon sword soul roared, one sword was cut out, and the dragon-shaped sword qi illuminated the eternity, as if the sword was invincible.

Chopped over towards Long You.

Long You, using a dragon cane to block, but the cane was split in half.

She kept backing, her blood rolling.

Damn, the sharp blade in this man's hand is terrible.

She looked at the five main gatekeepers and said, "I haven't done it yet."

The five masters frowned, but at this time, the master of Tianyang came over.

He also desperately wanted to kill each other.

Want to join forces? Huh, I'm not afraid of everything.

Lin Xuan snorted to the extreme,

Punch the Quartet,

Tianyangmen is also practicing the sun, so Lin Xuan must use the Jiuyang deity to fight against it.

you wanna die.

The master of Tianyang, took a photo of Tianyang's fingerprints.

On the other side, Long You killed again, and cast a variety of immortals. The combination of the two was extremely powerful.

Everyone was Lin Xuan again, worried.

However, their worries were obviously futile. Lin Xuan used a peerless sword to fight against Long You.

Fight against the Tianyangmen tribe with the Jiuyang deity.

At the same time, he also used the reincarnation eye to continue attacking the souls of the three dragon generals.

Lin Wudi was able to attack the dragon general with one-on-two, even though he did not fall into the downwind.

He's terrible. What realm has he reached?

The madness of Dragon Youqi,

The master of Tianyang is also shocked: your physique, is it possible, is the legendary Jiuyang deity?

He also had envy in his eyes,

This **** body is what he yearns for.

Kill you, I want to get Jiuyang magic,

If they cooperate with the Jiuyang deity, they will perform to the extreme.

Therefore, he must get this kind of physique.

Immortal law, Tianyang came.

He condensed in succession, millions of suns appeared in the sky, and they came down together,

The whole piece of void is constantly broken,

Everyone feels despair. What kind of despair is this?

Lin Xuan was roaring: Jiuyang opened the sky.

With a punch, there is the power to open the sky,

His physique directly smashed millions of suns.

The master of Tianyang was also punched through with a punch,

Big mouth vomiting blood ~ ~ A blood hole appeared in his body, half kneeling in the void,

how is this possible? You have broken my skills.

court death.

Long You was also angry. I didn't expect that the two would join forces and couldn't take each other.

He slammed the Wanlong chart,

The void was broken and countless people all flew out. At this moment, everyone felt creepy.

Extreme weapon.

It seems that Long You is completely angry.

Lin Xuan also broke out.

Black swirls,

Swallowing the sky, blocking the breath of the extreme,

He is in the sky, confronting Long You,

He laughed coldly: What? It looks like you are angry,

What secret are you afraid of coming out?

Can't let them know about the dragon god?

Boy, I don't know what is the relationship between you and Dragon God?

However, this matter is not something you can manage. This is the decision of the Dragon Emperor. Do you want to offend an emperor?

Is the emperor great? Lin Xuan sneered: Give me some time, I will surpass the emperor.

His eyes are full of self-confidence,

Of course, in Long You's view, it's just a crazy dream.

She frantically urged Wanlong Tu,

However, Lin Xuan is still not afraid,

Lin Xuan owns the sword world. He has more power under his control than Long You.

Therefore, even if only half of the tank is swallowed, it can resist the Wanlong diagram.

Do n’t you start? The dragon glanced at the other hosts,

Those doorkeepers frowned tightly, and they were ready to join forces to kill Lin Xuan,

Can't let this person grow up anymore.

Do it.

At this moment, the five main gate owners came forward together,

(End of this chapter)

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